Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:16 p.m. No.19598634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8754 >>8966 >>9251

UK Government Contract States That Illegal Immigrants Must Have 3 Star Hotel Rooms or Better


The Home Office have now told their contractors that individuals who break into the country illegally on small boats must be given better accommodation. Contracts now mandate three star hotels as the acceptable standard. Should those who break the law be treated so comfortably while many of our veterans sleep on the street and families struggle to make ends meet.


Each day many hundreds of people enter the UK illegally using small rubber boats from France across the English channel, one of the busiest waterways in the world. This has caused great tension between the UK and France with each blaming the other for this scale of immigration. The British accuse the French of doing little to stop the flow while the French blame the UK’s ‘attractive’ labour market and lack of deportations for the Channel crossings.


When the French President Emmanuel Macron and the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak last met for a bilateral summit in March, the flow of illegal immigrants across the channel was the main issue. After these discussions Britain agreed to hand over $575m to the French to help them stop the flow. Half a billion dollars! Yet 6 months later not much has changed.


In 2018, 8,000 people made the 20 mile boat journey from Calais in France to Dover in England. Despite all the negotiations over the years and claims from the UK government to cut immigration numbers, the number crossing has gone up 6 times since 2018! 45,755 people made the crossing last year with the total since 2018 passing 100,000.


But back to the three star hotel accommodation that every illegal immigrant must now receive. On one hand we have record numbers coming into the UK while on the other hand the CINO (Conservative In Name Only) government tell the public that getting a grip on immigration is a priority. The Home Secretary told Parliament this week: “It is totally unacceptable that too many towns and cities around the country now house the 45,000 asylum seekers who are in hotels… it is not right that the British taxpayer is forking out the cost.” This blatant level of dishonesty does not go unnoticed and the government will be rightly punished at the next general election in 18 months.


Last October, a Parliament committee was told that £5.6 million a day was being spent on hotels for people who have arrived in the UK and submitted an asylum claim. A year later the figure hit £8 million per day with over 400 hotels being used to house illegal immigrants. Three billion pounds each year for this new business.


So will anything be done to stop this people trafficking business? Can anything be done? In January Rishi Sunak outlined his top five priorities which included Illegal Immigration. The fifth pledge was “We will pass new laws to stop small boats, making sure that if you come to this country illegally, you are detained and swiftly removed”. The Prime Minister has broken this pledge and forced British taxpayers to pay an ever increasing housing bill to house these people. Enough is enough.

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:21 p.m. No.19598651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8705 >>8754 >>8786 >>8795 >>8801 >>8827

New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public


“You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital.”


The question of our time is, how could this happen? How could these catastrophic crimes against humanity perpetrated by these injections be allowed to occur? “It can’t happen unless the boss says it has to or that it can,” declared Dr. Naomi Wolf on Steve Bannon’s War Room.


As a former political advisor, Dr. Wolf said, from experience working around a White House, “You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital. No one wants to be on the receiving end of having killed Americans when that kind comes to light without the imprimatur (approval) of the President.”


“If someone is found to have killed Americans, inadvertently, they get fired and shamed publicly. And it’s all put on them. And that’s the end of them. And that’s not what we were seeing. So I knew that up the chain of command, the White House had to be involved in these decisions, but we just didn’t have the smoking gun.”

“Now we have the smoking gun,” announced Dr. Wolf.


Attorney Edward Berkovich made a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 29. He asked for emails to and from Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis (all CDC staff) between February 1, 2021, and May 31, 2021, that include the term “myocarditis.”


Initially, Attorney Berkovich received 472 pages, but someone who Dr. Wolf believes could be a whistleblower recently released another 46 pages to Mr. Berkovich.


Amy Kelly of DailyClout reported that over 80% of the 46 pages were fully redacted and involved other government entities, such as the White House and the Executive Office of the President. “Of the 46 pages, only two pages were released without any redactions. Seven pages were partially redacted pages, and 37 pages were fully redacted.”


Normally, redacted pages come with black bars that conceal the withheld text. But since 37 pages were fully redacted, you don’t even see any black bars. It looks like a blank page — but done so intentionally.

