Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.19577857   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Matt Gaetz Calls For Repatriation Of Money Sent To Ukraine

Bannons War Room==



Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19577877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8411

Matt Gaetz: “Kevin McCarthy Would Never Put Anything Above His Own Power And Ambition”This CR is just a virtue signal! McCarthy attacks Victoria Sparkz because she criticized McCarthy!


Bannons War Room




What to heck is wrong with Byron Donalds?

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19577927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7948

The “Rational” CR Deal | Matt Gaetz Demands Pre-COVID Spending And More From January Deal. With a 33 Trillion dollar debt, Donald’s program adds another 2 Trillion dollars annually in debt in perpetuity



Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, noon No.19577948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Must listen to understand what RINOs will do to destroy all citizens, forever. Call your House Reps, the more the call the better. They have to vote NAY on the CR on Thursday am. If they don’t vote NAY then they need to be primaried!

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19577975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mitch Miller - When Johnny Comes Marching Home (HD)

America Via Mitch Miller


It truly feels like a real shift is happening, do anons feel it?

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19577984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7992 >>8085 >>8607 >>8652

19 Sep, 2023 17:22

Tara Reade: Russell Brand rape allegations are the return of the MeToo political zombie


If crimes were committed, they must be investigated and brought before court – but not the biased court of establishment media

Recently, actor and comedian Russell Brand has used his celebrity status and his internet-based show to lift up independent-minded people like US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He questioned the US and NATO involvement in the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, as well as the mainstream media narrative on Covid-19.


The establishment neoliberals were having none of it. They turned their laser-guided coordinated attacks on Brand, and now he is facing cancelation, MeToo style. He’s been accused of rape and abuse by several women, and as a result has lost his YouTube ad revenue, has had his live shows canceled, has been dropped by his publisher, and has had shows featuring him removed from the BBC’s video-on-demand service, among other things.


MeToo started out with a valiant goal, as a movement to empower women to speak out about sexual abuse where they had previously felt pressured into silence. All too quickly it got co-opted by political agendas, becoming a Democrat-backed hashtag used to attack and shut down those who disagree with the establishment narrative. It appears to have faded into relative obscurity since its roaring peak, and this zombie-like return of this style of cancelation comes off as both tiresome and disingenuous.


I should know for two reasons: I worked for Democrats, and I was raped by one. The Democrat I was raped by at work is now the president of the United States. There was no investigation into Joe Biden for what he did to me that day, but rather a coordinated attack on me across social media and establishment media alike that lasted years. It destroyed my professional and personal life. The MeToo movement was nowhere to be found for me because the founder of Time’s Up, the primary organization that supported the movement, was on Biden’s payroll. Truth never stood a chance. Even when I came close to testifying before Congress, the DNC machine went full throttle at me, and then there was the part where I had to seek asylum in another country to avoid prosecution or violence. Now, I never expected instant justice. But I never got the justice of even an investigation into him.


I know what it’s like to have the narrative be locked and loaded for your complete destruction, and now so does Russell Brand.


The facts on his alleged actions are murky and many of the accusers are anonymous. To date, no criminal charges, investigation, or civil cases have been filed. Just a blurry news program of innuendos latched onto by lap-dog Western media. The allegations against him were brought by Channel 4 Dispatches in a program called ‘Russell Brand: In Plain Sight’ and The Times. The allegations include rape and manipulation. As the news of the journalistic investigation spread, two shows dropped their episodes featuring Brand, and in only a few days, the trial by media had instigated his complete cancelation. Cases involving sexual misconduct, especially when they are about someone famous, are always a headline grabber.


That said, sexual assault and rape are difficult to publicly discuss. On a psychological level, rape is not about sex but power. On a legal level, the issue that swirls around any allegations of sexual assault is consent. Was there consent or not? It seems like a simple enough question, but when it comes to arguing legal definitions, it can get much more complicated, especially when you throw things like capacity to consent and withdrawal of consent into the mix. And then there’s the political level.


Rape is a highly politicized issue in the US and the West in general, and no one can politicize it better than the Democrats. When a woman comes forward, her reputation often gets attacked, be it by slut-shaming or through allegations of fishing for attention. The MeToo mantra ‘believe all women’, when co-opted by the Democrat political agenda, is applied very selectively, and it becomes very easy to dismiss a politically inconvenient accuser by destroying her reputation. The accusations themselves then become a tool to deplatform or silence chosen targets.


