Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19589798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rupert Murdoch Steps Down as Chairman of Fox News and Fox Corporation


On Thursday, Rupert Murdoch, 92, announced he will step down as chairman of Fox Corporation and Fox News.


Murdoch’s career spanned almost 70 years and he will continue as chair emeritus of both organizations.


Fox News shared Murdoch’s letter to colleagues announcing his decision.


From Fox News:


“I am writing to let you all know that I have decided to transition to the role of Chairman Emeritus at Fox and News,” Murdoch wrote. “For my entire professional life, I have been engaged daily with news and ideas, and that will not change. But the time is right for me to take on different roles, knowing that we have truly talented teams and a passionate, principled leader in Lachlan who will become sole Chairman of both companies. Neither excessive pride nor false humility are admirable qualities. But I am truly proud of what we have achieved collectively through the decades, and I owe much to my colleagues, whose contributions to our success have sometimes been unseen outside the company but are deeply appreciated by me.


“Whether the truck drivers distributing our papers, the cleaners who toil when we have left the office, the assistants who support us or the skilled operators behind the cameras or the computer code, we would be less successful and have less positive impact on society without your day-after-day dedication. Our companies are in robust health, as am I. Our opportunities far exceed our commercial challenges. We have every reason to be optimistic about the coming years – I certainly am, and plan to be here to participate in them.”


Murdoch went on to say the battle over freedom of speech and freedom of thought had never been more intense, and he said his family remained firmly committed to that cause. He criticized both contemptuous elites and the media in “cahoots” with them for pushing narratives rather than seeking the truth.


“In my new role, I can guarantee you that I will be involved every day in the contest of ideas,” he wrote.


Son Lachlan Murdoch, who will become the sole chairman of both companies, shared the following after the announcement:

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19589807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9845 >>9998 >>0160 >>0195

Confronted on Explicit Pornographic Books Offered to Kids, Colorado School District Blocks Libs of TikTok Domain


Chaya Raichik, the creator behind the Twitter account Libs of TikTok, had been anonymous until she was doxed by Taylor Lorenz.


But Lorenz’s attempts to silence Raichik backfired spectacularly and Libs of TikTok has grown to over 2.5 million on X.


Raichik’s page chronicles radical leftists by reposting videos that Liberals publish themselves on social media, often chronicling public school teachers indoctrination of children to a radical leftist agenda.


In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Raichik promised to become even more involved in s fighting the culture war against the types of leftists she regularly exposes with her account.


Recently, a parent in Cherry Creek Schools in Greenwood Village, CO, contacted Libs of TikTok with concern about sexually explicit books available to students.


Several of the books that raised concerns included graphic sexual acts, a lesbian terrorist protesting Christians and a book that depicts sexual abuse and sex acts. The materials are available to elementary school children and one can even be digitally downloaded.


Specific descriptions of the books, as well as graphics, can be seen here. (warning, graphic content)


When Libs of TikTok reached out to the school district to inform them about pornographic materials being offered to children, as young as elementary school, they were they were promptly blocked from communicating with the school.

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:30 a.m. No.19589832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9998 >>0160 >>0195

Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine 'Humanitarian' Aid


But first - a short review. The Clintons, through their foundation, fleeced Haiti to the tune of Billions following the 2010 earthquake which killed an estimated 220,000 people.


Hillary Clinton's State Department pressured Haiti to suppress minimum wage in sweatshops in order to benefit US clothing manufacturers.


Clinton Foundation donors were were handed government contracts to clean up in the aftermath of the earthquake.


Bill Clinton intervened in the jail sentence of Laura Silsby, a convicted child trafficker who attempted to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti.


A former Haitian government official set to expose the Clinton Foundation's misdeeds in Haiti shot himself in the head a week before he was able to testify.


The Clinton Foundation even grifted Haiti's lime industry.


Haiti's former Senate president said Hillary Clinton 'tried to bribe me!'


