Anonymous ID: 0cee37 Sept. 21, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.19589897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0022 >>0043


>King Charles Brands Climate Change World’s Largest ‘Existential Challenge’, Calls for French-UK ‘Sustainability Agreement’


I INTERPRET THIS TO MEAN ALL THE 'CHALLENGES' ((they)) throw in our faces ARE BULLSHIT. Climate change is only one with a tiny bit of truth.


Thus, I say ignore them all!!


>Becoming the first reigning British Monarch in history to speak before the French Senate, King Charles III seemed to break with the tradition of political neutrality that was studiously upheld by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, by declaring global warming the “most existential challenge” facing the world and calling for a partnership between the governments of Britain and France to confront the supposed “crisis”.


>King Charles, a longtime environmental activist, faced questions upon taking the Throne if he would be able to abide by the Royal tradition of avoiding interference in political matters. With his historic address to the French Senate on Tuesday, the British Monarch seemingly demonstrated his intention of continuing to advocate for the leftist green agenda.


>“The challenge facing our planet is both great and grave. These horrifying events have once more demonstrated the fragility of so much that we hold dear. Just as we stand together against military aggression, so must we strive together to protect the world from our most existential challenge of all – that of global warming, climate change and the catastrophic destruction of nature,” the King declared according to the Daily Mail.


>Calling on the governments of France and the UK to join together on the issue, Charles continued: “Let us, therefore, cherish and nurture our entente cordiale (cordial agreement).


>“Let us renew it for future generations so that, I would like to propose, it also becomes an entente pour la durabilite (agreement for sustainability) – in order to tackle the global climate and biodiversity emergency more effectively. Let us stride forward with hope and courage and do so together.”


>It is not the first time that, Charles has made calls for an international approach to the environment. During a 2021 speech at the United Nation’s COP26 summit in Glasgow, the then-Prince of Wales called for the global community to take a “war-like footing” on the issue, arguing that a “vast military-style campaign” was needed to confront the challenges posed by the climate.


>His speech in France came just one day after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that the UK government would scale back some of its green policies in order to take the financial burden off the working families of Britain.


>It also came as the heir to the Throne and Charles’ oldest son, Prince William met with globalist billionaires Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday in New York City. The trio gathered at the elite Plaza Hotel to announce the finalists in the Prince’s third annual ‘Earthot Prize’, which grants £1 million ($1.2 million) to five groups and companies for contributing to supposedly save the planet from climate change.


>“We’ve got to hang onto optimism and hope because it is the biggest driver of change, the biggest driver of innovation,” William said, adding: “There is hope; there are people out there doing incredible things that will have massive impacts on our futures.”