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19598673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8754 >>8903 >>8966 >>9251

Watch: National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass, Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:27 p.m. No.19598678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8693 >>8754 >>8966 >>9251

Gov. Newsom Attacks Federal Judge As Child-Killing, Extremist, Right-Wing Zealot Owned By The NRA


It seems that we continue to struggle with a chief executive who goes on social media to personally attack judges who have ruled against his laws or policies. No, it is not Donald Trump. This week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) went on Twitter/X to denounce U.S. Judge Roger T. Benitez as “an extremist, right-wing zealot with no regard to [sic] human life.”


Four years ago, I wrote how Democrats were becoming more Trump-like in their attacks on judges and hyperbolic rhetoric. There is no better example than Gavin Newsom.

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19598690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8699 >>8702 >>8714

California teacher, hockey coach sentenced to 16 years in prison in 'Mr. Pickles' child sex abuse case


A former teacher and youth hockey coach in Carlsbad, California was sentenced to almost 16 years in prison after he was found guilty on Tuesday for playing a role in baiting children into sending sexually explicit images and circulated them online.


Daniel Zachary Dasko, 32, reportedly pleaded guilty to one count relating to the distribution of images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct back in April, per KSWB-TV. However, he is currently out on bond and was ordered to report to prison on October 3.


Dasko apparently lured the minors into sharing explicit material by posing as adolescent girls on social media. It was only then that he would prompt them to send the illegal images.


“This defendant is a sexual predator who used his position as a teacher and coach to inform his sexual interests and to target kids for online abuse,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Andrew Haden.


“His job was to educate and protect children. Instead, he exploited them. We will do everything in our power protect children and hold offenders accountable.”


Dasko was arrested in July 2022 after his alleged participation in spreading child sexual abuse material was discovered by the FBI during a separate investigation. The report noted that in July 2021, the FBI was alerted to someone who was uploading child sex abuse material. It was later revealed that the man responsible was a teacher in the Philadelphia area.


A search warrant was subsequently issued to search the Philadelphia man's home. His iPhone revealed he was having discussions with others about child sex abuse material, which included talks of trading sexually explicit images amongst a group.


The Philadelphia teacher and others he was in contact with would apparently pose as young girls on social media sites to talk with the victims and then transfer those communications to a social media application that allowed the coconspirators to exchange them, per the report.


One of the people identified in this group went by the moniker "Mr. Pickles." Prosecutors said that Dasko waived his Miranda Rights after he was arrested and confessed he was behind the name.


It was later revealed that Dasko had exchanged more than 3,600 messages with the man in Philadelphia, including a number of images and videos depicting children being sexually abused.


The report noted that many of the discussions between Dasko and the Philadelphia man went into "graphic, disturbing detail," including their attraction to young boys and attempts to "catfish" them.


“Crimes involving sexually exploiting children are especially disgusting and disturbing,” FBI San Diego Special Agent in Charge Stacey Moy said. “I’m proud of the hard work conducted by our agents and law enforcement partners to bring these criminals to justice for their abhorrent behavior.”

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.19598704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8726 >>8742 >>8754 >>8756 >>8966 >>9002 >>9251

Video: Canadian Police Stand Down as Antifa, Militant LGBT’ers Anti-Grooming Demonstrators


Canadian leftists are out in the streets attack parents for standing against the LGBT indoctrination and castration of children.


Canadian police stood down as Antifa radicals and LGBT militants attacked anti-child-grooming protestors in Toronto, as mass demonstrations against the state-sanctioned sexualization and LGBT indoctrination of children are organized nationwide. What’s more, is that the Canadian police, who have developed a reputation for acting as governmental enforcers for the left, were caught on video arresting a reported assault victim, instead of the pro-groomer radical who blooded his face.


In one video out of Toronto, a Canadian man is seen being surrounded by violent leftists bearing transgender flags, as cult-like chants of “trans rights are human rights” are heard from a megaphone in the background. The attackers grabbed control of the man and carried him through the streets, eventually tossing him on the ground in front of a police line.

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.19598722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8728 >>8732 >>8736 >>8754 >>8966 >>8967 >>9251

Just 8% Of EU Illegal Migrants Are Women.


