Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 9:06 a.m. No.19597931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7941 >>8307 >>8373 >>8470



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Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20,000 people have vanished and 'UFOs' appear

Sightings of UFOs, ghosts and“aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures have been reported in the so-called Alaska triangle – but the area is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances


A mysterious triangle of land in sparsely-populated Alaska offers more sightings of paranormal phenomena than almost any similarly-sized area on Earth.


As well as supposed sightings of triangle UFOs, ghosts and “aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures, the "Alaska Triangle" is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances.


In fact, the History Channel says there are more unsolved missing persons cases in the region than anywhere else on Earth. A new Discovery Channel documentary interviews eyewitnesses of some of the most mysterious and compelling UFO sightings. One, Wes Smith, says the “very strange” triangular objects he saw didn’t move like any known aircraft.


The low-flying mystery craft were totally silent and did not even emitting the tell-tale hum of a drone. “It’s like everything you’ve ever been taught has gone out of the window, because how is that possible?” he asked.


Just over 11 miles from where Wes made his amazing sighting, another Alaska resident, Michael Dillon, caught his own mystery aircraft on camera. A light suddenly popped into existence in the night sky, moving from west to east, before shooting straight up – like the so called Nimitz UFOs – at incredible speed.


“It was very obvious to me that we were not witnessing a natural phenomenon,” Michael added. “For something to change direction at that speed… a human body would be liquified.”


But the mysteries of the Alaska Triangle are not confined to the skies. Since 1970, over 20,000 unexplained disappearances have been recorded in the sparsely-populated patch of land between Anchorage and Juneau in the south to Utqiagvik on the northern coast.


Considering the rugged area’s low population, that figure comes out at well over twice the national average for the US. The disappearances have been blamed on everything from UFO abductions, a flesh-eating Bigfoot-type creature called the Wendigo, and magnetic anomalies that interfere with hikers’ compasses.


Experienced rescue workers sent out to investigate the state’s numerous missing-person incidents have reported hearing phantom sounds, and becoming disorientated and light-headed due to some unknown feature of the desolate Alaskan wilderness.


Whether some unknown physical phenomenon is responsible for the lights in Alaska's night sky remains a mystery. UFO expert Debbie Ziegelmeyer believes that Alaska is ”attractive” to alien visitors because it’s so sparsely populated.


A mysterious triangle of land in sparsely-populated Alaska offers more sightings of paranormal phenomena than almost any similarly-sized area on Earth. And as well as sightings of UFOs, ghosts and“aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures , the Alaska triangle is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances.


“They can pretty much go where they want,” said Debbie, who is the Star Team Investigator for UFO research organisation MUFON. “That’s the attraction of Alaska.”


Rance Lentz, 41, took an interest in UFO research after an eerie alien experience when he was still a schoolboy. But a later career in the US military gave him a fresh insight into the phenomenon.


“There are definitely more sightings when there’s heavy, heavy testing,” he said. “Folks on the tests see different lights… and different things off on the horizon.”


There are claims someone – or something – is attracted by the cutting-edge military technology on show. Some believe that US military officials might know all about the UFO presence on their test ranges.


Hypnotherapist and paranormal researcher Jonny Enoch said there’s “clearly” something strange going on in the "Alaska Triangle". He speculates that senior figures within the US military are secretly in contact with whoever – or whatever – is piloting the mystery craft.


While aliens have been blamed for the disproportionate number of missing persons reports in the Alaska Triangle, some paranormal experts think there could be a quite different explanation.


Cryptozoologist Cliff Barackman says “anything, of any size,” could be hiding in the Alaskan wilderness. “With so much fantastic habitat and so few people to compete with, Sasquatches basically have the run of Alaska”.


Attacks by the huge prehistoric man-beast have been offered as another reason why so many people go missing in Alaska. Of course, the inhospitable terrain, and the unpredictable weather, could be the simplest explanation.


But with so many of those people missing, never to be seen again, it’s undeniable that there is a mystery to be solved in the Alaska Triangle.

Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 9:34 a.m. No.19598018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8026 >>8034 >>8044 >>8072 >>8126 >>8307 >>8373 >>8470


1 of a few


Tortured and raped in a soundproof dungeon as they were slowly starved to death: How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'


Marc Dutroux became Belgium's most infamous criminal through his actions in the mid-90s which saw him kidnap and rape six girls, murdering two of them


WARNING: Contains distressing content


Last year, authorities in Belgium ordered a modest red brick house in the south-west city of Charleroi to be torn down.


For anyone not in-the-know, the destruction of the property - which sat on a street corner yards away from a railway track and a busy flyover - would have seemed wholly unremarkable. Just another old building making way for something new.


But the move had been in the making for more than a quarter of a century, and even to this day, the local community in Charleroi and those affected by the events that unfolded there in the mid-90s are continuing to process their grief.


As of Tuesday, as part of these efforts, anyone passing the site will find a newly-opened memorial: a tree-filled garden surrounded by white walls that are decorated with a mural of a child watching a kite soar into the sky.


Underneath the memorial lies something more sinister: a soundproofed dungeon that was once used to imprison young girls who were tortured and raped by the former owner of the house and Belgium's most notorious criminal, Marc Dutroux.


The memorial is a homage to Dutroux's victims, and at the request of their parents, the basement will remain preserved underneath for potential future investigations that some believe could uncover a wider criminal network.


Dutroux - who to this day still lives in infamy in the minds of the Belgian public - was part of a small group of people found responsible for a horrifying series of murders and kidnappings that shocked not just the country, but the whole of Europe.


His former house was in the Marcinelle suburb of Charleroi, an industrial city of 200,000 people that grew around its coal and steel mining industries, and that straddles both banks of the river Sambre.


The house - and Dutroux himself - first became infamous in August 1996 when he led police to two kidnapped girls who were found cowering in the secret basement after they had been subjected to horrific abuse.


Sabine Dardenne, 12, and Laetitia Delhez, 14, had been abducted separately earlier that year, chained to a bed and repeatedly raped. But as more was learned about Dutroux, it became clear they were fortunate to have been found alive.


It transpired that four more girls - Mélissa Russo and Julie Lejeune, both eight years old, An Marchal, 17, and Eefje Lambrecks, 19 - had also been kidnapped by Dutroux and his accomplices a year earlier. All four died.


School friends Russo and Lejeune were the first to be imprisoned in the house in June 1995. The investigation into Belgium's worst paedophile crimes established that they had been held in the soundproofed basement for months before they died.


Their bodies were found buried in the garden at another property (Dutroux had several), and a postmortem showed they had been starved to death.


Teenagers An Marchal and Eefje Lambrecks were themselves kidnapped and imprisoned in August 1995. They were also raped before they were killed by being buried alive. They were wrapped in plastic, their bodies found a year later.


The details of the horrifying crimes soon came to light, with Dutroux even confessing to having Dardenne and Delhez in his basement, leading police to where they were being kept and ultimately to their rescue.


With the mystery of the missing girls solved, public shock and grief soon turned to fury as it emerged not only had police missed a string of clues, but that Dutroux had been released from jail in 1992 after serving just three years of a 13-year sentence for the abduction and rape of five other girls between 1985 and 1986.

Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.19598026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8034 >>8044 >>8072 >>8307 >>8373 >>8470

>>19598018 1 OF A FEW


2 of a few–


And despite the evidence, it took almost eight years for Dutroux, today aged 66, to be eventually tried and found guilty on charges including the kidnap and rape of the six girls, as well as the murder of the two older teenagers.


The infamous Belgian in 2004 stood trial accused of having abducted, imprisoned, raped, tortured and murdered the girls, holding them in the house in Charleroi and a number of other properties with the help of four accomplices which included his wife Michelle Martin, Michel Lelièvre, Michel Nihoul and Bernard Weinstein.


Nihoul, described as 'a Brussels businessman, pub-owner and familiar face at sex parties' was accused by some - including Dutroux - of being the mastermind behind the kidnappings and abuse operation.


One Belgian senator suggested that Dutroux was a pawn in a much larger game, comments that echoed a number of conspiracy theories that were sparked by the case which suggested the involvement of a larger paedophile ring.


Dutroux, Martin and Lelièvre were found guilty on all charges, but the jury were unable to reach a verdict on Nihoul's role in their crimes, although he was sentenced to five years in prison on drug-related charges.