CGI was shuttered in 2017 after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election and donations mysteriously dried up. It was rebooted in 2022.

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.19589861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9874 >>9998 >>0160 >>0195

Biden Has Relaunched Reagan’s Murderous War Against Nicaragua


When CIA-trained terrorists tried to overthrow the Sandinista government in the 1980s, the left erupted in protest. Now the left is cheering for the CIA.


During the 1980s, the American left was mobilized in opposition to the Reagan administration policy of arming the Nicaraguan Contras—counter-revolutionaries, whose primary purpose was to destabilize the left-wing Sandinista government.


The Sandinistas had led a 1979 revolution against the corrupt Somoza dynasty that had long been backed by the U.S. and won fair elections in 1984 that the U.S. had tried to sabotage.


Idealistic young people during the 1980s protested against U.S. policy and traveled on peace delegations to Nicaragua that displayed solidarity with the Sandinistas who were trying to uplift the Nicaraguan population and build a better society.


Four decades later, the Sandinistas are starting to make good on their pledge. Since they regained power in 2007, they have reduced poverty considerably, ensured Nicaragua’s food sovereignty, cut down illiteracy, and advanced women’s rights.


Much vilified in the U.S., Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega was imprisoned for seven years in the 1970s, during the Sandinistas’ struggle against the Somoza dictatorship, and has popularity ratings that are at least double those of U.S. President Joe Biden.


The New York Times acknowledged that Ortega was especially popular among Nicaragua’s poor who, under his rule “receive housing and other government benefits.”


Under Ortega’s leadership, a poll found that Nicaragua was the country in the world whose people felt most at peace.[1]

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.19589866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9998 >>0160 >>0195

Top DeSantis, ‘Club for Growth’ Backers Are CCP App Investors Working to Prevent U.S. Ban.


Major backers of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign have also been working diligently on Capitol Hill to prevent the U.S. government from banning the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok – a suspected espionage tool. The neoliberal Club for Growth has become a leading voice in Washington, D.C. in opposing a ban or substantive restrictions. The Club for Growth’s opposition efforts appear to be financially fueled, in part, by billionaire Jeff Yass.


In 2012, Yass took a roughly 7 percent stake in ByteDance – TikTok’s Chinese parent company. Valued at $21 billion today, Yass’s ByteDance investment makes up a bulk of his $28 billion net worth. In order to protect the wealth he’s acquired, Yass has leaned heavily on The Club for Growth’s influence among Republican lawmakers. Since 2010, Yass has contributed $61 million the neoliberal advocacy group’s political action committee – just under a quarter of its budget over the same period.


Two of the Club for Growth’s biggest allies in Congress, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), have been outspoken critics of efforts to ban TikTok. Both lawmakers have also received contributions from Yass.


Yass’s effort to protect his Chinese investment extends to the 2024 presidential campaign, as well. The Club for Growth was an early backer of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. A committee supporting the Florida governor’s presidential bid has received nearly $3 million from Yass. In late 2022, when most Republican governors moved to ban TikTok on state government devices, Gov. DeSantis demurred – only finally signing a government device ban in May of this year shortly before announcing his presidential bid. Douglas Leone, whose Sequoia Capital is another major investor TikTok investor, has contributed at least $2 million to the pro-DeSantis SuperPAC Never Back Down.


ByteDance and TikTok’s control by the Chinese Communist Party has been well documented. The social media app’s parent company ByteDance has received significant financial support from the state-owned China Internet Investment Fund. The company has several cooperation agreements with the Chinese Ministry of Public Security and least one ByteDance vice-president, Zhang Fuping, also serves as a committee secretary within the Chinese Communist Party.

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.19589880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9897 >>9908

King Charles Brands Climate Change World’s Largest ‘Existential Challenge’, Calls for French-UK ‘Sustainability Agreement’


Becoming the first reigning British Monarch in history to speak before the French Senate, King Charles III seemed to break with the tradition of political neutrality that was studiously upheld by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, by declaring global warming the “most existential challenge” facing the world and calling for a partnership between the governments of Britain and France to confront the supposed “crisis”.


