Anonymous ID: 004847 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:47 p.m. No.19598775   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>8783 >>8804

Donald J. Trump



Crooked Joe Biden had no intention of going to visit the United Autoworkers, until I announced that I would be heading to Michigan to be with them, & help then out. Actually, Crooked Joe sold them down the river with his ridiculous all Electric Car Hoax. This wasnā€™t Bidenā€™s idea, he canā€™t put two sentences together. It was the idea of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, & Communists who control him and who, in so doing, are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY! Within 3 years, all of these cars will be made in China. Thatā€™s what Sleepy Joe wants, because China pays him and his family a FORTUNE. He is a Manchurian Candidate. If the UAW ā€œleadershipā€ doesnā€™t ENDORSE me, and if I donā€™t win the Election, the Autoworkers are ā€œtoast,ā€ with our great truckers to follow. Crooked Joe Biden is the most Corrupt and Incompetent President in the history of the USA. If he is able to gather the energy to show up, tell him to go to the Southern Border instead, & to leave the Car Industry alone!


Sep 23, 2023, 2:31 AM

Anonymous ID: 004847 Sept. 23, 2023, 1:09 p.m. No.19598862   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>8914 >>8917

Donald J. Trump




On numerous occasions I told the Air Force and Lockheed Martin that the F-35 Fighter Jet is, in effect, DEFECTIVE, because it only has one engine. They told me that the engine is so good and reliable that it will never break down. I said thatā€™s not possible, everything breaks down at one time or another, just look at Crooked Joe Biden. You need redundancy, you need TWO ENGINES! No high cost modern day plane should have only one engine. Well, an F-35 fell out of the sky yesterday. Hear we go again! I also recommended to ā€œbad maintenanceā€ Boeing that they should not lengthen the unattractive, fat, and slow 737 to get a larger plane, they should go, instead, to an updated fast, beautiful, and sleek 757, the ā€œPraying Mantis.ā€ It is commercial pilots favorite plane to fly. Had they listened to me, years ago, they wouldnā€™t have had the disaster known as the 737 MAX. Those two horrible tragedies would never have happened. As they say, ā€œTrump was right about everything.ā€ Thank you!!!


Sep 23, 2023, 4:02 PM

Anonymous ID: 004847 Sept. 23, 2023, 1:13 p.m. No.19598874   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>8966 >>9251

James O'Keefe


UPDATE: Dan Cash, the man at the school board who had an objection with me talking to the VP of Pfizer, is on the same school board as Dan.


Well it turns out Dan Cashā€™s daughterā€¦ works for Pfizer!



James O'Keefe



Sep 20


NEW VIDEO: OMG questions Josh Brown, National VP, Govt Relations at Pfizer. Brown also serves as Vice Chair of the Williamson County School Board.


Pfizer Whistleblower Debbie Bernal asked Brown the employment status of Walker. I followed up with Brown and other board members.

Anonymous ID: 004847 Sept. 23, 2023, 1:23 p.m. No.19598925   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Steve Bannon Unleashes on the Murdochs: ā€˜President Trump Will Return Like Cincinnatus and Murdoch Canā€™t Do Anything To Stop Itā€™


Steve Bannon was on fire on The War Room when discussing Fox News and the Murdoch family.


On Thursday, Rupert Murdoch announced will step down as chairman of Fox Corporation and Fox News.


He shared that his son, Lachlan Murdoch ,will become the sole chairman of both companies.


Bannon shared on his show:


When youā€™re watching Fox, youā€™re not watching Foxā€¦.what you are watching is the Murdochs, okay.


The Murdochs have Paul Ryan on their Board for a reason. That reason is that they are they controlled opposition, and they are the Uniparty, and they are going to put the Uniparty people up there.


