The flowing universal pattern self and rigid logic dichotomy is my Aut place of continual reality displacement. Everything you and the other posters said resonates for me. If you like I straddle two worlds, two paradigms and can speak the language of both. When I get pulled too hard into Vulcan type research and logic I lose traction on the 'universal pattern' whispers. If I get too pulled in to the universal whispers, I am in danger of losing my logic centres. It's a balancing act that knocks the stuffing out of you at times, none of it is elegant, their are no 'elegant' mystic or genius minds. More like being thrown on arse and dragged through seventeen hedges backwards along with a mental and spiritual rinse and repeat every time things get too 'static'. I feel the comments of all the commenters on your bread, I get the sense of constant displacement and running logic and flow together and trying to figure out a space time place to make a reality. I'm not sure that is even possible, we are neuro plastic, autistic wonks with a fat dollop of illogical universe spiritual pattern stuff impacting on the resistant 'require evidence' pattern building mind set. There are no graceful mystics. We all come to this arse over tit as the most irascible and least likely of mystics.
Q begins life as the womb or void of the O, impregnated by the dash of the infiltrator, the seeder of change within a womb. Q is whatever anons make Q. Regardless of Q drops, what happens here is the impregnation of O with potential to birth 'something' in a channel filled with autistic anons. What happens will be what happens.
Thank you anon….connection and understanding present. <3
I'm ambidextrous autistic. Can use either left or right and mirror write and backwards write. Double brained, double language, double paradigm. Thank you for your post anon it lifted me.
Q is what it is…..OK so define what Q is without the anons who have entertained every logical and imaginary permutation of everything that is Q. Is Q a letter of the alphabet with a history, is Q a movement, is Q a dream, is Q a puzzle, is Q an individual, is Q working for POTUS, Is Q a pro liberty collective, is Q a launch pad, is Q a psyop, is Q a head fuck, is Q a distraction, is Q an experiment, is Q a social movement, is Q a litmus test on politics of autists?……Do you have empirical evidence to make this clear? Do you have ANY real evidence to define what Q is? If not you are part of the exploration and not a definer of what Q ultimately means or is. Q is very interesting, and that is the best I have right now as an Autist.