Anonymous ID: aceb74 Sept. 21, 2023, 8:23 p.m. No.19593143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3227 >>3236

I believe in Reincarnation and I believe after listening to the Tucker and Paxton video,Paxton was a prophet in the old testament. Now I need to find the most calm prophet with the one that most believed in the issuance and adherence to the LAW of God. At first I would say Moses, but I’m betwixt and between him and Isaiah (except Isaiah us pretty fiery). I would stay on Moses because he tolerated the Jews for 40 years, he begged God not to destroy them, and he delivered the 10 commandments and the laws of the Jews into perpetuity. (BTW his memory of reciting 40 days of God giving him instructions and coming down the moutain after those 40 days knew every cubits of materials to be built in the temple and Tabernacle of the Lord was an unbelievable memory.



“Moses is arguably the best known character from the Old Testament. His story certainly gets more attention than most. The tale of the Exodus also forms the backbone for the next several thousand years of Jewish faith. Without Moses, none of this would have occurred. The Israelites would still be enslaved in Egypt and might have been absorbed into Egyptian society rather than managing to maintain their own culture and language. This would have meant that there was no return to the Promised Land, no Israelite kingdom and no New Testament.”

“In addition to being the leader of the Exodus, Moses was also the one who received and passed on the rules and revelations that would become theJewish Law. The Israelites’ successes and failures to adhere to these laws comprise the vast majority of the Old Testament. The laws also shape the way people in the New Testament think and act. The Mosaic Laws also helped the Jews to maintain a cultural identity despite being scattered across the world and persecuted for centuries. To this day, Moses’ law remains a cornerstone in Jewish culture, faith and Identity.”


My Thoughts:

Now I don’t know if I believe Moses was reincarnated, but he was calm, cool and collected mostly with the Jews. And proven below Jesus and his disciples believed in reincarnation. But he was given the law of God to transmit to the tribes. So Moses matches two of Paxtons virtues, a dedication to the law of the land and not a particularly fiery personality, almost a strictly peaceful man in his speech. Also God said he buried Moses where no man could find.So I’m leaning towards Moses or a son of Moses that received his temperment


The Death and Burial of Moses

So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. And he buried him in the valley in the land of Moab over against Beth-peor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.—Deuteronomy 34:5-6.


Proof that Jesus and his disciples believed in reincarnation

Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah

13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”

14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[d] loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

Anonymous ID: aceb74 Sept. 21, 2023, 8:29 p.m. No.19593183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3209

Fibber – Rupert Murdoch Claims He’s Relinquishing Control to His Son, Lachlan Murdoch


September 21, 2023 | Sundance |

This guy isn’t actually changing anything by announcing he is leaving the board of Fox News Corp and will only serve as chair emeritus. That’s a complete head fake.


Rupert Murdoch will never give up control of the media enterprise he assembled, andLachlan Murdoch is even more entrenched with the ideology of leftism than his father. It is a complete misnomer to look at Ruperts announcement and think he’s handing the baton.


This guy doesn’t give up anything, ever.


Instead, what we see is even more leftist, multinational corporate media nonsense within the media empire the guy created.


Recent examples like the Sunday Times targeting Russell Brand, the Wall Street Journal targeting Ken Paxton, the New York Post doing push-polls to prop up DeSantis, and Fox News doing the passive aggressive thing to support the Never Trump coalition. The bloom is off the ruse, and people can see through these nonsense press releases.


NEW YORK – Fox News executive chair Rupert Murdoch will transition from his role overseeing the Fox Corporation and News Corp boards, he announced Thursday morning.


Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert’s eldest son, will serve as the sole executive at the helm of the media empire, he wrote in a note to the company’s staff. The 92-year-old businessman will stay on as chair emeritus at Fox and News, he said.


[…] “For my entire professional life, I have been engaged with news and ideas, and that will not change,” Murdoch wrote. “But the time is right for me to take on different roles, knowing that we have truly talented teams and a passionate, principled leader in Lachlan.”


