Prior to WW I, we sent the US Army to the border to battle Mexico bad guys. Why not now?
I feel the same but it’s probably due to anticipation of my ex wife’s next text.
I agree, we don’t need the DHS.
For us non hamfags, what’s the buzz right now?
Very unfortunate that he lived.
Biggest TSA freaks I’ve seen so far…Baltimore. Fuckers had neck tattoos, no telling where they find those people.
Reminds me of when women were fainting around him. Prolly actors.
Highly unlikely someone will get rich in DC on $180k a year. These people are sick.
He may just be worn the fuck out, probably the most intense job I need his life.
He never said trust Elvis either. Maybe there’s no reason to.
I read Admiral Morrison was pissed about the USS Liberty. Maybe he spoke out and they took Jim out for it.