Nothing can stop what is the highest ranking narcissist.
Afternoon, frenz. Another day of buttfucking each others ass holes at the office?
Poor big dumb faggot bastard is really losing his mind. He's finally realizing he's the biggest raging egofaggot narcissistic clown the board has ever seen. Also thank you for taking the bait and proving you're online 100% of the time, as you always do, just like clockwork.
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Samfaggot and Ralphfaggots (FBI) most visited websites are Q research and grindr I bet.
You sure don't see the big poor dumb stupid bastard post too many smoking pepes these days after his cover has been blown.
Triggered IP hopping "projection shill" seethenigger glowtard is glowing brighter than the sun. All that ego and narcissism just can't let it go. The ego is hopelessly helpless against it, he can't resist but reply to every post. Means the poor big dumb bastard is just about ready to snap. Love it!!
He's been doing it forever. Nothing will change that. The moment the echo chamber realized they were no longer in control they went all out full panic mode desperation. The more he seethes and panics the more mistakes he makes. Love it!
Jump to a new IP now glownigger and try not to use any of your regular memes with your regular file names. They really need to send you back to shill school fag, you forgot you're dealing with autists here.
He's really fuming and seething now that he knows he's been caught IP hopping for the like the 100th time. I wonder if he sucks his own cock to smooth out after losing so bigly on here all the time?
Time for a typical and pathetic petty deflection when he's been caught and exposed for IP hopping. As always. Like clockwork. Gee I wonder what's that's called, oh yeah…
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He's really triggered now. He knows he's been caught using his textbook memes on two different IPs. The world knows he's an IP hopping glownigger narcissism shill who's only purpose in life is to hall monitor and gatekeep Q research based on the perceived trusted authority figure "board personality" manufactured by the cabal echo chamber. Sorry, you lose.
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Of course those are both me retard. Ever heard of gym wifi? What's funny is I never denied it, you just thought I was IP hopping and weren't considering the obvious. You're really stupid aren't you? You deliberately IP hop and try to cover it up, but you can't because of your obvious memes that literally no one else uses. Screencap that.
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Here's my screen cap confirming those are both my screencaps and my IP changed due to leaving the gym wifi so you can screen cap this while you're desperately trying to deflect the fact you just got caught IP hopping again to consensus crack. Screencap your two different IPs using your trademark memes too. Kek
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Don't you still need to be in preschool or elementary for "I know you are but what am I" levels of shill projection mentality? Just keep spamming the same repetitive memes with different IPs so all the anons can see you for what you are. An insecure no-life shill who's entire existence is based on their board personality on an online image board. Sad.
Rent free.
I wonder how many times does be say "projection" in a day? Almost as often as he projects. Must get a bonus for using the word.