Murdoch didn’t further specify the reasons for stepping down, but noted that he’s in good health.


“I am truly proud of what we have achieved collectively through the decades, and I owe much to my colleagues, whose contributions to our success have sometimes been unseen outside the company but are deeply appreciated by me,” he wrote. “In my new role, I can guarantee you that I will be involved every day in the contest of ideas.” (more)


If you want to see his next set of moves, watch the lead up to, and the outcome of, the Reagan Library debate.

Anonymous ID: aceb74 Sept. 21, 2023, 8:33 p.m. No.19593213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3260

Zelenskyy Brings Tin Cup to Congress, House Cool – Senate Warm, American People Frustrated


September 21, 2023 | Sundance |

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the White House and both chambers of congress today, as Joe Biden pledges hundreds of millions more in military weapons.


The House of Representatives has a significant faction of Republicans who are not going along with the demands to continue the bottomless pit of spending; however, in the Senate there are fewer in opposition.



WASHINGTON DC – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Capitol Hill on Thursday seeking more U.S. assistance for the war against Russia — but his full-court press showed no signs of significantly shrinking resistance to further aid among a large bloc of Republicans.


After meetings with both House members and senators, Zelenskyy did not take questions on what — if any — commitments he secured from Speaker Kevin McCarthy on aid for his defense against Russia, or other subjects. Inside Zelenskyy’s huddle with senators, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said the Ukrainian leader received two standing ovations from those gathered to hear his plea for the $24 billion in additional assistance requested by President Joe Biden’s administration. (read more)


It’s a sad situation when we find the White House, and both chambers of congress taking the time to show support for Ukraine while our own borders are in such a state of intentional crisis. Apparently, congress has never heard the term, “charity begins at home.”


WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration announced a new round of military aid for Ukraine as President Volodymyr Zelensky visits Washington, D.C., and meets with top United States government officials.


The assistance, announced on Thursday, will include weapons such as air defense systems, artillery ammunition, anti-armor capabilities, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System rockets for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, and Javelin anti-tank missiles. It will also include controversial cluster munitions, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed. (read more)


Our U.S. government has no problem giving Ukraine cluster munitions to repel invaders….==Our borders, not so much. See the hypocrisy? Blood boiling.••

Anonymous ID: aceb74 Sept. 21, 2023, 9:07 p.m. No.19593423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19591796 Critics Aren't Buying Story Of Why Pilot Ejected From $100 Million F-35 Fighter Jet Before It Crashed—Here's What They're Sayiing…PN


Critics Aren’t Buying Story Of Why Pilot Ejected From $100 Million F-35 Fighter Jet Before It Crashed—Here’s What They’re Saying

by Patty McMurray Sep. 21, 2023


On Sunday afternoon, it was announced an F-35 fighter jet valued at an estimated $100 million was missing.


The US Marine Corps announced that the pilot of the F-35 had safely ejected from the jet but asked for the public’s help in locating the missing $100 million aircraft.


Collin Rugg of Trending Politics shared a video showing the location of the crash. Along with the video, he wrote:


“The debris field of the F-35 jet has been released after it was located in a field in Williamsburg County, South Carolina. The crash site was about 80 miles from Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina. The F-35 fighter jet appeared to run through a group of trees before crashing down in the field.


In 2019, concerns were raised by the Pentagon of the possibility that the F-35 could be hacked.


It’s still unclear what caused the crash…”The identity of the pilot flying the F-35 fighter that crashed in a field in South Carolina has not been revealed, but what has been revealed is his story about why he ejected from the $100 million US Marine jet only moments before it crashed.


A South Carolina couple claims that they saw the F-35 flying over their home just moments before the crash, and according to them, the fighter jet was “inverted.”


“Our kids always give a little salute, so we said, ‘Look at the plane. Oh my gosh, it’s so low,'” Adrian Truluck said. “And it was kind of probably 100 feet above the tree tops and almost going inverted.”


