Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.19583589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3623 >>3889 >>3929 >>3938 >>3941 >>3962 >>3984 >>4009 >>4121 >>4210 >>4235

California City Plans to Grant Illegal Immigrants the Right to Vote


The Santa Ana City Council in Orange County, California, is revisiting a contentious proposal: granting noncitizens, including illegal immigrants, the right to vote in municipal elections.


During a recent city council meeting, the topic took center stage, with Councilmember Jonathan Hernandez advocating for the proposal, KTLA reported.


“I do believe that noncitizen voting in local elections is about increasing civic engagement,” Hernandez told KTLA. “Taxation without representation is a value that America holds dear. So we want to advance those rights. I believe that non-citizen voting is a step in the right direction.”


Santa Ana is the second largest city in Orange County and is located 35 miles south of Los Angeles. According to the Vera Institute of Justice in New York, there are 153,900 immigrants reside in Santa Ana, or 46 percent of the total population. 102,000 non-citizens residing in Santa Ana are potentially at risk of deportation.


Meanwhile, 10.7 million immigrants reside in crime-ridden California, or 27 percent of the total population. 5.3 million non-citizens residing in California are potentially at risk of deportation.


Not everyone agrees with this perspective on allowing illegal aliens the right to vote. Critics argue that allowing noncitizens to vote dilutes the value of American citizenship.


More from KTLA:


“If we start allowing noncitizens to vote, even if they’re here legally, we dilute the value of being an American citizen,” said Monica, a local resident.


“I came here legally as a naturalized citizen,” said an O.C. resident identified only as GD. “I had to wait five years and I took the oath for this country. I swore an allegiance to this country, to the Constitution and to the laws. I believe the citizens should be the ones to have the right and the privilege to vote.”


Some who attended the meeting criticized those who were against the measure.


“I love when we have extreme right-wing folks show up to tell you what you shouldn’t do because throughout history we have always had those folks denying the right to vote to many people of color,” said Carlos Perea, a Santa Ana resident.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.19583606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3628 >>3889 >>3921 >>3929 >>3938 >>3941 >>3962 >>3984 >>4009 >>4121 >>4147 >>4210 >>4235

Donald Trump Jr.’s X-Twitter Account Hacked – Posts Several Disturbing and Bizarre Messages Including One Falsely Announcing President Trump’s Death UPDATE: Trump Jr. Responds


Some sick person hacked President Trump’s eldest son’s X (formerly Twitter) account this morning and posted several bizarre and disturbing messages, including one falsely announcing President Trump had died.


The news was first reported by the New York Post.


The first message was sent at 8:25 AM ET, where the account “announced” the 45th President had died and Trump. Jr would be running in his place.


I’m sad to announce, my father Donald Trump has passed away. I will be running for president in 2024

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19583616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3647 >>3889 >>3929 >>3938 >>3941 >>3962 >>3984 >>3987 >>4009 >>4121 >>4210 >>4235

The Receipts: How the WHO, Gates and Blackrock Want to Take Over the World


Op-Ed: Largely unnoticed by the public, the World Health Organization (WHO) is working to significantly expand its powers and usurp far-reaching control through the back door. Alternative for Germany Deputy Chair in the Bundestag Beatrix von Storch reveals the US billionaires behind it and who bought whom.


The WHO is currently working on a comprehensive initiative for pandemic prevention, which includes a Pandemic Treaty and changes to health regulations. These are expected to be decided by no later than May of next year. It’s important to understand that the pandemic treaty is only part of the problem. More dangerous are the changes to international health regulations. While the Pandemic Treaty must be ratified as new international law, the changes to international health rules automatically apply to every WHO member unless they explicitly opt out.


Rockefeller, Gates & Bloomberg Foundations Control Global Health


The powerful players in global health are not elected governments, but three private foundations: the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Bloomberg Philanthropies. Among these, the Rockefeller Foundation, endowed with $5 billion, is by far the smallest, but also the oldest of the three. The Gates Foundation has an endowment of $40 billion US dollars, and Bloomberg Philanthropies has $50 billion.


