Anonymous ID: 817142 Sept. 21, 2023, 4:01 p.m. No.19591440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1484 >>1583


*if needed


which I hear it will go kinetic between military and opposing force. I'm guessing migrants and supposed China invasion as the blow back threat type thing. Rn we are in the process of vilifying biden, obama and hillary so the libtards will get mad at them and want the military to move in also.

Anonymous ID: 817142 Sept. 21, 2023, 4:10 p.m. No.19591498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1511 >>1528 >>1551 >>1570 >>1657 >>1732


They ARE getting better, retard. The only way out is thru and things have to get bad enough for the weakest ones to wake up. They are doing a great reset and it's already fucked up because people are moar prepared for it and in under less fear than if hillary had won. So, yea, it's about to get gruesome BUT they wanted CBDC and we're doing precious metals and not going along with the WHO and this lockdown. We let them do what they plan and then we use it against them. Things aren't better yet and are going to get fuuuuuuuuuucked up (Lahaina is what they want to do to all of the USA, so …it's prolly coming) eventually there are going to be riots and the military will step in. Will take a while for that dust to settle and get people going back to work, etc but then we gradually start using silver coin bc dollar about to collapse by 30% first blow, market anticipated to historically crash by December, n fiat continues to go down while people run away from that currency and switch to US silver coin. I heard we are about to go thru something horrific (but have to in order to get to the other side of it.) We are ready, faggot, the normies may not be, libtards prolly def aren't.

Anonymous ID: 817142 Sept. 21, 2023, 4:34 p.m. No.19591657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1780 >>1788


according to Todd Callender, use of force has already been authorized and they wanted to put us in prison camps, (I poasted about the one that got shut down in NY that the gov is fighting to have it open) and Todd Callender says military was supposed to go door to door and force inject us. I suppose that if we are using it all against them, then they'll go door to door and get the pinkos? idk, but they wanted a brutal martial law for us but supposedly, military moves in, and Trump is currently the CiC (that's why biden is signing extentions or re-signing Trump's EO's, why biden sworn in while Trump was still potus, why Trump did not concede) so military cleans shit up and then restores order til we get a President back in.


I'll go see if I get clip of Todd Callender saying that but meanwhile, vidrel. idk but we'll find out.