Women represent a tiny minority of illegal migrants smuggled into the European Union last year, with Frontex – the EU’s border and coastal agency – finding that just eight percent of new arrivals were female.


Just 26,446 of the 331,553 illegal migrants were women, with the rest registered as men or “not available” by the agency, dispelling the myth often reported by the mainstream media that those arriving include a high number of desperate women and children.


In fact, the only occasion in which women and children were the outright majority was in the roughly 13 million who fled the war in Ukraine. These, however, were not recorded as illegal crossings.


Men from countries including Syria, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey and others represented a significant majority of the EU’s illegal arrivals.


The report also predicted the number of illegal migrants is expected to increase further in the following years. It states: “There is much to suggest that clandestine entry may increase in the next year in line with expected higher migratory pressure at the EU external borders in general.”

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:39 p.m. No.19598731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8754 >>8966 >>9251

Fourth IRS Agent Says D.C. and California Prosecutors Blocked Hunter Biden Charges


IRS agent Darrell Waldon echoed IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony that prosecutors in Washington, DC, and California previously blocked now-special counsel David Weiss from charging Hunter Biden in those jurisdictions.


“Mr. Weiss went to the U.S. Attorney’s Office — I can’t recall the dates — and they did not agree to prosecute the case in D.C.,” Waldon told the House Ways and Means Committee during a transcribed interview in September, the Washington Examiner reported.


“I’m aware that it was presented to the District of Columbia and, at some point, the Central District of California, I believe,” he added.


Waldon’s transcribed interview comes after he previously confirmed Shapley’s claims in April of political interference. Waldon later left the Hunter Biden case for another responsibility within the IRS.


As the investigation progressed, Weiss never charged Hunter Biden in the jurisdictions of Washington, DC, or California. Instead, he formed a sweetheart plea agreement with Hunter Biden that collapsed in July under judicial scrutiny. Shapley’s testimony in April reportedly triggered the plea deal, filed in Delaware. Weiss later brought three gun-related charges in Delaware against Hunter Biden.


The recent testimony by Waldon, who was Shapley’s boss, is notable because Attorney General Merrick Garland testified Wednesday that nobody had the authority to block Weiss from charging Hunter Biden, though “they could refuse to partner with him.”


“You said [Weiss] had complete authority, but he’d already been turned down. He wanted to bring an action in D.C. and the US Attorney there said, ‘No, you can’t’ — and then you go tell the U.S. Senate, under oath, that he has complete authority?” House Oversight Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked.


“No one had the authority to turn him down; they could refuse to partner with him.” Garland replied.


“You can use whatever language — ‘refuse to partner’ is turning down,” Jordan replied.


“It is not the same under a well-known Justice Department practice,” Garland claimed.

Waldon previously confirmed Shapley’s notes presented to Congress regarding an October 7, 2022, meeting between Waldon, Shapley, and Weiss, among others. “Darrell asked me to shoot an update from today’s meeting. Darrell — feel free to comment if I miss anything,” the top line of the email read.


In point two of the email to Waldon, Shapley recapped that “Weiss stated he is not the deciding person of whether charges are filed. I believe this is a huge problem — inconsistent with DOJ public position and Merrick Garland testimony.”


Waldon replied to Shapley, “Thanks, Gary. You covered it all”:

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.19598746   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TX Border Sheriff: Problem We’ve Had for ‘Two Years’ Is ‘Getting Worse’ and We’re Getting ‘Nothing’ from Feds


On Friday’s edition of NBC’s “Top Story,” Maverick County, TX Sheriff Tom Schmerber said that the problem along the border in Eagle Pass, TX has “been here for two years now, and it’s getting worse.” And they’re getting “Nothing” from the federal government and the only help they’re getting is from the State of Texas and the state’s Gov. Greg Abbott (R).


Schmerber stated, “I never thought I would see in Eagle Pass all kinds of immigrants coming through here, a lot of countries. And just like — they’re not afraid. They were just walking in line, crossing the river, walking in line, and being processed by the officers, immigration and troopers.”


He added, “We’re going to get more waves, and I am worried.”


Host Tom Llamas then asked, “Secretary Mayorkas is going to go to McAllen, TX with the president of Honduras. Does it bother you that they’re not coming here to Eagle Pass?”