According to the New York Post– the pilot claimed to have lost the plane in the weather — and likely bailed out before he could activate its tracking system, sources and experts said.


“He’s unsure of where his plane crashed, said he just lost it in the weather,” a voice can be heard saying of the pilot on a Charleston County Emergency Medical Services call posted Tuesday by a meteorologist.


The unidentified pilot landed in a North Charleston residential neighborhood and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. ,He has since been discharged.


Unfortunately, very few Americans have much confidence in his story.Here are just a few of the responses to the pilot’s story that appeared with Collin Rugg’s tweet:


Michael Wilson @sirmichaelwill had this to say about the pilot ejecting from the $100 million aircraft because of bad weather:Yeah, this whole story doesn’t add up. What aren’t they telling us?


The response to the pilot’s story by Pedro @ElCapitanTweets is brutal:


He had a higher chance of getting hit my lightning when ejecting.. poor decision making. Doesn’t pass the smell test. He doesn’t need to be back in the cockpit and needs to be behind a desk if a little thunderstorm scares him.




Hank @GCapital_LLC wrote: An F-35, pinnacle of aviation tech, outsmarted by… weather? Either Mother Nature just upgraded, or they truly believe we’ll buy any story they sell. And that pilot’s sense of direction? Probably uses a sun dial in the cockpit.




Mark Sullivan @Sullie870125 wrote:


Keep in mind we are in the era of woke quotas, so unfortunately there is no guarantee the pilot was actually qualified to even fly the aircraft so there’s that


Paul Hookem shared a hilarious image reminding everyone how ludicrous it is that the US Marines were asking for help to find their $100 million fighter


And finally, Lior Sela @liorsela, who claims to only live two hours away from the alleged crash site, had this to say: I don’t buy it. I live 2 hrs away from Charleston, SC and the weather was perfect. Clear skies and sunny


Robert J Kingsbury @RobertJKingsbu1wrote:


The thing was hacked that is why the military grounded all of their planes for a couple of days. They would of never grounded planes because one plane went through bad weather.


What do you think?


“I think it was a Rorschach test on how much the American people have been dumbed down:“The Rorschach test is a projective-psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analyzed using psychologicalinterpretation, complex algorithms, or both. Some psychologists use this test to examine a person'spersonality characteristics and emotional functioning. It has been employed to detect underlying thought disorder, especially in cases where patients are reluctant to describe their thinking processes openly.[4]””

Anonymous ID: aceb74 Sept. 21, 2023, 9:30 p.m. No.19593529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3560

21 Sep, 2023 23:46

Kiev has ‘nothing to show’ for all the money spent – US senator

Josh Hawley said Washington must stop writing checks to Ukraine


The US should not endlessly pour money into Ukraine, especially since Kiev has “nothing to show for it,” Senator Josh Hawley has said, following President Joe Biden’s request for additional funds.


“If there’s some path to victory in Ukraine, I didn’t hear it today. And I also heard thatthere’s going to be no end to the funding requests,” Hawley, a Republican from Missouri, told reporters following a closed-door Senate briefing on the situation in Ukraine on Wednesday. “What we were basically told is ‘Buckle up and get out your checkbook.’”


“It’s American people’s money. They’ve spent $115 billion, and, so far, they have basically nothing to show for it,” the senator said, arguing that Germany and other European allies should “step up to the plate” in terms of aiding Kiev in its conflict with Russia.


Take out Ukraine, insert Iraq or Afghanistan, and you would get exactly what George W. Bush said for years – and other people after him – about why we have to stay indefinitely in those countries and keep spending money indefinitely, with no oversight… It’s the same recycled argument.


Speaking to Fox News on Thursday, Hawley reiterated his position that theUS “shouldn’t be spending a dime more on Ukraine,” and called for an audit of the fund already sent to Kiev.


