Anonymous ID: 1be74b Sept. 21, 2023, 2:15 p.m. No.19590789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So, on top of all the other libel, there are still assholes (who should know better) stating that Lin Wood "told people not to vote in the GA. runoffs". ALl the guy has ever said wasFIX it first. VID1

(Copypasta from other posts) Funny how, from colleagues in the Law Profession (SEE MERCER, for starters) to the media — NOBODY could say ONE bad thing about Lin Wood until 2020. Didn’t have a clue as to he is (was never a TV watcher) until his every word was brought to QResearch in 2020. Only due to ANONS' diligence of tracking every detail since 2020, I could fill a fucking bread with all of the lies regarding Lin Wood - of which anons SHOULD KNOW BETTER. He was unrelenting regarding the Election Fraud, then questioning the child sex abusers including ROBERTS/Epstein - does ONE anon NOT question “Roberts”? Then he called out the fucking Uniparty grifters - Q: Just WHAT do most anons believe POTUS was doing on “Election” night, and WHERE? WHAT is the consensus on this board? Above all, Ruby Freeman wonders: ARE GEORGIA’S “ELECTIONS”, with ChinaKemp as "Gov", LEGIT?


Thought anons deemed Patrick Bryne “shady”, to put it nicely? Keep slobbering all over flynn, though! PIC 1, still up UNTIL RECENTLY: Project America: * Cyber Ninjas is the primary contractor selected by the Arizona Senate to perform the Audit. * Cyber Ninjas is leading the most in-depth Election Fraud Audit that has ever been performed.

January 7, 2022 MAGA Audit Fans Turn on Cyber Ninjas After Court Ruling “Cyber Ninjas is shutting down,” spokesperson Rod Thompson told NBC on Thursday. The company had no elections experience … When it finally released its findings this fall, Cyber Ninjas found President Joe Biden did indeed win the election. Cyber Ninjas did rake in the cash over the course of the months-long audit. In July, the company disclosed more than $5.7 million in donations from fans. yahoo:

Sept. 24, 2021, Maricopa County: Draft of Cyber Ninjas election review says Biden won

In fact, Cyber Ninjas concluded that Biden had won 360 more votes than the county had awarded him in the official count. NBC:

Y’all loved LLW until Hunter’s Greatest Admirer (pic3) scored the pathological Liar’s interview before he was even “freed:

We fired him because he was like going on with all this QAnon and election fraud stuff and just stuff we don’t agree with, Rittenhouse stated. NyPost:

Kyle Rittenhouse claimed his former lawyers, Lin Wood and John Pierce prolonged his jail time and gave him bad advice. .. told Carlson they raised over $1million by Sept. 5, 2020, and could have filed to get him released… He was released from jail on Nov. 20, 2020, after his lawyers paid a$2 million bailwith money raised by donors. *


JAN 14, 2021 Kyle Rittenhouse claimed his ex-attorney “set him up” for a photo of him posing with purported members of the Proud Boys and making a hand gesture used by white supremacists. Rittenhouse blasted his former legal team, John Pierce and Lin Wood… “I didn’t know that the OK hand sign was a symbol for white supremacy…” NYPost:

YET - DECEMBER 4, 2020 Controversial Attorney Withdraws From Kyle Rittenhouse Criminal Case, Launches New Fundraising AppealFightBack had been raising money for Rittenhouse's defense until NOV, 2020, when Pierce posted $2 million raised by the foundation to bail the teenager out of jailWith #FightBack apparently out of the fundraising picture (once BAIL WAS MET), Pierce began promoting a new website,… He said another $2.5 million was needed to defend the case and cover Rittenhouse's family living expenses. KSRO/ABC:


Kyle Rittenhouse Tells Another Apparent Lie About Attending College - The acquitted Kenosha shooter said he's going to Texas A&M after falsely claiming he would be attending Arizona State in person… Texas A&M disputed Rittenhouse’s statement ― making it the second university to deny his claims of enrolling as an in-person student. “He has not been admitted as a student this summer or fall,” Texas A&M spokesperson Kelly Brown the Dallas Morning News Rittenhouse asserted in December that he would be attending Arizona State Universty in person in the spring. But the school said he was not only not admitted, but never applied. Huff Post: