Anonymous ID: 486c01 Sept. 23, 2023, 4 p.m. No.19599651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9695 >>9704 >>9794 >>9898

>>19597683 lb

bayer company connect to NAZI regime of Germany.

Cultural Engineering of BEATS.. alan ginsburg promoted pedo,

His friend, who invented the conceptual "autonmous zone," used by anarchist, named Hakim Bey?

Also openly a pedo.

Members of Man / Boy society, both of them?

Promoted by the owned Media as culture influencers.

Also what Soros promotes, Conscent to sex by children under ten years, claims "they want it"




Critics still

blocked from twit.

local politics goes on there.

NYC City Council in Socialist districts get 98 , 97 percent of the vote.

City Council have anti vaxxers running against them in ~17 different districts?

Council member claims they saved and protected their constistents from covid;

Isn't it treason and murder for Twitter to block conversation on this?

Plan to do more…. Isn't it murder?

the beat goes on


..still pushing pharma, still pushing victimization, never stood up for real victims, thinks it's all "fun" and "showing up," No it isn't. No, he didn't.


REMEMBER: Democrats demanded fines, imprisonment, quarantine camps, and taking children away from those who would not consent to the experimental covid injections.


Never Forget.


There were evil people in society who demanded that intelligent people who refused to take the dangerous experimental covid injections should be denied all medical care. There were patients needing transfusions, organ transplants, and other critical medical procedures for REAL problems that were denied medical care by evil doctors and hospital administrators. Democrats DEMANDED that those innocent people should be forced to suffer and die. Never ever forget who those evil people are. Blue voters did that. The media puppets did that. "Influencers" did that. Absolutely evil.


Don't let them get away with it. Rub their noses in their shit everyday and everywhere. Evil wants YOU to ignore it all and simply move on. To allow it and do nothing. Evil refuses to face accountability.


We looked at the facts and we made a wise decision.


For that we were viciously attacked all day everyday by both evil scumbags and their brainless gullible sheep.

Anonymous ID: 486c01 Sept. 23, 2023, 4:10 p.m. No.19599704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9738


sister of city council member, who is Democratic Socialist, "Workers Party" (ironic since they shut down business) all for shutting down energy - though parents involved with shale oil of Canada?

They want to shut down streets too, make way for bikes? Very unpopular with commuters who have no say, since they don't live in district. Planning for no traffic?

anyway, got his start as aid to deBlasio.

Sister has sign with "Fuck Whiteness"

Who's whighty? Not her?

Weird stupid people.

Anonymous ID: 486c01 Sept. 23, 2023, 4:29 p.m. No.19599794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9803 >>9805 >>9811



thanks a lot. you just attempted to discredit the whole argument against these assholes

nothing to do with being Jewish

you wish, langley.

That would be too easy, would n't it

You're on the same side as these criminals, muhjew -that';s why everyone hates you here.

Thank for nothing.

Maybe you choke on the money you get for betraying America.

so be it may THAT be REAL

Anonymous ID: 486c01 Sept. 23, 2023, 4:40 p.m. No.19599841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9846 >>9855 >>9862 >>9864


I agree.

not a coincidence.

It's deliberate, by the real perps; who also pay you, 24. 7 to smear Jewish people.

real perps hire, pay, and hide behind Jews; because they hate them, as you do.

Real Patriots do not.

We hate Criminals who hurt our traditions and our Country and our children

Nothing to do with ethnicity. NOr hatred for a particular ethnicity.

That's for ignorant folk like yourself (if you're actually honest in your hate and not being paid to be here and harass us; which is doubtful)

Anonymous ID: 486c01 Sept. 23, 2023, 4:54 p.m. No.19599898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9933



Somebody re-did by post and altered the text.

How'd they get the (you) on it?

what's this about


someone forged my post and re-did what I wrote?


I wrote

"Council member claims they saved and protected their constistents from covid;"


yes claim was that the constitutuents were protected from the terrible illness ~covid-19 by the acts of the City Council, when the opposite is true.

The population was targeted by the government and the eugenics plot was implimented by the NYC City Council members - who are apparently managed by some health agency (unelected)