Stay the fucking course.
A good sailor must sail in agitated seas.
Discern the news.
Real anons will not try to push fake news.
Only me, as a joke like…..
Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit!!!!
Watch how fast this nxt posts willbe del:
This 3 clips were del by a comped bv, jew satanist, under soros pay.
so this people are free to speak, in parliament, under a corrupt gov, but in here are del, on a free speech board.
I've rest my case.
and the result is…………..
wait for it……….
just wait for it………..
yes, 70 UIDs.
this is what they're trying to do.
to make people go away!
who the fuck trust them, anyway????????????
where are the JFK files?????????
let's start from there.
then continue w/ who's rocket hit the pentagon, and what it is uranium one about?!
THEN FUCK YOU AND DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like stop building the wall……….
this is enough to stop or encourage the flow???????
but since americans still voted for a criminal like this, you deserve it.
yes, yes, yes.
let's kill the dogs, cats…..
they already did that, w/ cats. turned out amazing.
this planet it is under evil lead, 10x to 'merica.
they love greys and lizards.
stop it.
>Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the news media at the Pentagon
the rest are all lies and crimes against humanity made by a few traitors for their group interest and enslave the humanity.
and as the years go by, the traitors number grow, even that many have no idea………. but they love undeserved money and are "yes man" for the criminals on top.