what land was never stolen? it's like everything else in this plane of existence, things are being converted from one form to another. now it's being stollen again.
>Ask me why most of the people of my generation in the Soviet Union were conceived in the summer.
ok, why? can't you fuck under blankets? or no privacy, do it in the woods?
Cures exist. Monoclonal Antibodies cure addictions like flipping a switch. I'd post sauce but it was notable a week or two ago.
big dif between buzzard and eagle. that's a stupid eagle, shoulda let go, prolly broke a claw or worse. I never seen a buzzard or vulture hunt anything. looked to me like it was eating something off the bottom of his shoe.
I think the term antibody means it's made specifically to counter a specific substance. I dunno but there's different kinds, not like you can just go buy it, but it should be.
High’d and seek: drug-specific antibodies to treat addiction and prevent overdose
From the Pancera Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division
those poor kids, their kidneys and livers will bring azov big $
fuck off argue shill. you're the same asshole shill that argues on and on about everything.
or it's commentary on RBG and her fuckery not lasting forever.
Dr Peter Beter: The Discovery of Robotoids And The Replacement of Jimmy Carter
All Cops Are Fuckmasons. (or Shriners, Knights of Columbus, Rotary, or any number of other less well known Fuckmason affiliated secret oath takers)
doncha hate a mouth that turns down, incapable of making a smile