King Charles, a longtime environmental activist, faced questions upon taking the Throne if he would be able to abide by the Royal tradition of avoiding interference in political matters. With his historic address to the French Senate on Tuesday, the British Monarch seemingly demonstrated his intention of continuing to advocate for the leftist green agenda.


“The challenge facing our planet is both great and grave. These horrifying events have once more demonstrated the fragility of so much that we hold dear. Just as we stand together against military aggression, so must we strive together to protect the world from our most existential challenge of all – that of global warming, climate change and the catastrophic destruction of nature,” the King declared according to the Daily Mail.


Calling on the governments of France and the UK to join together on the issue, Charles continued: “Let us, therefore, cherish and nurture our entente cordiale (cordial agreement).


“Let us renew it for future generations so that, I would like to propose, it also becomes an entente pour la durabilite (agreement for sustainability) – in order to tackle the global climate and biodiversity emergency more effectively. Let us stride forward with hope and courage and do so together.”


It is not the first time that, Charles has made calls for an international approach to the environment. During a 2021 speech at the United Nation’s COP26 summit in Glasgow, the then-Prince of Wales called for the global community to take a “war-like footing” on the issue, arguing that a “vast military-style campaign” was needed to confront the challenges posed by the climate.


His speech in France came just one day after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that the UK government would scale back some of its green policies in order to take the financial burden off the working families of Britain.


It also came as the heir to the Throne and Charles’ oldest son, Prince William met with globalist billionaires Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday in New York City. The trio gathered at the elite Plaza Hotel to announce the finalists in the Prince’s third annual ‘Earthot Prize’, which grants £1 million ($1.2 million) to five groups and companies for contributing to supposedly save the planet from climate change.


“We’ve got to hang onto optimism and hope because it is the biggest driver of change, the biggest driver of innovation,” William said, adding: “There is hope; there are people out there doing incredible things that will have massive impacts on our futures.”

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19589887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9911 >>9998 >>0160 >>0195

Election Interference: Google Search Buried Links to Rumble’s Exclusive Republican Presidential Debate Stream


Google, in the midst of a historic antitrust trial in DC, buried direct links to Rumble, the exclusive distributor of the first RNC debate, in its search engine. In an even bigger antitrust fumble, it placed links to its own video platform, YouTube, ahead of Rumble’s.


Google was well aware that Rumble had exclusive rights to broadcast the Republican presidential debate last month. In internal emails obtained by the Intercept, Google even reached out to the RNC ahead of time, asking about their online live stream plans to “share with the product team.”


Google did ask the RNC to provide a link to Rumble’s debate stream, and on August 14 informed the RNC and Rumble that it needed a link that very day in order to feature the stream at the top of its results.


Generating a link to a livestream nine days in advance is a complicated process, and a Rumble employee requested a call with Google’s representative to clarify what the tech giant needed. Google’s representative did not respond, despite Rumble bumping the email.


The RNC promptly responded, telling Google that the debate would be streamed on Fox News for cable watchers, on Fox Nation for paying subscribers, and on Rumble for the general public, for free.


On the day of the debate, Rumble was nowhere to be found on the first page of Google search results for “GOP debate stream.”


Google owns YouTube, by far and away the dominant platform in online video hosting, and therefore Rumble’s top competitor. Rumble is currently suing Google in California over alleged antitrust violations, arguing that the tech giant is suppressing results for Rumble and other competitors in its search results. The fact that Google failed to display a link to a Rumble-exclusive presidential livestream is unlikely to help the tech giant’s case.


Google, however, insists it was all just a misunderstanding.


“The facts here are very mundane,” a Google representative told the Intercept. “People could easily find information about where to watch the debate in Google Search results. And as part of our ongoing effort to build dedicated features in Search to more prominently showcase events like debates, we reached out to the RNC and Rumble, but unfortunately it didn’t come together in time to test and create the livestream feature. We’ve already worked with the RNC and Rumble to get this feature set up for the next debate, as we would do with any livestream provider.”

