Anonymous ID: 9ec55e Sept. 23, 2023, 8:33 a.m. No.19597782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7794 >>8307 >>8373 >>8470

23 Sep, 2023 14:35

Kiev’s counteroffensive unlikely to achieve its goals – US officials to NYT

Ukrainian forces will need to pause in a few weeks to restock and recover after summer fighting, the paper reports, citing sources


Officials in Washington have suggested that Ukraine’s military forces won’t be able to cut Russia’s land bridge to Crimea as part of their counteroffensive or achieve other key goals, the New York Times has reported.


“Some American officials have said that the Ukrainian counteroffensive appears likely to fall short of its strategic goals,” the paper reported in an article on Friday.


Kiev’s forces are struggling to achieve the aim of reaching the Sea of Azov in Russia’s Zaporozhye Region, because the minefields set up by Moscow’s forces, they say, have proven to be “a potent defense,” the Times added.


According to US officials, conducting offensive operations would also soon become even more difficult for Ukraine “as the ground becomes soft and muddy” in the region.


The NYT also said that some in Washington have warned that “within a few weeks, the Ukrainian army will need time to rebuild their stockpile of equipment and to rest forces exhausted by the summer fighting.”


The Ukrainian counteroffensive was launched in early June, although Kiev has so far only reported the capture of a handful of small villages some distance away from the main Russian defense lines. President Vladimir Putin said earlier this month that Ukraine has lost more than 71,000 troops and over 540 tanks since the beginning of summer, while failing to achieve any significant results on the battlefield.


On Friday, President Vladimir Zelensky told journalists in Washington that Kiev “will do everything not to stop during difficult days in autumn with poor weather and in winter.”


Zelensky claimed that Ukraine has a “very, very comprehensive plan” to “de-occupy”Artyomovsk (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine) and two other cities, which he refused to name, in the coming months.


Ukraine suffered huge losses trying to defend Artyomovsk and the strategic city in Donetsk People’s Republic nonetheless fell under Russian control in May, after months of fighting.


The NYT pointed out that US intelligence and military had warned the Zelensky government against spending its manpower and resources in Artyomovsk, suggesting that it would be better focused on operations in Zaporozhye Region. “Some American officials say the fight in [Artyomovsk] has become something of an obsession for Mr Zelensky and his military leaders,” the paper said.

Anonymous ID: 9ec55e Sept. 23, 2023, 8:39 a.m. No.19597813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7833 >>8307 >>8373 >>8470

“No mas” – Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden


September 22, 2023 |

You know things are bad when the Mexican government says they are overwhelmed at their southern border with 10,000 global migrants arriving daily en route to the United States southern border.


The Mexicans are looking for Joe Biden to try and stem the flow; while the White House says, ‘Listen Fats, nothing to see here‘…


(Barrons) – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has requested a bilateral meeting with his US counterpart to discuss the migration crisis that has “overwhelmed” his country, his foreign minister said Friday.


The meeting would occur in Washington when Lopez Obrador attends a summit of Latin American leaders, to be convened by US President Joe Biden on November 3.


Lopez Obrador wants to discuss “legal paths” to address the humanitarian situation facing hundreds of thousands of people who have recently attempted to make their way to the United States and to study the ways in which they can request asylum, as well as work visas for the agricultural sector.


Mexico is being “overwhelmed” by the arrival of migrants to its territory, Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena said at a press conference during the UN General Assembly in New York.


Around 9,000 arrive at the country’s southern border every day, around 3,000 of whom have traversed the Darien Gap, a dense jungle on the border between Colombia and Panama.


Another 8,000 arrive at the northern border with the United States every day. “Yesterday 11,000 arrived,” Barcena said. “This exceeds any capacity, no matter how much Mexico wants to do a good job.”


This year Mexico expects to process 140,000 asylum applications.


“It’s overwhelming,” Barcena stated, pointing to the money she said Mexico spends to support these migrants while they apply for documents to enter the United States, find employment, or return to their countries of origin after rejection by the United States.


“We need help,” she said, urging Washington to lift sanctions on Venezuela to help curb the exodus of migrants.


She also called for action in the Darien Gap, because “it is where the largest flow of migrants” from Venezuela comes through, pushing for coordination with Panama and Colombia. (read more)


This is likely the reason why Obama is retreating from supporting Joe Biden. The arsonist watches from the field.


The Cloward-Piven strategy is all about overwhelming the systems, and then letting government step in to fix the crisis they create.


“Never let a good crisis go to waste“, and if you don’t have one, create one.

Anonymous ID: 9ec55e Sept. 23, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.19598179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jayne Zirkle Reports On NYC Concealing Migrants Being Housed In Hotel and Tunnel to Towers 5k. They are trying to hide the migrants



Anonymous ID: 9ec55e Sept. 23, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19598261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

23 Sep, 2023 16:33

West has been ‘blinded’ by desire to ‘defeat’ Russia – Lavrov

Western politicians are so overwhelmed with the feeling of impunity that they forget about self-preservation, Moscow says


Western politicians are so obsessed with the idea of delivering a “strategic defeat” to Russia that they put themselves and their own nations in danger, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the UN General Assembly on Saturday. The prolonged feeling of impunity has made the West blind to the risks to its own survival, he added.


“A goal of inflicting a ‘strategic defeat’ upon Russia has been declared,” Lavrov said, commenting on the current policies of the US and its allies. “This obsession has ultimately blurred the vision of the reckless politicians, who feel a sense of impunity,” he warned, adding that “all the while, [they] lose the sense of self-preservation.”


The minister pointed to a recent series of NATO exercises that, he said, involved simulating scenarios of nuclear strikes against Russia. According to Lavrov, these drills, which included the troops of the US and its European allies, were “unprecedented since the end of the Cold War.”


Modern Western nations are outright rejecting the principle of equality in international relations, Lavrov said, adding that this translates into the West’s “total intractability” in any negotiations. The Europeans and Americans that are used to “looking down upon the rest of the world” are “making promises left and right, including … legally binding ones,” the minister said, adding that all these promises eventually end up being reneged-on.


“As Russian President Vladimir Putin put it, the West is now the real ‘empire of lies’,” Lavrov said.


The international community urgently needs to see the existing world order reviewed, he told the UNGA. The US and its allies should finally forgo artificially containing other nations and admit the economic and financial weight of the Global South, he said, calling for the redistribution of quotas and voting rights with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.


The UN Security Council should also be expanded as well, to include members “representing the global majority: [the nations] of Asia, Africa and Latin America,” the Russian minister stated. Any new council members should have authorities within their regions as well as such global organizations as the Nonaligned Movement or the Islamic Cooperation Organization, he added.


or the first time since its establishment in 1945, the UN is presented with a chance “for a true democratization of international affairs,”Lavrov said, adding that it “encourages optimism in those who believe in the rule of international law and seek the UN’s revival as the central coordination body of the world politics.” Nations should agree to solve common problems together, on the basis of a“fair balance of interests,” the minister said.