Schmerber answered, “It does, because we’ve been here — this problem’s been here for two years now, and it’s getting worse. And I haven’t seen a higher official like the vice president, whoever it is, coming here to Eagle Pass. I know the vice president went to El Paso a long time ago, but never here. This is where they belong –.”


Llamas then cut in to ask, “What more do you need here? Because yesterday, I had Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) saying that Eagle Pass had not received any federal dollars. The Biden administration disputed that. Are you receiving federal help?”


Schmerber answered, “Nothing. The only help we are getting is from the state, the Governor. He helped us with, of course, grant money. And with that money, we hired a few more deputies and equipment that we needed. And we have a second grant this month…so we can get more equipment and troopers.”

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19598760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8966 >>9251

Migrants Resume Border Crossings into Texas Town as Biden Admin Re-Opens Rail Bridge


EAGLE PASS, Texas — After a brief slowdown on Friday, the Biden administration re-opened the international railway bridge into Eagle Pass, Texas. The move allowed an estimated 1,000 to 1,500 migrants to ride the trains to the U.S.-Mexico border in preparation for crossing into Texas on Saturday.


Breitbart Texas watched as an estimated 1,000 migrants crossed the Rio Grande from Piedras, Negras, Coahuila, into the overrun border town of Eagle Pass. More migrants continued crossing despite the heavy presence of Texas National Guard soldiers along the riverbank and on the river.


Overnight, Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered a convoy of Texas Military Department (TMD) vehicles and soldiers under Operation Lone Star to the border region in response to the massive influx of mostly Venezuelan migrants. Between September 15 and 21, nearly 13,000 migrants crossed from Mexico into the Del Rio Sector. Most of these crossed into the Eagle Pass area of operations.


By Saturday morning, a line of TMD vehicles could be seen poised along the border to deter migrant crossings. Additional Texas National Guard soldiers deployed to the river on small boats to confront migrant crossings.

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19598766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8966 >>9251

Hochul: Some People Falsely Claim Asylum to Get in, I’m Glad Biden Gave People Claiming Asylum Work Permits


On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) praised the Biden administration for granting work permits to Venezuelan migrants because “These individuals came here in search of what all of our immigrant parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents came for, and that’s a shot at a better life.” But also stated that some people say “they’re here seeking asylum, without any real basis for that” and then it takes years to determine if those claims are valid.


Hochul praised the work permit move by stating, “These individuals came here in search of what all of our immigrant parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents came for, and that’s a shot at a better life. But it all comes down to whether or not you can work. So, we’ve had this untenable situation, where, because of the city’s right-to-shelter agreement, these individuals have been housed at taxpayer cost, but not able to work.”


Later, she added, “[T]here is an answer to this, as I mentioned, it’s two-fold: One is more enforcement at the border, because people are coming here illegally and even just saying they’re here seeking asylum, without any real basis for that, it’ll take five to seven years to determine whether or not someone is here legally through asylum. And, at that point, then they have to go back if they’re denied. So, it’s a system that’s broken there. But, also, in Washington, we need help with comprehensive immigration reform. The Republicans have to stop playing political games with this.”

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:50 p.m. No.19598791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saudis: Peace must include Palestinian state, east Jerusalem as capital


Saudi FM to United Nations General Assembly: Palestinians must have an independents state with pre-1967 borders.


Saudi Arabia has said it is looking for a just solution to the Palestinian issue based on a resolution in the international arena and a peace that allows the Palestinian people to have an independent state with east Jerusalem as its capital.


This was said by Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Furhan Al-Saud at the UN General Assembly on Saturday night.

Netanyahu hints at accepting concessions to Palestinians


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted at the possibility of his coalition considering concessions to the Palestinians as part of their efforts to secure a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia in an interview with two US media outlets over the weekend.


The prime minister spoke to CNN and Fox News shortly after he delivered his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, telling reporters that if he agreed to concessions, he believed his far-right party members would follow.

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.19598799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu says he was unfazed by Trump’s rage at him following 2020 election


PM tells CNN he’s learned to only judge policy and by that metric greatly appreciates former president; notes that Trump congratulated him on his recent election win in Israel

to Rome at the Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, on May 23, 2017.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he wasn’t bothered by former US president Donald Trump’s remarks nearly two years ago, in which he cursed the premier for congratulating Joe Biden on his 2020 presidential election win.