These foundations are not only closely linked to the World Health Organization, but also to Big Pharma and Big Finance, as well as the research sector. They combine investment, research funding, political lobbying, policy advising, and of course, public relations.


Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg have been working together for decades. An important stage of their cooperation was the informal gathering of billionaires at Rockefeller University in 2009. The meeting, reported by NBC, was organized by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bloomberg was already the Mayor of New York at that time.


Johns Hopkins University also involved


Bloomberg joined the “Giving Pledge” campaign initiated by Gates, encouraging his like-minded super-rich friends to invest in projects together. The collaboration between Bloomberg and Gates became concrete with the launch of an international anti-smoking campaign that aimed to change legislation in many countries.


The President of the Rockefeller Foundation is Dr. Rajiv J. Shah. Before taking the helm of the Rockefeller Foundation, he worked at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He was responsible for exploring new funding opportunities for the foundation’s immunization program, aiming to “reshape the global vaccine industry” with it.


Operating within this network as a sort of colossal think tank is Johns Hopkins University. The university’s motto is telling: “When ambition meets opportunity, anything is possible.” Johns Hopkins University houses the “Bloomberg School of Public Health.” Within it is the “Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health.” The total sum of donations from Bloomberg to the university amounts to $3.5 billion, while the Gates Foundation has donated $1.5 billion. Additionally, Johns Hopkins University is part of a network of 25 universities and research institutions that cooperate with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer in the “Pfizer’s Center for Therapeutic Innovation” (CTI) network.


One of the network’s focal points is the development of RNA vaccines. During the Covid pandemic, Johns Hopkins University gained significance through the “Coronavirus Resource Center,” which allegedly provided real-time infection data, forming the data-based foundation for justifying many COVID-19 measures.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19583634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3648 >>3889 >>3929 >>3938 >>3941 >>3962 >>3984 >>3987 >>4009 >>4115 >>4121 >>4210 >>4213 >>4235 >>4310 >>4350

‘Whose kids? Our kids!’ LGBT Radicals Claim Ownership of Children


Marxist LGBT radicals in Canada have made their intentions very clear…


Marxist LGBT radicals in Toronto claimed ownership of other people’s children as they marched against parental rights and for the mass LGBT indoctrination of kids, shouting “Whose kids? Our kids!” as they counter-demonstrated groups of parents who’ve taken to the streets nationwide to march in defense of their children’s innocence.


Canadians all over the country have poured into the streets to hold coordinated marches on behalf of the family unit and the rights of children and their parents, as they stand up against government-sponsored indoctrination into LGBTism which, like in America but to an even greater extent, has engulfed Canadian schools and the everyday lives of kids.

CANADA: 6-Year-Olds Taught There’s ‘No Such Thing as Girls and Boys’


The pro-family marches have been hashtagged on social media as “#1MillionMarch4Children” and have been met by radical left-wing counter-demonstrators, as well as with derision from Canadian politicians, who have made it abundantly clear that they stand on the side of child groomers and LGBT radicals who openly endorse communism.


As mentioned, Canadian politicians have jumped into the ongoing marches on the side of LGBT radicals who are openly campaigning to castrate other people’s children.


In Ottawa, the nation’s capital, left-wing Mayor Mark Sutcliffe posted to X as the marches got underway so that he could “condemn” the parents and place himself firmly in the camp of LGBT Marxists.


“I stand with Ottawa’s 2SLGBTQIA+ community,” Sutcliffe wrote, using Canada’s official elongated abbreviation for LGBTism, which includes numerous other letters, including a plus sign which, among other things, is widely known to provide a tip of the hat to pedophiles, who are often described as the “silent P” of the LGBT movement.


“Please know that you are valued and are always welcome here,” wrote Sutcliffe to the “2SLGBTQIA+ community”.