If Russell Brand is innocent, he faces a long road to prove it – in a court of law, if it comes to that, but also in the court of public opinion. And in the latter case, Brand’s image may never fully recover.


The questions that need to be asked when discussing the allegations against Brand are their curious timing – his alleged misconduct dates back a decade, but came to light soon after he started speaking out against the establishment narrative on Ukraine – and how the same neoliberals Brand has always been critical of are now leading and boosting the charge against him.

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.19578014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19 Sep, 2023 15:42

Use prisoners for electricity – Ukrainian MP

Sergey Grivko has proposed the idea for parliamentary consideration, suggesting inmates could have their sentences shortened


Ukrainian lawmaker Sergey Grivko has suggested using the country’s prison population as a source of electricity. According to the MP from the ruling Servant of the People party,inmates could use bicycle generators in exchange for shortened jail terms.


In a Facebook post, Grivko revealed that he had “one of my creative bills registered” for consideration by the country’s parliament, TASS reported on Tuesday. He explained that he was aiming to “motivate 50,000 inmates to generate electricity with the help of bicycle generators.”


The lawmaker suggested rewarding prisoners by shortening their terms by one month each year.


The unconventional plan would prove to Ukrainian society that alternative ways exist of “filling the country’s power grid,” he claimed. Grivko also suggested that gyms could double up as power generation facilities.


Last month, the head of the Ukrainian national power company Ukrenergo, Vladimir Kudritsky, warned that it would be impossible to repair all the facilities damaged during the conflict with Russia before the advent of cold weather.He estimated that anywhere between a third and a half of the country's generation facilities have been destroyed by Russian strikes.


The Ukrainian media has quoted energy sector representatives as predicting massive power outages in the coming winter, even in the absence of renewed strikes by Moscow. They have cited the nation’s already battered grid, which will be entering the cold season in much worse shape than last year.


(Kek, no electricity no drones or war! Brilliant!)

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 12:24 p.m. No.19578037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8085 >>8607 >>8652

19 Sep, 2023 14:17

Ukraine will get Abrams tanks soon – Pentagon

The 70-ton American vehicles are due to arrive in the coming days


The first batch of American-made M1 Abrams main battle tanks “will be entering Ukraine soon,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters on Tuesday. An anonymous military official told AFP that deliveries will begin within days.


“I’m … pleased to announce that the M1 Abrams tanks that the United States had previously committed to will be entering Ukraine soon,” Austin said at a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Germany.


This panel of nearly 50 countries has met 15 times since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began last February, with each meeting followed by fresh pledges of military aid from America and its allies.


Citing ananonymousUS military official, the AFP news agency reported that the first Abrams tanks will arrive in Ukraine in the coming days, with the process to be completed within weeks.


The tanks will be equipped withdepleted uranium shells, a toxic ammunition whose use has been condemned by the United Nations.


Kiev has requested these flagship American tanks since last year, but Washington has hesitated on handing them over. Back in January, Pentagon officials told the Washington Post that the Abrams tanks consumed too much fuel and were too unreliable for the Ukrainian military to make effective use of them.


After claiming that it would take more than a year to equip Kiev with the latest M1A2 variant of the tank, Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder said in March that older M1A1 models would be repaired in Germany and shipped to Ukraine before the end of 2023. Media reports in recent weeks suggested that 31 M1A1 models would be delivered by fall.


Thetanks will arrive immediately before the end of fighting season in Ukraine, meaning their impact on the current frontline will likely be minor. Last week, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told the BBC that Kiev had “about 30 to 45 days’ worth of fighting weather left,” before mud and rain would prevent large-scale battlefield maneuvers.


Even in favorable conditions, the Ukrainian military has not managed to achieve its summer objective of splitting the Russian front in two in Zaporozhye Region.Instead, Kiev has lost more than 70,000 men, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In exchange, Ukraine has captured only a handful of small villages in the region, while losing dozens of Western-supplied tanks and armored vehicles.


(The last dying breath of a dying regime!)

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19578064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8067 >>8085 >>8129 >>8607 >>8608 >>8652

19 Sep, 2023 11:19

EU reacts to Ukraine's grain lawsuit

Agriculture commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski says the bloc will take appropriate measures in response to Kiev's WTO complaint

European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski has said he was surprised by Ukraine’s decision to file a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The three EU states broke ranks with Brussels by refusing to lift embargoes on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products.


