Anonymous ID: c31f43 Sept. 24, 2023, 1:55 p.m. No.19604166   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Want to play the game to win?



Bond issuers (insurance companies, essentially) will look at them as a liability after so many claims and DROP THEIR ASSES, They do not want the liability to end up paying out settlements when you demonstrate their unethical / illegal actions.

(Not hard to do with most of them, they prove your case every time they open their stupid, corrupt, lying traps).


Grassroots groups formed with multiple members (501C3 NOT required) are more effective then a single person. Gather your friends in the taverns and inns and draw up your target lists.


IF they go get bonded with another company after they get dropped from that one, rinse and repeat.

Like any insurance / bonding authority, risk assessments follow these public officials and soon enough, NO ONE WILL ISUUE THEM A BOND. They are a known liability risk now, these companies will see that and not issue the bond.

Just like if you get a few DUI’s or too many accidents, insurance companies can either NOT issue insurance, or charge insane premiums. In most jurisdictions, you can’t hold public office (elected or appointed) unless you have a surety bond.


“A Public Official Bond is a type of surety bond that serves as a statutory obligation requiring faithful performance, fidelity, and integrity of a public official’s duties to the public.


The bond requires public officers and secondary obligors to pay a fixed amount if they do not faithfully perform their duties in the office. Like all surety bonds, this bond consists of a three-party agreement:


Principal – Public official

Obligee – Government or public being served by the official

Surety – Bonding company that underwrites the bond and is the secondary obligor


This bond is one of the oldest forms of written guarantee that requires persons to obtain to qualify for office. In 1792, Congress passed an act that the Office of the Paymaster “shall give bond in the sum of $20,000, with two sufficient sureties, for the faithful discharge of duties.”


Depending on the statutes of a specific jurisdiction, Public Official Bonds may be faithful performance bonds, fidelity bonds, public employee dishonesty bonds, or public employee blanket bonds.”




“Legally, a surety company is not required to step in until the bonded party has defaulted on the bond. However, surety companies do appreciate being informed early of problems or signs of trouble on behalf of a bonded party. Therefore, if you are having difficulty or are noticing early signs of trouble with the bonded party, please feel free to contact the surety company directly at the phone number listed in the Treasury Department Circular 570 List of Certified Companies.”



Anonymous ID: c31f43 Sept. 24, 2023, 2:02 p.m. No.19604196   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4204

Russian Reconnaissance Team Destroys Leopard Tank in Special Op Zone With Fully-German Crew


LUGANSK (Sputnik) - A Russian reconnaissance team has destroyed a German-supplied Leopard tank of the Ukrainian military with a crew comprised of Bunderswehr soldiers in the Zaporozhye direction, the team lead with the moniker Legend told Sputnik on Saturday.

"When we curbed another offensive and ATGM-ed [destroyed with an anti-tank guided missile] the Leopard, we moved out to the burned vahicle hoping to seize the 'tongue.' Then we saw that the crew's driver-mechanic was severely injured and the others were dead. Once he awoke, the mechanic started yelling 'nicht schieĂźen' ["do not shoot" in German]," the head of the reconnaissance team said.

Anonymous ID: c31f43 Sept. 24, 2023, 2:06 p.m. No.19604219   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Growing electric vehicle sales bring concerns over safety hazards, toxicity, infrastructure costs


And Diesel


Tesla's Mega 98-Supercharger Location Runs In Part On A Diesel Generator: Report


The Harris Ranch Supercharger sits at on a beautiful resort-style ranch between San Francisco and Los Angeles and provides good food and plenty of charging spots for folks making the six-hour journey between the two cities. Tesla hails the Harris Ranch site as the largest bank of EV chargers in the world at 98 spots, but one journalist found that the Superchargers are often supplemented by a small diesel plant.