Bannon continued:


They were the ones that provided the media cover for the stealingā€¦the calling in Arizona, to give the left-wing media media coverageā€¦to then flip all when we know they were stealing it overnightā€¦and stealing in Arizonaā€¦and that was Fox and Rupert Murdoch..thatā€™s an unforgivable sin.


With everything thatā€™s happened to President Trump, and thatā€™s why I always refer to him as Cincinnatusā€¦that figure in Roman history, the general that retired and went back to his farm and then came back again against everything about his family in his lifeā€¦.and then in retirement came back to save Rome again.


Thatā€™s Donald Trump. They used to call Washington Cincinnatus. Trump is a modern Cincinnatus.


ā€¦if Trump just gone back to Mar-a-Lago and just, you know, run his business and bought more golf courses and built more hotels, none of this would be happening.


That was directly because a hero came back to say ā€œNo, I need to continue to lead this movement, to save the Republic.ā€


And what was Rupert Murdochā€™s response to that? ā€œWe are going to make him a non-person.ā€


Donald Trump is Cincinnatus and a hero to the American people and will go down in history as a hero. And you, sir, are a foreign scumbag that has done nothing but destroy this country.


Watch the full segment here:




Bannon: President Trump Will Return Like Cincinnatus And Murdoch Canā€™t Do Anything To Stop It

Anonymous ID: 004847 Sept. 23, 2023, 1:25 p.m. No.19598941   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

REED COOPER: Weā€™re Witnessing A Repeat Of 2016 And Trump Is Set To Win By A Landslide


The phrase ā€œhistory repeats itselfā€ is once again proving to be true as we witness the mainstream media, the establishment, and the RINOs attack and doubt leading 2024 presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trumpā€™s chances of winning the election, just like they did in 2016.


Like in 2015 and 2016, Trump has once again become a runaway Trump train in the GOP primary, beating all candidates by over 50 and even 60 points in polls.


Not only has history repeated itself in the form of Trump winning polls by landslides, either. Once again, RINO influencers and talking heads have begun attacking Trump - an action they will soon pretend never happened.


In February 2016, for example, Editor emeritus of the Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, slammed Trump as a ā€œliarā€ and a ā€œspoiled brat who grew up in the lap of luxury, had his daddy sign his checks, and bragged about how he is a huge winner.ā€


Interestingly enough, Shapiro magically changed his tune on Trump once he won the 2016 presidential election, even ā€œDon-ingā€ Trumpā€™s famous ā€œMake America Great Againā€ hat in a video praising Trump posted a year after Shapiroā€™s anti-Trump video.


On Monday, absentee Florida Governor Ron DeSantisā€™ (R-FL) War Room account shared a clip of Shapiro ā€œrippingā€ Trump, calling him ā€œnot pro-life.ā€


Trump, of course, is the most pro-life president in history due to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, becoming the first president to ever speak at the March For Life, blocking funding for Planned Parenthood, among many other pro-life actions.


Old 2016 faces like failed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) have returned as well - once again as a presidential candidate who is polling at an unimpressive 3.1 percent.


In 2015 and 2016, Jeb Bush, who soon became ā€œLow Energy Jeb,ā€ was the chosen candidate of the establishment Republicans and quickly lost to Trump.


The establishment Republicans have chosen yet another boring candidate in need of a personality transplant for the 2024 presidential election. Absentee Governor Ron DeSantis, like Jeb Bush before him, is failing badly to Trump in all of the polls.


As we learned in 2016, no matter what they throw at President Trump, he only grows stronger.


Luckily for Trump, he faces President Joe Biden, an even weaker and more decrepit candidate than Hillary Clinton.


What's different from 2016, though, is Americans are concerned that what happened in the 2020 presidential election may happen again. A recent Rasmussen poll revealed that 81 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of Democrats, and 56 percent of independent voters are concerned their election results arenā€™t accurate. Overall, 62 percent of Georgia voters said they are concerned the election results arenā€™t accurate and 38 percent are very concerned.