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19589898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9998 >>0160 >>0195

7K Migrants Cross into One Texas Border Town in 72 Hours


Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 7,000 migrants during the past three days, according to sources operating within U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This includes the approximately 3,000 migrants crossing on Wednesday morning.


Breitbart Texas traveled to Piedras Negras, Coahuila, on Wednesday to observe migrants making their way from staging areas to the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande. The video shows the mostly Venezuelan migrants making their way through busy streets and into the brush before entering the water to cross to Eagle Pass, Texas.


The steady streams of migrants crossing the Rio Grande continued for several hours, Breitbart Texas observed. By mid-day, Border Patrol agents in Eagle Pass reported apprehending approximately 2,500 migrants, Breitbart Texas reported.


Breitbart’s Cartel Chronicles reported on the trainloads of migrants making their way from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, to Piedras Negras this week. Exclusive photos show the migrants gathering around one of the trains as Mexican authorities temporarily stopped their journey to the Mexican border with Texas. The migrants later resumed their trek to the U.S. border region.


Many of the migrants spoken to by Breitbart said they began their trip from Mexico City. The Government of Mexico issued travel permits that require the migrants to leave Mexico within a certain number of days.

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19589932   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Politicians Encouraging/Harboring Illegals Should Be In Jail


Any Elected Official aiding illegals should go to Prison


SUMMARY: Any and all elected representatives who encourage and/or harbor illegal immigrants are violating United States Code and should be removed from office (with no benefits) and jailed, as per the law.


Especially ANY politician who supports sanctuary cities, counties or states should be in jail:

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19589941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9998 >>0160 >>0195

U.K. Parliament Demands Rumble Demonetize Russell Brand; Rumble Responds


Video streaming platform Rumble went public on Wednesday with a statement, revealing that they had received a letter from the U.K.’s Parliament demanding they demonetize Russell Brand over recent accusations of sexual misconduct — and they had refused to comply.


Rumble published a copy of the letter from Parliament — calling the governing body’s attempt to interfere with free expression on the internet “deeply inappropriate and dangerous” — along with a copy of their response via X.


The letter from Parliament — signed by Dame Caroline Dinenage, Chair of the Culture, Media, and Sport Committee — expressed concern that Brand might continue to make money using Rumble to reach his 1.4 million followers.


“We are also looking at his use of social media, including on Rumble where he issued his preemptive response to the accusations made against hime by The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches,” the letter read. “While we recognise that Rumble is not the creator of the content published by Mr. Brand, we are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform.”


“We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetise his content, including his videos relating to the serious accusations against him. If so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr. Brand’s ability to earn money on the platform,” Parliament’s missive continued.


Rumble’s response opened by calling Parliament’s request “disturbing,” and continued from there.



“While Rumble obviously deplores sexual assault, rape, and all serious crimes, and believes that both alleged victims and the accused are entitled to a full and serious investigation, it is vital to note that recent allegations against Russell Brand have nothing to do with content on Rumble’s platform,” the letter read.


Noting that YouTube had made the decision to demonetize Brand — based solely on the accusations leveled against him — the statement said that Rumble would not do the same.


“Rumble stands for very different values. We have devoted ourselves to the vital cause of defending a free internet — meaning an internet where no one arbitrarily dictates which ideas can or cannot be heard, or which citizens may or may not be entitled to a platform,” the statement continued.


“We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living from doing so,” the statement said, adding that Parliament’s demands were “even more disturbing” because the accusations against Brand had no relation to the content on Rumble. “We don’t agree with the behavior of many Rumble creators, but we refuse to penalize them for actions that have nothing to do with our platform.”

Anonymous ID: 4f2b7e Sept. 21, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.19589966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9998 >>0160 >>0195

Here’s The Authoritative List Of Lies Joe Biden Has Told As President: 250 And Counting