Also in Ottawa, and just outside the office of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left-wing politician Jagmeet Singh, who is widely known for donning Sikh religious headgear during Canadian government proceedings, joined in with the counter-demonstrators standing against parental rights.


Taking on more the form of left-wing enforcers than of legitimate counter-demonstrators, Singh’s group had formed what’s been described as a “defensive picket line around Justin Trudeau’s office,” for the apparent purpose of stopping Canadian parents from appealing directly to their Prime Minister in protest form.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:22 a.m. No.19583646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3929 >>3938 >>3941 >>3962 >>3984 >>4009 >>4121 >>4210 >>4235

Musk’s Neuralink to Start Human Trials of Brain Implant for Paralysis Patients


Elon Musk’s neurotechnology company Neuralink has received approval from an independent review board and hospital to begin recruiting for the first ever human trials of its brain implant for paralysis patients.


In a press release, Neuralink said it has begun recruiting patients with quadriplegia owing to cervical spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) for the clinical trial.


The trial, known as the Precise Robotically Implanted Brain-Computer Interface study, or PRIME study, will use a robot to surgically place a wireless brain-computer interface (BCI) implant in a region of the brain that controls movement intention.


Once in place, the implant is “cosmetically invisible” and will “record and transmit brain signals wirelessly to an app that decodes movement intention,” Neuralink said.


San Francisco-based Neuralink, which was co-founded by Musk in 2016, aims to build “the first neural implant that will let you control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go,” according to its website.


The upcoming trial, which is expected to take roughly six years to complete, will test the safety and initial effectiveness of the implant that will allow participants to control a computer cursor or keyboard using just their thoughts.


Neuralink’s study in humans is being conducted under the investigational device exemption (IDE) after it was granted approval from the Food and Drug Administration in May.


The company began testing brain implants in animals back in 2019, and in 2020 successfully implanted artificial intelligence microchips in the brain of a pig named Gertie.


Concerns Over Animal Research


In April 2021, the startup published a video showing Pager, a 9-year-old macaque, playing computer games through a neural implant that was inserted into the monkey’s brain.


However, the company has also raised concerns over its animal research.


In February this year, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced it was investigating the company over allegations of potential illegal movement of hazardous pathogens.


According to the department, Neuralink may have transported potentially dangerous pathogens when removing the chips from monkeys’ brains without implementing proper measures to contain them.


The implants may have carried infectious diseases in violation of federal law.


Separately, Reuters reported that Neuralink is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Office of Inspector General over potential violations of the Animal Welfare Act.


Mr. Musk has previously said that monkeys used by the company in animal trials enjoy doing the tasks and are happy and that Neuralink “cares about animal welfare” amid concerns from animal rights groups.


According to a Neuralink brochure (pdf), the human trial will consist of a primary study, BCI research sessions, and a long-term follow-up. Participants will have nine at-home and in-person clinic visits for the first 18 months and will be asked to take part in the research sessions twice a week for one hour for the duration of the study. They will also need to complete 20 long-term follow-ups over five years.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:25 a.m. No.19583664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3906

Ukraine’s Transgender Spokesperson Suspended by Military, Zelensky Claims No Knowledge, as U.S. Citizen Journalist Still Remains Behind Bars in Ukraine


The Ukrainian military has announced that it has suspended controversial transgender spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo for allegedly making unapproved statements on social media; however, there have been no updates from the Ukrainians or the Biden administration on the fate of an American citizen journalist currently imprisoned in Ukraine.


Following a row sparked by inquiries initiated by Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), as reported by Breitbart News, the Command of the Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) announced on Wednesday that Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, an American transgender individual, has been suspended from the role of spokesperson.


On social media, the TDF said: “The statements of (Junior Seargant) Ashton-Cirillo in recent days were not approved by the command of the TDF or the command of the AFU. When conducting military operations against the aggressor, the defense forces of Ukraine strictly observe the norms of international humanitarian law.