“I don’t care about it,” he told CNN Friday.

Trump continues to maintain to this day, without evidence, that the election results were illegitimate. His refusal to accept the vote’s outcome has been directly tied to supporters’ January 6, 2021 assault on the US Congress, and led to his second impeachment by Congress as well as multiple charges he now faces for allegedly trying to overturn the election results.

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.19598812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823 >>8830 >>8840 >>8966 >>9251

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Accuses Parents Protesting Grooming of Manifesting ‘Hate’

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 12:58 p.m. No.19598826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8833 >>8966 >>9251

Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team


The special counsel’s office is gearing up to put Donald Trump on trial in two criminal cases next year.


Special counsel Jack Smith has added a veteran war crimes prosecutor — who served as Smith’s deputy during his stint at the Hague — to his team as it prepares to put former President Donald Trump on trial in Washington and Florida.


Alex Whiting worked alongside Smith for three years, helping prosecute crimes against humanity that occurred in Kosovo in the late 1990s. The Yale-educated attorney also worked as a prosecutor with the International Criminal Court from 2010 to 2013. He has taught law classes at Harvard since 2007 as well, hired as an assistant professor by then-Dean Elena Kagan — now a Supreme Court justice — and rising to a visiting professorship in 2013.


Whiting’s precise role on Smith’s team is unclear. A spokesperson for Smith declined to comment, and Whiting did not immediately return requests for comment. The prosecutors’ office in the Hague and Harvard University also did not respond to requests for comment about Whiting’s current employment status.


But a POLITICO reporter observed Whiting at the U.S. district courthouse in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday and Thursday, spending several hours monitoring the trial of a Jan. 6 defendant. The judge in the case is Tanya Chutkan, who is slated to preside over Trump’s trial in March on federal charges stemming from his efforts to subvert the 2020 election.


During a break in the Jan. 6 trial this week, Whiting introduced himself to prosecutors as a new member of Smith’s team, saying he “just joined” the office.


From 2018 to 2022, Smith served as chief prosecutor in the Kosovo Specialist Chamber in the Hague. Whiting temporarily took over that office last year after Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith as special counsel to lead the Trump investigations. Boston attorney Kim West was appointed to permanently succeed Smith in June but did not assume the role immediately.


Whiting has been a frequent commentator on the previous special counsel to investigate Trump: Robert Mueller, who investigated links between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign. Whiting wrote numerous articles and gave interviews assessing the strength of Mueller’s case against Trump, often siding with those who saw extreme legal peril for Trump over his efforts to curb the investigation. Though he was once active on Twitter, his account appears to have been deleted and a Wayback Machine search suggests it was dormant since mid-2022.


Whiting’s addition to the team shows Smith is gearing up for a new phase of his efforts — preparing for trials that could send a former president to prison for the first time in U.S. history.

Anonymous ID: b29333 Sept. 23, 2023, 1 p.m. No.19598832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8834 >>8838 >>8895

NY Man Arrested With $1.6 Million In Fentanyl Fails To Show For Court After Being Granted Non-Cash Bail


If we told you that a man accused of carrying $1.6 million in fentanyl in Pittsburgh didn't show up for his court date after being released on non-cash bail earlier this month, would you be surprised?


Us neither.


But that was precisely the case in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, where 27 year old Carlos Pichardo Cepeda failed the appear for court. The New Yorker "is accused of carrying hundreds of thousands of fentanyl doses at a Pittsburgh bus station," according to


Pichardo Cepeda was previously handed a nonmonetary bond by a district judge and released after his arrest. This past Tuesday was his second court date that he missed, the report says. Republicans are blaming the cashless bail while Democrats are placing blame on the DA's office dragging its feet in prosecuting the case.


Pichardo Cepeda was arrested August 31 at the Greyhound Terminal in Downtown Pittsburgh. He had 9 kilograms, or about 450,000 doses, of fentanyl on him with a street value of $1.6 billion.


His criminal history included seven prior arrests, two misdemeanor convictions and pending cases in New York for grand larceny and sexual assault.