Weinstein was never tried on account of being murdered by Dutroux.


The case had far-reaching consequences that ultimately led to the complete reorganisation of Belgium's law enforcement agencies following public outcry that saw 300,000 people take to the streets over mishandling of the case.


And while the serial killer was eventually arrested, charged and convicted mystery still surrounds the subsequent deaths of more than 20 potential witnesses, many of whom died in questionable circumstances.


Dutroux's life and criminal history


Dutroux was born in Brussels in November 1956, but spent his early childhood in Burundi, then part of the Belgian Congo, where his father worked as a teacher.


After Burundi gained independence, his family moved back to Belgium, and in 1972 his parents - who he later reported were abusive towards him - separated and divorced.


He worked as an electrician, and married his first wife - Françoise Dubois - with whom he had two children of his own, but the marriage ended in 1983 amid accusations that Dutroux was abusive towards his family. Dubois kept custody of the children.


Dutroux's history of crime dates back to his work as a scrap dealer in the late 1970s, when he supplemented his income by stealing car parts.


From 1979 onwards, he went on to be convicted of a series of petty crimes including assault, drug dealing and trading stolen vehicles, and he would regularly visit ice rinks so he could deliberately bump into girls as an excuse to touch them.


He later went on to be described as a 'first-class schemer' who manipulated the system any way he could as a means to make money, including through health insurance fraud, theft and even investments in stocks.


But two years after his divorce, he took a different path.

Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 9:39 a.m. No.19598034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8307 >>8373 >>8470

>>19598018 1 OF A FEW

>>19598026 2 of a few


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His first proven abduction took place on June 7, 1985 when he kidnapped eleven-year-old Sylvie D. with accomplice Jean van Peteghem.


This was the first of five kidnappings and rapes across 1985 and 1986 that Dutroux was found guilty of, with Peteghem and his then-mistress Michelle Martin also being sentenced after the trio were arrested in February 1987.


Dutroux was handed 13-and-a-half years of prison time, Peteghem six-and-a-half years and Martin five years, with Dutroux receiving a harsher sentence for also committing several robberies with Peteghem.


These included the brutal robbery of a 58-year-old woman.


A third man was identified by one of the five girls - Maria V., 17 - as taking part in her abduction, suggesting there was at least one other accomplice. The man - who she said appeared to be in his 50s - was never identified or found by police.


Despite being jailed for more than 13 years, Dutroux was granted an early release after serving just three years of his sentence, leaving prison in 1992.


His release was granted by Melchior Wathelet, Belgium's then-minister of justice, against the advice of both the public prosecutor and a psychiatrist, who stated the career criminal remained dangerous to the public.


Wathelet, who to this day is a Belgian politician, a member of the Humanist Democratic Centre and former Minister-President of Wallonia (one of Belgium's three regions) - went on to be criticised by famed psychologist David Canter for having 'encouraged the early release of many sex offenders', including Dutroux.


The release of Dutroux led to the European Parliament to call on Wathelet's resignation as an European Court of Justice (ECJ) judge in an unprecedented move.


While he was in prison, Dutroux had also been able to convince a health professional he was mentally ill, and was therefore able to collect public assistance of $1,200 a month from the government, despite owning seven small houses.


Most of the houses were vacant.


He was also prescribed sleeping pills, which he would later use to sedate his victims.


Upon his release in 1992, the serial killer constructed a hidden dungeon in the basement of his house in Marcinelle, Charleroi.


Within three years of his release, he would put the basement to use.

Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 9:41 a.m. No.19598044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8072 >>8307 >>8373 >>8470

>>19598018 1 OF A FEW

>>19598026 2 of a few


3 of a few


The abductions

On June 24, 1995, eight-year-old classmates Julie Lejeune and Mélissa Russo were kidnapped after going for a walk in Grâce-Hollogne, 50 miles from Charleroi.


The case became a national obsession in Belgium. The girls vanished while playing together, with witnesses saying the pair had been laughing and waving at passing cars on a bridge. They were never seen alive again.


Dutroux emerged as the prime suspect, but was not questioned.


Dutroux is believed to have abducted the girls himself, before taking them to his house in Charleroi where he imprisoned them in the dungeon and repeatedly sexually abused them and produced child pornography videos of the abuse.


