2-AVCO landed near Vienna.
I'm intermittent at the keyboard, have to run around for some IRL things. CatAnon scratched multiple tears in a down comforter and I will have to sew it immediately because its snowing down all over the room.
2-AVCO landed near Vienna.
I'm intermittent at the keyboard, have to run around for some IRL things. CatAnon scratched multiple tears in a down comforter and I will have to sew it immediately because its snowing down all over the room.
Can't ban CatAnon. He's 18 YO and now has a health problem. His "wife" CatAnonette died a few months back. His outside pasture friend died 5 days ago. So I'm his best friend and he gets whatever he wants, up to and including shredding my bed. The crazy things people will do for love….
We don't want a war or conflict.
We want to solve things using love, common sense, persuasion, logic, peaceable tactics.
Some would like to paint us as seeking violent solutions but we do not seek violence. We pray for peace and freedom.