Anonymous ID: aa6bc6 Sept. 21, 2023, 12:53 p.m. No.19590332   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Sometimes Bad does Good, sometimes Good does Evil. That is because Bad is Good, in the wrong place.


Corporate opportunists have hijacked

public authority and created an

unnecessary and largely unaccountable

$2 billion bail industry that profits from

trapping people both inside and out of jail,

often for long after their charges with the

courts have been resolved. It may seem

paradoxical to learn that bailโ€”a process

meant to guarantee freedom and fairness

in the criminal justice system for people

who have not been convicted of a crimeโ€”

is being used by corporations in this way.

Yet it happens daily nationwide, typically

with little resistance from the politicians,

judges, and prosecutors sworn to protect

public rights.


The for-profit bail industry has reinforced

and profited from the racially biased

nature of our criminal justice system,

which routinely targets low-income people,

Black people, and other people of color for

reasons that have nothing to do with their

guilt or innocence.


This report exposes how the industry

works, the corporations and enablers in

government that are behind it, who they

impact and the extent of their damage,

the inherent problems with allowing a

for-profit industry to hold the key to the

jailhouse gates, and why this practice of

for-profit money bail must end

Anonymous ID: aa6bc6 Sept. 21, 2023, 1:03 p.m. No.19590395   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The Boss


Retired, they say.

Anonymous ID: aa6bc6 Sept. 21, 2023, 2:07 p.m. No.19590744   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

ATTN Legacy Media shills


The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.


290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America โ€“ MSM media complicity in C_A/pedo cult social subversion operations.


Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.


Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.


Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.


Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.


A Turkish proverb says โ€œNo matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.โ€


Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or โ€œside bandโ€ symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.


Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.