Roaring Youth Of America Today Need Rapid Defense Against Liberal Lies And Deceit Before All Is Lost
When people ask me what year future historians will mark as the beginning of the end to the present state of journalism in the United States, I unequivocally tell them it will be 2016—specifically the months after the 8 November 2016 presidential election when the two most powerful newspapers in America—the Washington Post and New York Times—officially began employing “fact checkers” to assure their readers that what they were being told was the truth.
Both the Washington Post and New York Times (as well as every other leftist-liberal news media organization in the US) were left broken and stunned by the election of President Trump due to the outright rejection of the masses of American people believing anything they wrote—and whose reaction to this rejection saw the New York Times change their motto to “The Truth Is More Important Now Than Ever”, and the Washington Post changing theirs to “Democracy Dies In Darkness”.
After changing their mottos, both of these American newspapers, also, began employing “fact checkers”—with their being followed in doing this by other liberal-leftist publications and news media outlets, including tech giants like Google and Facebook—but with none of them telling their readers and/or viewers that the concept of using “fact checkers” for news stories was pioneered by the Soviet Russian Communist newspapers Pravda and Izvestia over a century earlier.
Pravda was the official newspaper of the Soviet Communist Central Committee, while Izvestia was the newspaper of record for the Soviet Union—and whose names (Pravda is the Russian word for “truth”, and Izvestia is the Russian word for “news”)—gave rise to one of the now most famous sayings among the Russia people who lived under the cruel tyranny of these communists—“There is no Pravda in Izvestia, and there is no Izvestia in Pravda”—or as translated into English, “There is no truth in News, and there is no news in Truth”.