“The command of the TDF will conduct an official investigation into the circumstances of these statements. Appropriate decisions would be taken. Sergeant Sarah Ashton-Cirillo will be suspended immediately pending the investigation.”


Following the announcement, a source close to President Volodymyr Zelensky told Breitbart News that Ashton-Cirillo had been appointed to the role without the approval of the president and confirmed the suspension.


It is unclear as to the exact statements Ashton-Cirillo was suspended for. However, as Breitbart News reported, Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance wrote this week to top Biden administration officials demanding information on the American citizen after Ashton-Cirillo posted a video on social media declaring that Ukraine was planning to “hunt down” alleged Russian propagandists.


Following the publication of the contents of the letter by Breitbart, Ashton-Cirillo took to social media again, this time claiming that people who supposedly espouse narratives perceived as being pro-Russian were not entitled to be called journalists, and therefore were undeserving of free speech protections and should be tried as war criminals.


As Breitbart News reported on Tuesday, the U.S. State Department confirmed that the American government is aware that a citizen journalist, known as Gonzalo Lira, is currently in prison in Ukraine. Lira has reportedly been accused by the Ukrainians of having “had a criminal intent aimed at the manufacture, distribution materials containing justification, recognition as legitimate, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which began in 2014, as well as justification, recognition as legitimate of the temporary occupation of part of Ukraine territory.”


Ashton-Cirillo has publicly admitted to being involved in the prosecution of Lira, who is a dual citizen of the United States and Chile. Last week, the transgender spokesperson claimed to have met with Lira while giving testimony in the case, claiming that the YouTuber is in good mental and physical health. Lira has previously claimed to have been tortured and extorted while in prison after being arrested initially in May.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:27 a.m. No.19583687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3938

UK Passes ‘Online Safety Bill’ Creating Vast List of Content Moderation Requirements


The UK has passed its much-debated Online Safety Bill, a titanic piece of internet regulation that has been debated and amended by the country’s Parliament for years.


Nearly 300 pages long, the bill creates a vast list of content moderation requirements for tech companies that wish to operate in the UK. The government’s own estimates show that the bill’s reach will go far beyond the biggest tech titans, with more than 20,000 small businesses likely to be affected.


The UK’s Office of Communications (Ofcom), the country’s equivalent of the FCC, will have the power to levy fines of up to £18 million (roughly $22 million) on non-compliant companies. In some cases, executives may face jail time for non-compliance.


The bill regulates illegal content like child sexual abuse and terrorism, but also goes far beyond it. Companies will face penalties for failing to clamp down on scam ads, “deepfake” pornography, and even for failing to offer users the ability to limit their exposure to “anonymous trolls.”


The bill has undergone several twists and turns in its development. At times, the government sought powers to override encrypted communications, leading to warnings from the encrypted chat apps Signal and Facebook-owned WhatsApp that they may have to quit the country rather than comply. The government eventually backtracked on this measure.


The bills passage was welcomed by Imran Ahmed, head of infamous Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), the organization behind Joe Biden’s “disinformation dozen” smear against critics of COVID-19 policies.


“Too much tragedy has already befallen people in this country because of tech companies’ moral failures,” Ahmed said in a comment reported by the BBC.


Former U.S. State Department official and online freedom campaigner Mike Benz condemned the bill’s passage, saying it would grant too much power to the “sprawling” UK deep state.


“This will probably end up being one of the darkest days we mark in the history of Internet censorship,” said Benz. “The sprawling British State & UK intelligence censorship apparatus constructed over the past 7 years has just been made extremely armed & dangerous.”

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.19583741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3757

'Whole families living in parks': Christian volunteer says homelessness is out of control in Atlanta, even gang members live on streets


A Christian woman who volunteers to feed the homeless says that the number of people who live on the streets of Atlanta has grown exponentially, with entire families, gang members, and prostitutes all seeking assistance.