I was quite surprised that Ukraine chose this path, given the enormous efforts that the Member States have made so far,” said Wojciechowski, speaking at a press conference in Brussels on Monday.


He said that it would be “very easy” to show that Kiev had not suffered any damage to its grain export volumes, adding that despite the embargo by the three EU states, Ukraine’s grain shipments have increased.


Nevertheless, the commissioner stressed that he hopes the EU and Ukraine will be able to resolve the issue “through dialogue and mutual agreement” and that he remains “optimistic” that such dialogue will take place. He also noted that Brussels does not currently intend to introduce any sanctions against the countries that have retained import bans on Ukrainian grain.


Wojciechowski’s comments come after Kiev announced on Monday that it will sue Poland, Hungary and Slovakia in the WTO over their unilateral grain bans, and in turn, will consider retaliatory trade restrictions.


The three countries chose to keep their embargoes in place despite Brussels opting to lift restrictions on Ukrainian wheat, maize, rapeseed and sunflower shipments last week. Officials in Budapest, Warsaw and Bratislava have argued that cheap Ukrainian agricultural products undercut domestic prices and threaten the livelihoods of local farmers.


Kiev, however, has warned thatit will sue any EU country that decides to ban its grainin contravention of decisions made in Brussels. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has stressed that it is “important to make sure European unity works on a bilateral level” and that “neighbors support Ukraine” in the conflict with Russia. (Is their grain a bioweapon?)


(The EU fed this beast, how can they be shocked when the beast is unhappy they won’t feed it more?)

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 12:40 p.m. No.19578101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19 Sep, 2023 13:45

Russia boosting hypersonic missile production – Rostec

Moscow has utilized the Kinzhal missile, believed to be able to —penetrate any existing air defenses, in its conflict with Kiev


Russia’s Rostec has ramped up the production of hypersonic Kinzhal (Dagger) missiles, the defense conglomerate’s industrial director Bekhan Ozdoev has revealed. He added that the amount of other types of military hardware and munitions being churned out has also increased dramatically.


On Tuesday, Interfax quoted Ozdoev as saying that the figures for certain munitions haverisen up to ten-fold. He noted that “among other things, the production of missiles for the ‘Kinzhal,’ ‘Iskander,’ and ‘Pantsir’ systems, aerial bombs, artillery and tank shells is being ramped up.”


According to Ozdoev, Russian defense manufacturers are making more and more tanks, armored vehicles and multiple launch rocket systems. The director added that there are also plans to increase the production of military drones, with work ongoing on the development of guided artillery munitions.


Back in July, Rostec deputy CEO Vladimir Artyakov said that the state-owned company had “moved to serial production in earnest” of Kinzhal missiles, which had previously been limited by a need to “fully complete the research and development.”


“So, whatever the Defense Ministry asks of us, we do that with quality and deliver the quantities it requires,” Artyakov said at the time.


The Kinzhal has been in service with the Russian military since 2017. The missile can travel at a speed of up to Mach 12 (around 14,800 kph), while constantly performing evasive maneuvers, which is believed to allow it to penetrate any existing air defenses.


Russia has made use of Kinzhals on a number of occasions during its conflict with Ukraine.


Kiev has claimed that US-supplied Patriot batteries are capable of intercepting Russian hypersonic missiles, and have done so more than once.


The Russian defense ministry, in turn, has said that the number of intercepts alleged by Ukraine is higher than the number of such missiles actually fired by Moscow’s forces during the conflict.

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19578129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8538 >>8607 >>8652


19 Sep, 2023 13:28

Another EU nation snubs cheap Ukrainian grain

The shipments are welcome to pass through but not stay, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has said


Zagreb has informed Kiev that it hasno wish to expose domestic farmers to competition from Ukrainian grain, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has told local media. His comments come amid the escalating spat over protectionism between Ukraine and some of its EU neighbors.


“Croatia’s stance and desire is that we are a transit country, not a country receiving enormous amounts ofUkrainian grain that is cheaper than ours, which would mean our farmers are in trouble,” Plenkovic said, as quoted by the Croatian News Agency on Monday.


He was commenting on the unfolding standoff over the decision by three of Ukraine’s neighbors to impose bans on imports of Ukrainian grain. A previous restriction approved by the EU expired last Friday, but Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia chose to unilaterally extend the ban. In response, Kiev has filed a complaint against them with the World Trade Organization.