On Friday, Reuters and Ipsos released a 2024 presidential election poll between President Trump and President Joe Biden and, according to the poll, Trump will win the election in an electoral landslide.


The poll spelled doom for Biden as it showed Trump leading him in all of the seven most crucial states that determined the 2020 presidential election - Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.


In all seven states, Trump crushed Biden by six points, with 41 percent to Bidenā€™s 35 percent, and a remaining undecided 24 percent. If all the other states remain the same in the 2024 presidential election, Trump would receive 312 electoral votes, 42 more electoral votes than the 270 he needs to win. Biden would receive only 226 electoral votes.

Anonymous ID: 004847 Sept. 23, 2023, 1:47 p.m. No.19599050   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>9058

Trump's Role in History - and Why He Must Be Ree


Sep 23, 2023


Iā€™ll never forgot Donald Trumpā€™s entry into the 2016 Republican presidential primary. At long last, we were nearing the end of two painful terms under the charlatan Barack Obama ā€“ whoā€™d been our most radical president despite his fraudulent veneer of moderation ā€“ and the likely Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton, was campaigning to push our country even further left. She had to be defeated. I thought Republicans should nominate a thoughtful, articulate conservative ā€“ perhaps Carly Fiorina (remember her?) . . . or Marco Rubio . . . or Ted Cruz (my own sequential favorites).


Yet here was this bombastic Manhattan real estate tycoon / reality TV host with no apparent conservative bona fides thinking he could waltz into the fray ā€“ by way of his own escalator, no less ā€“ and upset the entire Republican apple cart. I was furious.


Of course, Trump immediately dominated the Republican field. Primary voters across the country loved him. As a still-believing neoconservative I just didnā€™t get it. Why was this seemingly shallow and sometimes outright obnoxious guy resonating with so many people? What was his appeal? Even my beloved relatives in New Jersey (where I now live) adored Trump; they had his life-size standee in the family room.


Trump quickly ran away with the nomination. It was unsettling and confusing.


By November 2016 ā€“ after much angst and soul-searching ā€“ I was emotionally and intellectually prepared to vote for Trump. I wasnā€™t entirely sure what weā€™d be getting but I agreed with most of what he said and, compared to the corrupt and mendacious Hillary Clinton, it really wasnā€™t a tough choice. In any event, like most Americans I still believed Democrat-biased polls so was convinced Trump would lose to Clinton (and he certainly would be trounced in my then home state of California).


Then the impossible happened: Trump won. I was ecstatic! And deeply grateful. Hillary Clinton would not be President after all; Donald Trump had saved our country from the abyss. God bless him.


Over the ensuing months and years of his presidency, even as Trump struggled with some early questionable personnel choices and a venal Deep State cabal determined to take him down ā€“ an actual ā€œinsurrectionistā€ conspiracy in contrast with the political riot on January 6, 2021 ā€“ I began to appreciate Trumpā€™s populist, patriotic, and anti-globalist appeal, and I admired his phenomenally effective presidency. No doubt, his personality is not always my preferred cup of tea. But Donald Trump was a great president.


Now, looking back over the debacle of Joe Bidenā€™s presidency ā€“ and, with it, the ugly rise of a triumphant hard Left ā€“ the 45th presidentā€™s primary historical significance has become clear: Trump has exposed the true state of our politics. Heā€™s like a prism that separates blinding light into its constituent colors. Call him the Great Clarifier. Whether this was Trumpā€™s intention we owe him a deep debt of gratitude for it.

Anonymous ID: 004847 Sept. 23, 2023, 1:48 p.m. No.19599058   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


For one thing, Trump has unmasked the true colors of Americaā€™s Left. Reaction to Trump has revealed a shockingly radical Left in this country ā€“ including the apparatchiks running the Biden administration ā€“ that has succeeded in cramming much of its neo Marxist political and cultural agenda down our throats. No senscient American should ever again wonder what the modern Left is about.


