Anonymous ID: fd631e Sept. 23, 2023, 3:28 p.m. No.19599527   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9719 >>9856 >>9969 >>9971 >>0011 >>0041

Joe Sends Gavin to the RNC Debate at The Reagan Library


September 23, 2023 | Sundance |

Most people say the DNC 2024 candidate will be determined by a DNC primary process. My response:


Pish-Paw! You think the party that kills babies, sterilizes young boys and cuts the tits off young women are going to restrain themselves to cultural, political or electoral norms in 2024? GTFOH. The DNC nominee will be decided by a vote of delegates at the convention in Chicago.


My gut instinct tells me Joe Biden will deliver a magnanimous speech written for him saying he is not able to accept the nomination, perhaps with a medical narrative attached, and therefore the baton must be handed to a new generation of progressive leadership.


This approach resets the entire narrative and deflated dynamic within the DNC electorate. Immediately an infusion of energy will be created to propel the appointed baton owner into the stratosphere with intense media promotion. Thrills up legs will be had, and the real 2024 race will begin. Prepare your affairs accordingly.


WASHINGTON – President Biden’s reelection campaign is sending California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) to the Republican presidential primary debate to lead response efforts.


Newsom will be on the ground in Simi Valley, in his home state, to push back on Republican comments and highlight anything the Biden team deems to be extreme rhetoric out of the debate. The governor will lead that effort alongside Biden-Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison.


“The campaign response builds off the strong and effective plan from the first debate with a clear north star: push back on Republicans’ lies and highlight their extremism at every turn. Our response will ensure we hold every Republican and their extreme positions accountable,” Biden campaign advisers said.


The Wednesday debate will be hosted by Fox Business Network and is expected to have a large focus on the Republicans’ economic strategy. Former President Trump is not expected to join the debate, after not attending the first one in August, but the Biden campaign expects the so-called MAGA agenda to be on display.


“You can expect the Biden campaign and our allies to point out the stark contrast between Bidenomics and the extreme MAGAnomics policies we’ll hear on the debate stage,” advisers said. (read more)

Anonymous ID: fd631e Sept. 23, 2023, 3:34 p.m. No.19599547   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Leadership – Staying in the Eye of the Storm


September 23, 2023 | Sundance |


From real life requested conversations in the last few days, some of the discussion is worth sharing.


Knowing who you are, I mean really knowing what your core center of values and purpose is about, is very important as the storms of constructed chaos swirl around us.


Like a national hurricane, everything swirling around us seems chaotic and mad right now. The chaos is purposeful and comes from a multitude of directions almost simultaneously. However, alsolike a national hurricane it is possible to stay calm in the eye of the storm; but only if you are truly centered to the guiding elements of life that create the core purpose.


Faith in a loving and purposeful Godgrounds the soul to the truest of true things. Do not diminish this importance.


Those who use the skills of division to achieve their chaotic purpose, well understand that isolation -the dark imagining- first begins with a rejection of God. Therefore, put God into everything; spend time with Him, and not just at the prescheduled times of worship. Put God into your life, keep Him there, and take purposeful action in every moment to ensure the armor plate He provides is with you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.


Once you have that anchor solidly in place, then resolve to maintain your core values. “Resolve” is a misunderstood word; it is not a static sensibility. Resolve is an action-oriented word that takes thought, practice and internal reminding mechanisms. The core values are not only what you believe, but also who you are, who you present yourself to be to those around you.


Standing steadfast with your guiding principles and values in place, then establishes your ability to withstand chaos and remain on mission. Your family, friends, allies and supporters will navigate the crisis as long as you are resolute. This doesn’t mean you are not flexible, flexibility to the dynamics of the moment is necessary. However, holding that true compass heading will keep your purpose well defined.


You will be tested, sometimes brutally, and you will be tempted to get pulled away from the core purpose of your effort and into the surrounding foray, but this is where the active decision to remain resolute comes into play.


You must actively be the lighthouse in order for those who need you to navigate toward it. The lighthouse doesn’t reach out or change location to make itself more directionally visible for those in need. You cannot control their view; the lighthouse remains consistent and steadfast, and those who need the waypoint will find a way to get it back into sight.


We are living in an era of purposeful crisis. The situations we discuss are chaotic and mad, because they have been purposefully created to be that way. The counter-effort to combat this seemingly perpetual crisis is to refuse to be destabilized by what they manufacturer. Stay on mission.


This advice flows purposefully toward many. In this context it is about leadership, and the massive efforts underway by those with bad intent to target the leadership of groups and organizations whose purpose is to combat the chaos. However, the same advice is personal and can be attributed to those who are in a position to protect their family, their community or their civic assembly.