Romania, which was one of the five EU nations that pushed for the temporary import ban, has indicated that it would also reimpose the restrictions if Ukrainian grain threatened its market again. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that he has struck a gentlemen’s agreement with Kiev that “not a single gram of grain” would be imported into his country from Ukraine.


Bulgaria, the fifth country subject to the now-lifted prohibition, said that Kiev had promised that its exports would not cause trouble again.


When asked by journalists whether Croatia could follow the example of Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia, Plenkovic stressed his nation’s transit role. Ukrainian grain flows through the country, using Croatian ports on the Danube River and the Adriatic Sea, he noted.


The route through the Danube became more important for Kiev after Russia revoked security guarantees for civilian maritime vessels heading to and from Ukraine through the Black Sea when it pulled out of the Türkiye- and UN-mediated grain deal in July. The route is more profitable than hauling goods via the EU.


(This is another example of how the EU will not tolerate the Mafia in Kiev any longer.)

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 1:03 p.m. No.19578227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8254

A house in the Yalta region of Crimea, Russia, where the former apartment of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is located © Max Vetrov; RIA Novosti



18 Sep, 2023 19:15

Seized Zelensky home could become anti-Nazi museum

A Crimean MP suggested that such a move could serve as a “vaccination against Nazism”


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s former apartment in Crimea could be turned into a museum dedicated to the fight against Nazism, according to a proposal put forward by the head of the Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov.


Speaking on the TV channel Rossiya 24, the politician claimed that such a move would be a good way to “vaccinate against Nazism for centuries to come” and serve as a warning as to what can happen to “schemers who pushed it too far.“


Konstantinov explained that it was unlikely that the property would ever be purchased by a regular family since “no normal person could live there” asit would be akin to “purchasing Hitler’s apartment.


He admitted, however, that the property, despite its ties to the Ukrainian leader and the subsequent hype around it, is not really a noteworthy asset for Zelensky. “This asset is perhaps more symbolic for him than actually valuable,” Konstantinov said, noting that while it could seem significant for the average person a billionaire would not find the property to be anything special.


The proposal comes after the Crimean parliament leader announced that some 100 nationalized properties formerly owned by Ukrainian oligarchs, businessmen, and politicians who have direct ties to the Kiev government or have become “unfriendly to Russia” would be auctioned off in the near future. Earlier this year, Konstantinov announced thatover 700 such propertieshad been nationalized by the regional authorities.


Konstantinov also noted in a Telegram post on Saturday that eight of these estates have already been sold off to the tune of over 800 million rubles ($8.3 million) and stated that the Crimean counter-terrorism commission will continue to uncover assets belonging to Ukrainian oligarchs.


“We will not allow these people who sponsor the murder of Russian people and support the terrorist Kiev regime to make money off our residents. And then we will transfer the properties to new, decent owners,”Konstantinov wrote.


Crimea broke away from Ukraine after the Western-backed Maidan coup in Kiev in 2014. The peninsula held a public referendum where residents overwhelmingly voted to become a part of Russia. Kiev and its Western backers have continued to deny the legitimacy of that referendum and insist that the peninsula remains a part of Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 1:58 p.m. No.19578572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8577

Maybe This Latest Blatant Ballot Box Stuffing Scandal Will Be the Last Straw

Athena Thorne.1/2

Whether it’s because they have no fear of consequence or because they really are that stupid, Democrat operatives regularly stuff ballot boxes in full view of cameras. The pattern is nauseatingly familiar at this point: First, Big Left’s candidate comes from behind to win an election with a handful of mail-in or absentee votes. Then, video, sworn testimony, and/or official complaints of ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing emerge. The matter is referred to law enforcement, which opens an investigation.


And then … nothing.


In the film “2000 Mules,” rampant ballot harvesting — which is illegal in Georgia, one of the states featured in the film — was documented. The matter was referred to Ga. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, whose office launched an investigation. “If Georgia’s investigation into organized ballot harvesting leads to actual arrests and punishment, it will be a great day for America,” I wrote at the time. “We are all weary of lengthy investigations that go nowhere and accomplish nothing, but perhaps this time will be different.”


