Did FBI lawyers tell him to stay quiet to keep the cabal guessing what they have??
More good acting?
Otherwise, doesn't feel like winning if they are still this arrogant.
Did FBI lawyers tell him to stay quiet to keep the cabal guessing what they have??
More good acting?
Otherwise, doesn't feel like winning if they are still this arrogant.
Another interpretation is that he's encouraging the war to go hot.
The word is it was FBI lawyers, not his personal lawyers. And he didn't quite take the 5th, he just said he couldn't say anything on the advice of counsel.
If the FBI legal team overseeing this investigation is STILL comped, then we are a long way from over.
Versusโฆ we have everything, but we are slow rolling it.
>Jim Jordan spelled it out, FBI-lawyers.
So, 2 options.
FBI lawyers are still comped.
FBI lawyers are white hats trying to prevent Strzok from saying too much in public about what they have on the cabal.
I'm saying, if we are still at #1, we are fucked.
If we trust Wray, then we have to assume #2.
Another Flynn delay.
This case is just a distraction.
Flynn could have this thrown out based on the delays.
Flynn is a chew toy for the dems to keep them distracted from what's really going on.
5.2 earthquake/eruption, same place as all the others.
>Flynn hasn't requested his plea deal be revoked.
I think its notable Flynn isn't trying to hurry this along, or get it thrown out.
He's playing along.