Of equal significance, Trump has revealed an elitist power structure dominated by unrestrained Deep State bureaucrats, global corporate behemoths including media and high-tech giants that abuse their unprecedented power to manipulate and propagandize Americans, Marxist academics and teachers unions, most elected Democrats, and ā€œestablishmentā€ Republicans who are so reliant on the status quo (or fearful of change) as to align themselves with Democrats against the dominant conservative populism within their own party ā€“ the ā€œUnipartyā€ ā€“ while most Americans of all backgrounds, means, faiths, geography, and political affiliation feel (and are) increasingly subordinate and powerless. Indeed, this expanding elitist oligarchy does much to explain Trumpā€™s populist appeal within the Republican Party ā€“ and his singlehanded creation of an excitingly dynamic and diverse new Republican coalition that offers the potential for real generational change.


Thankfully, Trump has clarified for us these realities of our political, social, and cultural life. Now, as we approach 2024, the necessity for his reelection also has become clear. We certainly face many important election year issues including inflation, a migrant invasion, climate hysteria, violent crime, school choice and parental rights, and a looming nuclear war with Russia. But nothing will be more important for the next president than to uproot and destroy the fascistic Deep State bureaucracy that threatens our republic; to confront the globalist corporate power structure that threatens our liberty; to find and remove millions of unvetted and ineligible migrants who unlawfully have trespassed into our country ā€“ with Bidenā€™s explicit encouragement and participation ā€“ destroying our sovereignty and threatening our security; and to preach a revival of true American values including family, faith, and country.


In my view, no Republican candidate other than Donald Trump has demonstrated the determination, commitment, independence, experience, ability, and sheer stamina to accomplish these utterly critical but extraordinarily challenging tasks. And Iā€™m confident Trump will choose an outstanding running mate whose elevation in 2028 would be facilitated by a successful second Trump term.


Current polling indicates that Trump remains the preferred candidate of a large and growing majority of Republicans ā€“ and also that, were the general election held today, the race would be very competitive. The latter data reflect the deep unpopularity of the hard Left that manifestly is destroying our country. To be clear: Joe Bidenā€™s reelection ā€“ or the election of virtually any Democrat ā€“ poses a true existential threat to our sacred Constitutional republic. Weā€™ve certainly heard (and uttered) these words before but they are not hollow in the face of todayā€™s frighteningly dangerous and volatile political reality.


So letā€™s Republicans and conservatives ā€“ all of us ā€“ muster up some badly-needed political wisdom and rally together around Trump, starting right now and continuing through our resounding victory over the Left in November 2024. Love him or hate him personally, the stakes for our beloved country are far too profound to do otherwise at this precarious moment.

Anonymous ID: 004847 Sept. 23, 2023, 1:59 p.m. No.19599117   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Donald J. Trump



Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom has very substantially rolled back the ridiculous ā€œClimate Mandatesā€ that the United States is pushing on everyone, especially itself. I always knew Sunak was smart, that he wasnā€™t going to destroy and bankrupt his nation for fake climate alarmists that donā€™t have a clue. In the meantime the U.S. keeps rolling merrily along, spending Trillions of Dollars trying to do that which is not doable, while at the same time breathing in the filthy and totally untreated air floating over our once great Country from China, India, Russia, and Parts Unknown. They are all building Coal Fired Plants by the hundreds each year, and Germany, which has almost destroyed itself with its ridiculous form of the Green New Hoax, has just joined in. Congratulations to Prime Minister Sunak for recognizing this SCAM before it was too late! The Green New Hoax will take down the U.S., perhaps even sooner than our Open Border of Death. IT MUST BE STOPPED. MAGA!!!


Sep 23, 2023, 4:30 PM




DUDE, Truth social has made copy paste 'clean' no more shitty editing, the trending button is out of the way, thank you very much NUNES and truth team.

You did a very good thing.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!

less stressed by not having to edit