Exactly what one would expect Q-tards to look like. Obese, women, inbred mongoloids.
>size 4
Which is something like a size 18 in the 1960s. Obese.
Exactly what I said. Women, i.e. people who lack the capacity for rational thought.
Conservative Americans are liberal.
I didn't make the rules, buddy. That's just the way things are. Fat or ugly people are just trash.
All forms of liberalism are cancer.
Hang yourself, fatass
>Texas militia, constitutional conservativesโฆ
The Constitution is liberal
>Not sure how you define it, but in my circle, a government of 1000 people is to damn manyโฆ
Yes, they're left wing extremists.
Nazis were right wing
Capitalism is a radical leftist ideology created by Jews in the early modern period (pic related). National socialism was an extension of traditional social structure to industrial society.
Low IQ image tbh
>American traditionalism
No such thing. America is an anti-traditional commercial state and always has been one. America is the greatest blight on the earth in history. Luckily it will soon become irrelevant.
Which is exactly why America will become irrelevant in 20-40 years.
>The Nazis destroyed themselves
No, Americans and communists (same thing) destroyed national socialism