The woman, named Teresa Hamilton, who goes by the nickname Lady T, has volunteered to feed the homeless in Georgia for over 27 years, but in 2023 she says the situation is worse than ever. Previously, people seeking free meals were mostly limited to those with substance abuse problems, but the volunteer said the demographic has widely grown.


"The numbers are growing. It is a different flavor of homeless people now. Back in the day, it was just some alcoholics or somebody on drugs; now we have whole families living in parks," she told Fox 5 Atlanta.


Lady T and her crew feed approximately 900 people per week, with different groups serving different types of homeless communities. The volunteer sends teams to provide meals to everyone from prostitutes to homeless gang members.


"This is one set of people, and we have three or four other sets of people. We got tent city. We got prostitute lane. We got crack city. And we got gangland," she said. "People don't understand, even though they are in gangs, they are still homeless."


"I have a heart for other people who are less fortunate. We need lots and lots of help. We need lots and lots of volunteers. We need financial support always," she said.


Lady T began working as a volunteer in the mid-1990s after she shut down her successful catering business. The Chicago native said that God spoke to her and she immediately knew she had to shift her focus.


"It was a booming catering business. God woke me up at 2 in the morning and I said, ‘Yes Lord?’ And he said, ‘Feed my people,’ and I shut the catering business down the next day," Hamilton explained.


"She treats me like a human being," said Joel Kirkland, who has been homeless for three months.


Another woman named Tanisha Holcomb told Fox 5 Atlanta that she was robbed of all of her belongings in Cleveland, Ohio, before becoming homeless.


"As far as Miss T, she saved my life," the woman revealed.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.19583766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3929 >>3941 >>3962 >>3984 >>4009 >>4121 >>4210 >>4235

TV personalities accused of heinous crimes against children


A Current Affair can reveal that two TV personalities who have appeared on Channel 7 are accused of committing heinous crimes against children in Queensland.


A 52-year-old woman is accused of eight counts of rape, one sexual assault, 17 counts of indecent treatment of children under 16, two charges of torture, four allegations of assault occasioning bodily harm - two of them whilst armed/in company and two common assault offences.


A 49-year-old man is charged with seven counts of assault occasioning bodily harm.


The man tried everything to keep his case in court secret, with his legal team choosing not to comment when approached outside the Richlands Magistrates Court.


The man's legal team yesterday tried to have his name suppressed, but A Current Affair fought that and won.


However, we still can't tell you who the alleged perpetrators are.


When survivors find the courage to come forward and report their darkest secrets, they don't expect to watch television and see their alleged abusers promoted on national TV.


"It's really not good enough that we have got people who are facing serious charges being celebritised on a television show for commercial purposes," child protection advocate Hetty Johnston said.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19583775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 US soldiers caught with banned drugs in foreign country

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19583781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden admin gives $5 million to fund 'trauma-informed' care program for journalists 'experiencing online harassment'


The Biden administration has approved a $5.7 million grant that will be used to create a "trauma-informed" care program for journalists "experiencing online harassment," the Daily Caller News Foundation reported Monday.


The grant will be awarded by the National Science Foundation to George Washington University's Expert Voices Together program.


The NSF first provided the university with $749,222 for the project in 2021. The university will receive another $5 million in taxpayer dollars to fund the ongoing program through its projected end date in 2024.


According to the program's description, it aims to address "links between two significant problems impacting trust in contemporary communication systems," including the "broad and rapid spread of misinformation" and "abuse and harassment directed at members of expert communities." The program defines "expert communities" as journalists, scientists, and public health officials.


"Misinformation-driven harassment campaigns have particularly large impacts on those at the forefront of efforts to accurately inform the public," the program claimed. It asserted that online "harassment" has undermined confidence and chilled experts' speech.


The university plans to use taxpayer funds to develop the EVT platform, described as a "socio-technical system that provides real-time support to experts experiencing online harassment." The early stages of the program will provide support to journalists "in moments of crisis."


