Anonymous ID: 22c9a0 Sept. 25, 2023, 9:16 a.m. No.19607911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7951

all previous bread


>>19604397, >>19604410, >>19604430, >>19604436, >>19604454, >>19604507


cept for:



Also called "Inception" in the movie with LeodeCapp?

Not conception, but IN-ception,

THEMkultra engineers plant the seed/story in publics' minds.

The publics' fantasies (MSM watchers, etc. the deluded, which is a lot of people, (even when they claim they don't believe it or "it doesn't influence me" )) are about to run into the brick wall of reality.

>>19606951 pb

notablepollster Rasmussen basically admits "Trump Won"

Have to face the truth sometime? especially with incoming avalanche of data, evidence, facts, testimony, video footage, laptop evidence already in the public domain, etc.,

remember NYTimes motto:

"We don't just cover it.

We are it."


Did this get missed in previous breads?


Pollster Rasmussen Says “Election Fraud Renders Scientific Election Forecasting Worthless” – Will Start Sharing Evidence


Quote:'“Election fraud renders scientific election forecasting worthless. So we will continue to cover all official investigations into it. The question is, why don’t others? And, yes, Arizona and Georgia are mostly Republican controlled,” Rasmussen reported.'


Wait til they all get a new prescription on their glasses?!

Anonymous ID: 22c9a0 Sept. 25, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.19607951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8151



"Life is a Beach and then you Wave"

Original called "Beach is a Peach"

Fair Use for inquiry into pschology of the "Wizards" who create our societies mental landscape. And / or tap into the likely field of non-localized consciousness (via morphic resonance, "morphogenetic field") to influence the "mass" of human population?

by auteur SealLion. no longer online that I can tell