Despite the national spotlight on the case, Dutroux was active again in August 1995, kidnapping teenagers An Marchal, 17, and Eefje Lambrecks, 19, from Hasselt, in the early hours of August 23. The pair were on their way back to their holiday home in Westende following a night out in Blankenberge when they were abducted.


Because Dutroux already had the eight-year-old girls in his dank basement, he and accomplice Michel Lelièvre - a member of Dutroux's gang and later described as his drug dependent puppet - kept their new victims chained up in a bedroom.


At the time of his arrest, authorities initially believed that the older girls had been forced into sex work in brothels abroad.


But it later emerged that in September, Marchal and Lambrecks had been drugged and taken to another house in Jumet, about 3 miles from the house in Marcinelle.


There, Dutroux and another accomplice Bernard Weinstein killed the teenagers by burying them alive in the garden with plastic over their heads.


When their bodies were exhumed a year later, Marchal was found to have been gagged, her head sealed in a plastic bag with adhesive tape. Her wrists were also bound with tape, and a post-mortem found she had been alive at the time.


Lambrecks's cause of death was less clear, but experts did not rule out asphyxiation. Both were found to be very thin.


Around the time of the murders, Dutroux and Weinstein were reported to the police over a separate incident, a dispute with another two men over a stolen van.


With Weinstein now a wanted man, Dutroux decided to kill him to prevent his own capture. He kidnapped his accomplice and held him in the dungeon for a week, during which he allowed the eight-year-olds to roam around the house freely.


Dutroux drugged Weinstein and tortured him with hose clamps in order to learn where his money - believed to be inheritance from his mother - was hidden, before Dutroux drugged him and buried him alive at another of his properties in Sars-la-Buissière, a village around 12 miles from the centre of Charleroi.


Despite his efforts to cover his tracks, Dutroux was arrested in December for vehicle theft having also been recognised by one of the men.


He was held by police for more than four months.


Accounts differ on what happened to eight-year-olds Lejeune and Russo during this time, who were still in the basement at the time of his arrest.


According to Dutroux and his wife, they were alive, with Dutroux having ordered Martin to leave new food and water for them in the dungeon while he was gone.


However, Martin said she was too afraid to go into the room, and failed to feed them, causing them to eventually starve to death. Dutroux buried their bodies at his property in Sars-la-Buissière, near to where he buried Weinstein.


Later, Dutroux initially told officials that when he returned home from prison on March 20 1996, the girls were still alive, and that Lejeune died that day.

Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 9:46 a.m. No.19598072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8307 >>8373 >>8470

>>19598018 1 OF A FEW


>>19598026 2 of a few


>>19598044 3 of a few


4 of a few / FINAL


Russo died four days later despite his efforts to save her, he claimed in court.


However, experts disputed this, saying the youngsters wouldn't have been able to survive the length of time that their captive was in prison for.


Dutroux's final abductions were of 12-year-old Sabine Dardenne, who he kidnapped as she was cycling to school in Tournai on May 28, 1996, and then of 14-year-old Laëtitia Delhez, who was abducted on August 9, 1996 as she was walking from her local swimming pool in Bertrix.


Dardenne, who was held captive for around 80 days, would later describe how she was imprisoned in the dungeon, starved and repeatedly raped by Dutroux.


When Dardenne met Delhez after she was captured, the newly arrived victim assured her fellow hostage that 'the whole of Belgium' was looking for them.


Dardenne doubted her claims, she later told the court.


But a quick-thinking eyewitness to the abduction of Delhez saw Dutroux's van and was able to identify parts of the licence plate and report it to the police.


This finally led to the arrest of Dutroux - along with Martin and Lelièvre - on August 13, 1996 in connection with kidnapping - four days after Delhez was abducted.


An initial raid of his Charleroi house came up blank, and detectives did not locate the missing girls during two searches.


One of those raids was later described as a 'cursory inspection.'


Perhaps most shockingly, the police ascertained that the children's screams that they could hear in the house were the sounds of other children playing outside.


Two days later his arrest, Dutroux and his wife confessed, before he led police to the basement dungeon. Dardenne and Delhez were rescued.