LOL, it was no different. Raffensberger declined to proceed without one of the film’s producers, election integrity non-profit True the Vote, giving up the name of a confidential source, which they refused to do. One source— out of the mountains of data and evidence the group provided — was the excuse for halting the investigation. The last I heard, Raffensberger’s office was suing True the Vote. Meanwhile, more elections have occurred in the district without any arrests or serious addressing of the problem.


In Oct. of 2022, I reported on mind-boggling allegations of illegal ballot harvesting in Florida’s Orlando metro area:


[Florida’s new Office of Election Crimes and Security (OECS)]’s investigation was launched after Cynthia Harris, a former candidate for Orange County Commissioner, filed a sworn affidavit with the Florida Secretary of State’s office. In her affidavit, Harris described a long-standing, systemic ballot-harvesting operation in the Orlando area’s African-American communities. On Wednesday night, Harris appeared on Just the News, No Noise to discuss the electoral exploitation of black communities that she says has been going on for years.


Harris (who is also black) not only swore out an affidavit, but she had previously recorded and reported ballot harvesters in her neighborhood and retained their materials to show to law enforcement. The matter went to the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for a criminal investigation. I check in with their public information officers regularly to see what progress has been made. But a year after they took the case, the FDLE still has no comment because — you guessed it — the matter remains under investigation. Meanwhile, the contentious 2022 election came and went, and we are less than two months out from Election Day 2023, with no enforcement action against the Orlando ballot harvesting machine.


Now a new video is making waves in Connecticut, and once again, I’m hoping that this is finally the last straw that forces an actual enforcement action.


Bridgeport, Conn., is a run-down, post-industrial town on the coast of Long Island Sound. Like most cities, it has beautiful historical neighborhoods and some noteworthy cultural venues but has long been captured by Democrats and suffers from corruption. The current mayor, Joe Ganim, has been in office since 1991. A felon, Ganim went on a seven-year hiatus beginning in 2003 to serve time in a federal correctional institution after being convicted of a slew of corruption charges. But in December 2015, he was sworn back into the mayor’s office….

Anonymous ID: c2245c Sept. 19, 2023, 1:59 p.m. No.19578577   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Ganim is currently running for reelection to his eighth term as Bridgeport mayor. One week ago, in the Democrat mayoral primary, he eked out a win over challenger John Gomes by 251 votes. A few days later,the Gomes campaign released a video showing a Ganim supporter making numerous pre-dawn trips to the ballot boxoutside the Bridgeport government center:


The CT Mirror reports:


The video, which was posted to the Gomes campaign Facebook page, shows a woman dropping stacks of papers into an absentee ballot box outside the government center in Bridgeport, where the city’s registrar of voters office is located.


The Gomes campaign alleges that the video shows Wanda Geter-Pataky, a Ganim supporter, dropping off stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the primary.


The Mirror notes that Geter-Pataky is “one of three individuals the SEEC recommended for criminal charges following an investigation into complaints about absentee ballot handling in Ganim’s tight 2019 primary against Sen. Marilyn Moore.” Yet here she is on the video, free and fearless, doing her thing.


“So what?” you say. “Who cares who the mayor is in some backward blue city?”


In Connecticut, Bridgeport has long been one of those cities that Democrat state-wide candidates can rely upon for “midnight magic” — those last-minute miraculous discoveries of boxes of uncounted ballots that put them over the top in an election. It’s so bad that, in 2012, an infuriating video made the rounds in which then-Mayor Bill Finch joked around with Democrat candidate (now U.S. Senator) Chris Murphy about securing his win over Republican rival Linda McMahon. “Always, always,” Finch can be heard saying of his city. “We may be a couple days late, but you can be guaranteed you’re going to get the votes.”


In fact, Senate races can be very close in Connecticut, and a small number of ballots can change the outcome. So, yeah — what happens in corrupt cities can determine who an entire state sends to Washington, and thus it affects every American.


But the interesting thing about the last two cases I mentioned — Orlando and Bridgeport — is that the complainants are of the same party as the “winners” for whom the harvesters work. And they are tired of getting screwed in the primaries because they aren’t the machine’s preferred candidate.


Maybe — just maybe — John Gomes will be the one who finally insists on election integrity and gets the ball rolling back toward trustworthy elections!


… Or maybe not. From the CT Mirror:


The Connecticut Post reported on Saturday that the Bridgeport Police Department had opened an investigation into the actions depicted in the video footage and a parallel investigation into how the Gomes campaign came into possession of the footage (emphasis added).