The program will consult scientists, technical specialists, psychologists, civil society, and media representatives to build the program that provides "trauma-informed care" to those "facing online abuse and harassment."


"The system will comprise a secure, rapid-response technical platform, support from trained case managers, and an intervention [toolkit]," it continued. "Tailored to meet the specific needs of each user, the EVT toolkit will offer a menu of options, including: (1) personalized assistance with digital safety and security, (2) support monitoring and reporting abuse, and (3) help identifying and building a community care system."


"Grounded in best practices from trauma-informed care, the community care system in particular is designed to bring together peers, friends, family, colleagues, and mental health care specialists who can provide support for the expert facing online abuse, while also helping to build long-term resilience within social networks, institutions, and society as a whole," it added.


The initial program abstract from 2021 stated that it aimed to place a "particular emphasis on empowering bystanders to act in their aid," referring to expert communities harassed online. The latest description of the program does not mention this focus, the DCNF found.


The outlet reported that the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida, already assisted in launching a pilot program offering small and medium-sized U.S.-based media outlets $5,000 to test the platform.


The program's head researcher and the Poynter Institute did not respond to a request for comment from the DCNF, while the NSF declined to comment on the program.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19583849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Rothschild wrote a book about antisemitic Rothschild conspiracy theories


In ‘Jewish Space Lasers,’ journalist Mike Rothschild – no relation – plumbs 200 years of outlandish and harmful material to try and discover how one family became an unending target


Who runs the world?


If you ask Beyonce, it’s girls. But if you dive into virtually any conspiracy theory floated in the past 200 years, one name consistently emerges: Rothschild.


The once powerful and famous Jewish banking family has featured in practically every antisemitic conspiracy theory in modern times. If they are to be believed (they’re not), the Rothschilds have either caused or profited from every world war, control every central bank, hunt humans for sport, sunk the Titanic, are secret lizard people and, of course, caused COVID.


How did one family become such an enduring target for centuries of cranks, charlatans and crackpots?


Journalist Mike Rothschild – who is, he declares on the front cover, no relation – decided to dig deep into both the family’s history and the plethora of conspiracy theories in his new book, “Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories.”


“Almost all conspiracy theories are rooted in antisemitism, and almost all antisemitism is rooted in conspiracy theories,” writes Rothschild in the introduction to the book. “Jewish people will always be scapegoats for some people, and the Rothschilds are some of the best-known Jews in modern history. In many ways, the story of Rothschild conspiracy theories is the story of modern antisemitism. That is how inseparable they are."

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 12:09 p.m. No.19583940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lawsuit Unearths Link Between Dem Megadonor SBF, Parents, and Democratic Dark Money Behemoth Arabella Advisors


Filings show Allan Bankman discussing Arabella and subsidiaries as vehicles to move money around and obscure its origin


The father of disgraced cryptocurrency kingpin Sam Bankman-Fried sat on the advisory board of the liberal dark money behemoth Arabella Advisors and likely had access to the group’s funds, a federal lawsuit filed against Bankman-Fried’s parents on Tuesday charged.


The lawsuit, filed by Bankman-Fried’s defunct cryptocurrency exchange FTX, cites communications from the elder Bankman in which he discussed having access to Arabella funds. The suit also reveals that FTX had a special arrangement with the largest Arabella affiliate, the New Venture Fund, through which the crypto trading firm and its donors could contribute to "select charitable causes." Sam Bankman-Fried is accused of stealing billions of dollars from FTX customer funds to keep his hedge fund afloat and to donate to political causes.


Though the extent of Allan Joseph Bankman’s involvement in the Arabella advisory board or the level of control he had over the consultancy is unclear, the lawsuit shows the elder Bankman discussing Arabella and its corresponding non-profit, New Venture Fund, as vehicles to move money around and obscure its origin.


Arabella’s network of five nonprofit funds, which do not have to disclose their donors, have spent billions of dollars operating a vast array of left-wing advocacy groups that present themselves to the public as grassroots initiatives.


