Wrong bread #
If I was the parent of these girls and "Q" shared this picture online, on hatechan no less, I would be outraged. These girls go to school? They have friends? Adults are going to the ER for wearing a MAGA hat, but let's post a pic of these girls. Brilliant!
But hey, some parents will do anything for Twitter likes, including jeopardizing their children's safety.
This is not a game
Go ahead and post pics of your kids wearing MAGA hats and Q shirts. Better yet, send them to an antifa rally while wearing them
Still waiting for a response other than "faggot" or "filtered."
You sound like a dumbfuck
I actually think you're the shill. So there it is.
Unwise, unpractical, and unjust statement. Q won't even reveal himself.
You can't call a Q-initiated topic a slide you moron.
True, but for Q to post that pic was over the line for me. I questioned Q on it, and there was no response. What are we fighting here for anyway? Popularity? The pic seemed contrary to the spirit of things. Post some adults jumping up and down in Q shirts, cool, but not kids.
You might say I'm over-reacting. Well, I think Q is under-reacting to the bullshit that still plagues us. Last I heard antifa and Podesta were still strolling the town, so I don't want my kids on 8chan.
Well, then damn the stupid parents, and then I wonder why Q in his brilliance would support it.
Perhaps, but the problem, I think, is that if you walk the sidewalk or mall and ask people about Q, you'll be met with stares. Compound that with the difficulty of making it mainstream due to highly ambiguous Q drops, Q's anonymity, blue pill IG reports, and the MSM, and I think we should focus on the adults getting on board, not the kids.