Dardenne's Stockholm Syndrome had become so intense that she thanked Dutroux when she was rescued by police. 'I thanked him as I left. I thought he had saved us. I must have been out of mind to believe it,' she later told the court.


On August 17, Dutroux led police to his house in Sars-la-Buissière were he directed them to the bodies of Lejeune, Russo and Weinstein.


The two girls' bodies were still chained together. Their bodies were so emaciated their parents were not allowed to see them in order to identify them.


On September 3, the bodies of Marchal and Lambrecks were exhumed in Jumet.



Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 9:55 a.m. No.19598101   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>it needs to be discussed openly,


Tribe members (from reform to ultraorthodox) that I know are revolted by this nonsense.


sometimes people believe their own bullshit (sad)….these two are case and point examples, while they live a decrepit existence….i.e. un-accomplished, directionless and monuments to their own failure(s). Not b/c they lack apparent material goods, but because people who 'create' and 'do' in earnest, don't talk of others in this way much less think of others in this way.


Unfortunate, but "shit" exists in all corners.

Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.19598307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8337



>>19597681 DOUGH

>>19597712 Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador

>>19597779 Trump re-truthed that vid that Q posted..

>>19597781 Mayors National Climate Action Agenda (Maui included in grouping)

>>19597782 Kiev’s counteroffensive unlikely to achieve its goals – US officials to NYT

>>19597792, >>19598017, >>19598053 WATCH: Lenticular Cloud spotted over Cape Town, South Africa (earthquake incoming..?)

>>19597799 South Africa: Using Only Pistols, Local Militia Stops 15 Armed Robbers with AK-47s Who Blew Up Armored Truck

>>19597807 POTATO: In 2020, 55 of the largest corporations paid zero in income tax. Under the law I passed, they'll have to pay a minimum tax of 15%.

>>19597813 “No mas” – Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden

>>19597869 EXCLUSIVE: I'm a former defense official who warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

>>19597912 We are :16 on the clock today - Aliens and "Detraction"

>>19597931 Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20,000 people have vanished and 'UFOs' appear

>>19598018, >>19598026, >>19598034, >>19598044, >>19598072, >>19598126, How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

>>19598022, >>19598172 vid: Rep. Boebert Demands All 15 Individual Appropriations Bill Are Passed Separately, NO CR

>>19598288 vid: Bannon: The DC Cartel Does Not Understand What Rep. Matt Gaetz Is Doing

Anonymous ID: 143430 Sept. 23, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.19598373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8386 >>8388 >>8406 >>8470





#24067 >>19597681

>>19597712 Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador

>>19597779 Trump re-truthed that vid that Q posted..

>>19597781 Mayors National Climate Action Agenda (Maui included in grouping)

>>19597782 Kiev’s counteroffensive unlikely to achieve its goals – US officials to NYT

>>19597792, >>19598017, >>19598053 WATCH: Lenticular Cloud spotted over Cape Town, South Africa (earthquake incoming..?)

>>19597799 South Africa: Using Only Pistols, Local Militia Stops 15 Armed Robbers with AK-47s Who Blew Up Armored Truck

>>19597807 POTATO: In 2020, 55 of the largest corporations paid zero in income tax. Under the law I passed, they'll have to pay a minimum tax of 15%.

>>19597813 “No mas” – Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden

>>19597869 EXCLUSIVE: I'm a former defense official who warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

>>19597912 We are :16 on the clock today - Aliens and "Detraction"

>>19597931 Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20,000 people have vanished and 'UFOs' appear

>>19598018 , >>19598026, >>19598034, >>19598044, >>19598072, >>19598126, How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

>>19598022, >>19598172 vid: Rep. Boebert Demands All 15 Individual Appropriations Bill Are Passed Separately, NO CR

>>19598288 vid: Bannon: The DC Cartel Does Not Understand What Rep. Matt Gaetz Is Doing

>>19598318 John of God Sex Cult Leader pictured with Marina Abramovic.

>>19598325 Here is satanic witch Marina Abramovic dumping real, coagulated blood on a child effigy.

>>19598353 President-elect Donald Trump conceded Tuesday that he probably won’t make good on his campaign pledge to pursue a new criminal investigation into his political rival, Hillary Clinton






Baker / Notetaker, please step up


*if i'm back in a few, i'll take if i don't see action, but can't guarantee…. :-(