>altitude of 40,000ft long ago
Yeah.. They can be referring to much with this cryptic Q quip.
Remember, you can essentially see space from 40k.
>altitude of 40,000ft long ago
Yeah.. They can be referring to much with this cryptic Q quip.
Remember, you can essentially see space from 40k.
>How far away is the closest star
This right sound far fetched… And I do not have the research in front of me to quote… but here's my take:
We're standing on one. "Planets", are not what we've been told.
The "Sun" is a comet. The "planets" are the tail of that comet. The components of this "comet" travel in a helical motion…
As part of a bigger comet we call the Milky Way.
Everything scales. "As above, so below."
>And I do not have the research in front of me to quote
Found some of it. If I can find the others I will post them:
> So NASA is now admitting that the solar system does in fact.. Have a tail. Like a comet.
> …And, We're electric, boogie woogie woogie.