Do only some lodges allow blacks?
>Is it true that Freemasons are bound by written oath to protect from prosecution every criminal within their ranks except for those who commit murder and treason?
I don't know, but if so that sure leaves a lot out. So if true they wont hold a rapist accountable? A child molester?
It wasn't to appease Himself, it was to appease the people who thought they were unworthy and needed to sacrifice. As Jesus said "I prefer mercy, not sacrifice". God took the blame.
The one who handed Jesus over committed the greater sin. No one took His life, HE GAVE IT.
>Against all enemies foreign and domestic
Meanwhile, the corrupt courts "rule" the constitution doesn't matter, they can do things it expressly prohibits, and the corrupt cops (ALL of them!) enforce the unconstitutional bullshit with their foot on the neck of We the People, while the military is off fighting innocent people for our corrupt government to steal from.
Those who took that oath are the people we're up against.