Arabella spokesman Steve Sampson told the Washington Free Beacon that Bankman "has never had any role at Arabella Advisors."


But the lawsuit cites communications from the elder Bankman in which he discussed routing Arabella funds through his son.


"We considered having funds made available by Sam through Arabella, through our own 501(c)(3), through a foreign entity with a 501(c)(3)-like charter, and through Alameda as a public benefit corporation," Bankman allegedly said in connection with a discussion surrounding gift taxes.


The FTX lawsuit alleges that Allan Joseph Bankman and his wife, Barbara Fried—both Stanford Law professors and major Democratic donors—played a direct role in FTX’s downfall through breaches of fiduciary duties, fraudulent transfers, and unjust enrichment. The lawsuit cited Bankman’s discussions of his son’s partnership with Arabella as proof he had "unfettered access" to FTX’s finances.


"It’s alarming to learn the extent to which Sam Bankman-Fried and his family are clearly tangled in the Left’s dark money web," Americans for Public Trust executive director Caitlin Sutherland said. "It should raise serious questions and scrutiny about SBF’s Washington pay-to-play scheme and how he tried to use the Arabella apparatus to further his ill-gotten influence."


FTX donated $8 million to New Venture Fund on Oct. 8, 2021, according to a July 31 court filing in the firm’s ongoing bankruptcy case. A New Venture Fund spokesperson confirmed that it "worked briefly with FTX Foundation to provide fiscal sponsorship services for some of its grantmaking."


"In early 2022, NVF issued grants from a project affiliated with Mr. Bankman and the FTX Foundation, all of which went to carefully vetted charitable organizations addressing environmental challenges and hunger," the New Venture Fund spokesman said. "This is a pending legal matter, and the remaining money will be returned based on resolution of that process."


New Venture Fund did not say which groups received FTX’s money or how much of the funds remain to be returned.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.19583951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3956

Ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionists meet with Iranian President Raisi at United Nations


President Ebrahim Raisi, commonly known as the "butcher of Tehran," said he's against "oppression," regardless of who commits it.


Members of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta haredi group met with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, according to Iranian media.


"I have heard that there are anti-Zionist Jews here and this is a great thing," said Raisi. "We always reiterate the fact that we have no issue whatsoever with the Jewish faith, with the Torah, and in Iran, the Jews have freedom of religion. Our only issue is with the Zionists."


Raisi stressed that he is against "oppression," regardless of whether it comes from Jews, Christians, or Muslims. "That's why we never recognized the members of ISIS as Muslims."


"Today the Zionists wish to discredit the Jewish faith but we draw a clear distinction between Zionism and the Jewish faith and your work in which you announce that 'we are Jewish, yet we are against Zionists' that is something to be commended," added the Iranian president.


'Iran respects, protects Jewish community'


The members of Neturei Karta who met with Raisi stated during the meeting said: "We found that throughout the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they respected and protected the Jewish community till today and you're only distinguishing that Zionism has nothing to do with the religion and the occupation is unacceptable."


Raisi is often referred to as the "butcher of Tehran" in light of his involvement in the mass execution of thousands of Iranian political prisoners in the 1980s.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 12:27 p.m. No.19584075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4121 >>4125 >>4210 >>4235

Soros foundation buys up 23 Maine newspapers


The National Trust for Local News bought all five of Masthead Maine’s daily newspapers including the Portland Press Herald and the Sun Journal, along with 17 weekly papers.



A number of Maine’s weekly and daily papers have been bought by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.


According to Semafor, Soros and medical device billionaire philanthropist Hansjorg Wyss played a central role in this purchase, giving millions to the National Trust for Local News.


In July, it was announced that the National Trust for Local News bought all five of Masthead Maine’s daily newspapers including the Portland Press Herald and the Sun Journal, along with 17 weekly papers, in partnership with the Maine Journalism Foundation.