Biden, who met with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in the White House on Thursday, has been asking Congress to provide an additional $24 billion in aid. “I’m counting on the good judgment of the United States Congress,” Biden said.


White House spokesman John Kirby previously urged legislators not to block the funding, warning that it was “really a critical time” to help Kiev.


US officials vowed to support Ukraine for “as long as it takes.” However, Kiev’s much-anticipated counteroffensive launched in early June has failed to yield any significant victories, as Ukrainian troops struggle to break through fortified Russian positions and thick minefields. The events on the ground prompted NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg to advise Ukraine’s supporters to brace for a prolonged conflict.

Anonymous ID: aceb74 Sept. 21, 2023, 9:32 p.m. No.19593538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

22 Sep, 2023 01:56

TikToker jailed over pork-eating video

An Indonesian woman was found guilty of offending Muslims in a viral video


Mohammad Fadli

A social media influencer from Indonesia has been sentenced to two years in prison for reciting a Muslim prayer before eating pork in a viral video.


Lina Lutfiawati was found guilty of “disseminating information that could foment hatred among individuals and a certain religious community,” the Palembang District Court said in its ruling on Tuesday, according to Jakarta Globe. Lutfiawati was also ordered to pay 250 million Indonesian rupiah ($16,230). The judge said that her sentence would be extended by three months if she fails to pay the fine.


Lutfiawati, known online as Lina Mukherjee, had apologized before the trial began. “I know I was wrong but I really did not expect this punishment,” she told reporters outside the courthouse, as quoted by CNN Indonesia.


Riots erupt in EU country after Quran-burning protest READ MORE Riots erupt in EU country after Quran-burning protest

“No human is perfect. In the future, I will only produce funny content that doesn’t offend people,” she added.


The video that got the influencer in trouble was uploaded in March. Lutfiawati filmed herself saying ‘Bismillah’ (‘In the name of Allah’) before trying pork rinds. The TikToker, who herself identifies as Muslim, said she was “curious” about the taste of pork.


The clip went viral, garnering millions of views, and caught the attention of conservative groups, including the Indonesian Ulema Council, the country’s top Mulsim clerical body, which called the woman’s actions “blasphemous.” Lutfiawati was eventually reported to the police and charged under the country’s blasphemy laws.


Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, where 231 million, or 93% of its adult population, say that their religion is Islam. The current law bans offenses against Indonesia’s six officially recognized religions – Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism, and Confucianism.

Anonymous ID: aceb74 Sept. 21, 2023, 9:38 p.m. No.19593563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Sep, 2023 22:02

Ukraine became a military ‘laboratory’ – senior Pentagon official

The conflict is providing valuable military insight, like Afghanistan or Iraq once did, an aide to the US defense minister believes


Ukraine has become a true “military innovation laboratory,” particularly in thefield of AI and drones, US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans and Capabilities Mara Karlin said at a panel at the Ronald Reagan Institute on Wednesday.

The valuable warfare insight coming from Ukraine is as important as the data harvested by the US military during its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the senior Pentagon official noted.


“There are things that you will learn not in a conflict, say through wargames or tabletop exercises, and then there are other things that one will inevitably learn when there’s a war fight going on,” she explained, while recollecting “how much innovation was happening” when US forces were in Iraq and Afghanistan and how they were “able to take certain things, put them onto the battlefield, figure out how to make certain shifts and apply them.”


Obviously, Ukraine is a laboratory of learning for military innovation. I think, we’ve all seen no shortage of examples.”


Viewing Ukraine as a military “laboratory” of sorts is something that has been expressed not only by Kiev’s overseas backers, but by the country’s leadership as well. For instance, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been advertised as an opportunity for Western arms makers by former Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov.


Kiev’s Western supporters and their defense industry giants “can actually see if their weapons work, how efficiently they work and if they need to be upgraded,” Reznikov told the Financial Times back in July. “For the military industry of the world, you can’t invent a better testing ground.”