Our nation needs strong leaders, and I’m not talking about politicians. We need strong mules who will plow into fields that have never been attempted before. Train yourself mentally to withstand the turmoil and lead your family, friends, group, tribe or community with a fierce and unrelentingresolve.


Despite the chaos they create, our national adversaries are weak people devoid of pure character. Their arguments are shallow, filled with hypocrisy and they rely upon you to pretend their creation is real or holds merit; it is not, and it doesn’t.


Do not give value to the shallow constructs of evil intent and use brutal honesty in a very public way to expose them.


No flinching!. That is all.

Anonymous ID: fd631e Sept. 23, 2023, 4:08 p.m. No.19599693   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9719 >>9969 >>9971 >>0011 >>0041

The Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined

Milt HarrisSeptember 23, 2023

Who or what comprises AOG Technics, a firm that supposedly specializes in engine materials, engine leasing, airframe parts, and financial solutions? AOG is a parts broker, a middleman that supplies parts to independent firms that airlines contract to do repairs on their planes. The parts in question were used to repair jet engines made by CFM International, an aircraft engine manufacturer based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company is a joint venture between GE Aerospace and Safran Aircraft Engines. It was originally formed to build and support the CFM56 series of turbofan engines.

Earlier this month, it was discovered that thousands of engine part certifications supplied by AOG had been falsified. On Sept. 20, The London High Court issued a ruling that gives the company 14 days to hand over details on any CFM56 and CF6 parts it acquired and sold, along with relevant supporting paperwork. The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed Sept. 7 by CFM and its co-owners, GE Aerospace and Safran, against AOG Technics and its founder, Jose Zamora Yrala.

In one instance, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) turned over one of its AAC-038 approval tags, later confirmed as fake, that came with 32 overhauled CFM56 high-pressure compressor (HPC) stage 1 vanes. Two fake FAA 8130-3s covering hundreds of GE CF6 parts were found, the summary said. More than 80 EASA Form 1s representing thousands of CFM56 parts, including turbine blades and seals, have been flagged and confirmed as forgeries. In all cases, the fake documentation was made to look like it came from CFM or one of its owners.

Now, I have no idea what those parts are or how significant they are to keeping a plane in the air. What I do know is that at any altitude, every single part of any airplane needs to be authentic.

There can be only one reason AOG did this: greed.

As this investigation proceeds, it will be of vital importance for authorities to find where AOG acquired the parts. Then CFM can confirm or deny whether or not they are airworthy. Equally important is zeroing in on exactly who AOG sold them to, so any that are deemed not to be airworthy can then be confiscated.

In a statement, CFM reiterated the need for AOG to comply with furnishing the documents: “We applaud the court’s ruling compelling AOG Technics to release documentation that will aid the industry in more rapidly identifying parts sold with fraudulent documentation so they can be promptly addressed. Safety is our first priority, and we are taking aggressive legal action against AOG Technics for selling unapproved aircraft engine parts with falsified airworthiness documentation. We remain united with the aviation community in working to keep unapproved parts out of the global supply chain.”

A number of airlines have confirmed having AOG Technics parts in their engines. Those include Southwest Airlines, United Airlines, and Virgin Australia. Bloomberg was the first to report the airlines involved.

CFM and its co-owners, GE Aerospace and Safran, have been working with investigators since June to identify parts sold by AOG Technics with falsified authentication, according to court documents. TAP Maintenance and Engineering flagged EASA Form 1’s linked to “certain” CFM56 parts that were allegedly generated by CFM. However, CFM confirmed the records were false, highlighting fake purchase order numbers and an unknown signature. TAP then turned over 24 more Form 1’s shipped with CFM56 parts bought by AOG Technics and allegedly generated by the manufacturer. Those were confirmed by CFM to be forged as well.

The findings prompted CFM to notify the airline industry and regulators, starting a global records review to find parts sold by AOG Technics and either pull them from service or remove them from spare parts supplies if the related documentation was deemed to be fake.

In early August, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued a bulletin urging both operators and repair stations to review their records and to red flag any parts in their possession that were supplied by AOG Technics. They were instructed to verify if the airworthiness approval tags were generated by the companies listed on them. Any parts with falsified records were to be held aside according to EASA. EASA later confirmed that many forged documents were discovered.


So far, approximately 100 planes are known to be involved worldwide. Southwest Airlines was the first to report that they had discovered unregistered parts earlier this month. On Thursday night, American Airlines became the fourth, and to this point, the last airline to have found parts from AOG on its planes.….