A spokesperson for Open Society told Semafor that the foundation was one of National Trust’s financial supporters, but denied funds from the foundation being specified for the purchase.


A spokesperson told the Bangor Daily News that "our grants to date have not included earmarks for specific projects."


"We have supported the National Trust for Local News since 2019, along with many other foundations that value the contribution of long-established and community-rooted newsrooms," the spokesperson said.


The papers, now known under the group name Maine Trust for Local News, does not currently list its supporters, but group CEO Lisa DeSisto said they have a "plan" and "formal protocols" to disclose donations.


According to the Portland Press Herald, National Trust plans to disclose some information about the supporters of the purchase when a local board is formed in September.


Other supporters of the National Trust include the Google News Initiative and the Gates Family Foundation.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 12:39 p.m. No.19584153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Latest U.S. Marshals Operation Nabs More Than 4,400 Fugitives

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 12:43 p.m. No.19584178   🗄️.is 🔗kun

International operation closes down Piilopuoti dark web marketplace


In a significant victory against dark web criminals, the Finnish Customs (Tulli), together with European partners, has successfully taken down the dark web marketplace ‘Piilopuoti’.


Drugs and other illegal commodities were sold in large quantities on this Finnish-language platform which had been operating on the Onion Router (Tor) network since May 2022.


This successful action by the Finnish Customs was supported, among others, by the German Federal Criminal Office (Bundeskriminalamt) and the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau (Lietuvos kriminalinės policijos biuras). Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre coordinated the international activity and provided operational support and technical expertise.


The investigation is still ongoing as law enforcement worldwide work together to identify the sellers and users on the platform.


This successful takedown happened just days ahead of the annual Dark Web Conference which will take place at Europol’s headquarters between 4-5 October. This event, restricted to law enforcement, will bring together over 180 investigators from across the world to discuss the latest criminal trends and developments on the dark web.






Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19584182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HSI Dallas-led operation results in 134 arrests for commercial sex transactions


DALLAS — On Sept. 20, the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Dallas-led North Texas Trafficking Task Force announced the arrests of 134 individuals for the purchase of sex, a felony violation in Texas.


The five-day, multiagency operation ran from Sept. 11 through Sept. 15. It included partners from 15 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies across four cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex to address the growing demand for human trafficking and commercial sex in the area.

“Sex trafficking, and human trafficking as a whole, is one of the fastest growing criminal enterprises in the U.S. Human trafficking organizations often target minors and other marginalized populations because of their vulnerabilities,” said HSI Dallas Special Agent in Charge Lester R. Hayes Jr. “Potential customers who seek commercial sex are often as culpable as those who levy violence to keep their victims entrapped.”


Arrests included two confirmed human traffickers; a nurse at a major medical network in Dallas; four individuals with access to the secure area of DFW airport; four noncitizens with final orders of removal; one pending hire with a major city police department; and one prominent DFW city employee.


Texas is the first state in the country to prosecute sexual solicitation as a felony, which is a substantial step toward curbing the demand for commercial sex.


The operation also resulted in the seizure of marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine and firearms, all of which were turned over to state and local law enforcement agencies.


The law enforcement agencies that participated in the operation included HSI Dallas, the Arlington Police Department, the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office, the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, the Dallas Police Department, the Ellis County Sherriff’s Office, the Grayson County Sheriff’s Department, the Haltom City Police Department, the Lake Worth Police Department, the Midlothian Police Department, the Richland Hills Police Department, the Richardson Police Department, the Tarrant County Human Trafficking Task Force, the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 12:46 p.m. No.19584198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Lieutenant for the Newport News Fire Department Sentenced for Coercion and Enticement of a Child and Receipt of Child Pornography

Anonymous ID: 70de69 Sept. 20, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.19584237   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Meanwhile in Britain: Magistrate Removed After Bringing Nuremberg Code Case Against UK Government


Kaira McCallum, left, was removed from the magistrates' bench after 20 years of exemplary service after submitting a case to the International Criminal Court