Anonymous ID: e8beaa Sept. 22, 2023, 8 a.m. No.19593684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Coggin: Is that rescue dog really a trafficking victim? "


"In June 2020, a Ukrainian International Airlines plane arrived in Toronto, where Canadian authorities found 500 crated purebred puppies. Many were dehydrated and weak, and 38 were dead."

Anonymous ID: e8beaa Sept. 22, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.19593687   🗄️.is 🔗kun



(I had one in the hopper to post, but mine was just saying that Drudge had reported this)


also Brietbart has a story too!

Anonymous ID: e8beaa Sept. 22, 2023, 8:06 a.m. No.19593693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is meant by "single use plastic"

the dictate by Dame Healy (Dictator of Massachusetts) explains it. (Her title is 'Governor, so . . . )

apparently 'single use plastic' refers to water bottles below a certain content amount, according to

Healy's dictate (executive order) concerning this. "bottles measuring under 21 fluid ounces"


"Starting immediately state agencies are prohibited from purchasing any plastic bottles measuring under 21 fluid ounces, except in cases of emergency response or preparedness. "

Anonymous ID: e8beaa Sept. 22, 2023, 8:14 a.m. No.19593700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Biden Names Obama Crony Penny Pritzker to Lead Ukraine’s Economic Recovery"

"Pritzker was also actively involved in Ukraine, where her family is originally from."

doesn't that explain a lot.

and heir to the "Hyatt Hotel fortune"

from the article:

"Pritzker, a close Chicago associate of former President Barack Obama and heiress to the Hyatt hotel fortune, was passed up for a cabinet post after the 2008 election due to her involvement in a subprime mortgage collapse at Superior Bank, which failed in 2001. That was considered a political liability in an administration that promised voters it would fix the mess on Wall Street that had led to a massive recession and ushered Obama into office.

Four years later, when memories of the Wall Street financial collapse had faded somewhat, Pritzker was nominated to be Secretary of Commerce.

In that role, her signature achievement was giving away American control of Internet domain names. Pritzker was also actively involved in Ukraine, where her family is originally from.

It was under her department that the infamous billion-dollar loan guarantees were announced — the money that then-Vice President Biden threatened to withdraw unless Ukraine fired a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden’s company, Burisma.

To date, Pritzker has not been asked, at least in public, what she knew about Biden’s conflict of interest in Ukraine."

Anonymous ID: e8beaa Sept. 22, 2023, 8:17 a.m. No.19593705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Biden Names Obama Crony Penny Pritzker to Lead Ukraine’s Economic Recovery"

"Pritzker was also actively involved in Ukraine, where her family is originally from."

doesn't that explain a lot.

and heir to the "Hyatt Hotel fortune"

from the article:

"Pritzker, a close Chicago associate of former President Barack Obama and heiress to the Hyatt hotel fortune, was passed up for a cabinet post after the 2008 election due to her involvement in a subprime mortgage collapse at Superior Bank, which failed in 2001. That was considered a political liability in an administration that promised voters it would fix the mess on Wall Street that had led to a massive recession and ushered Obama into office.

Four years later, when memories of the Wall Street financial collapse had faded somewhat, Pritzker was nominated to be Secretary of Commerce.

In that role, her signature achievement was giving away American control of Internet domain names. Pritzker was also actively involved in Ukraine, where her family is originally from.

It was under her department that the infamous billion-dollar loan guarantees were announced — the money that then-Vice President Biden threatened to withdraw unless Ukraine fired a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden’s company, Burisma.

To date, Pritzker has not been asked, at least in public, what she knew about Biden’s conflict of interest in Ukraine."

Anonymous ID: e8beaa Sept. 22, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.19593788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ttheir behavior is horrid if this is true.

But it only verifies a lot of things that other people have known for years about why Ukraine is so important to the world-dictator class.

Anonymous ID: e8beaa Sept. 22, 2023, 8:54 a.m. No.19593808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3831 >>3838


your anecdotal observation isn't about 'male/female' anon.

some people, of either gender, are better able to quickly

Work on What has Been Spoiled.

they hop to it when things need to get done.

It's not a gender trait by my observation.

It's a human trait, a blessing, that some have and others seem to be less able in that regard.

of course, it also depends on the health and well being of the person.