Anonymous ID: 5eec5b Sept. 26, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.19614036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4187 >>4244 >>4253 >>4318 >>4353 >>4416 >>4576 >>4601

How does this reconcile?


Dear fellow Republicans,

We, the undersigned, write today as former officials of the Reagan administration, deeply committed to the classical conservative principles espoused by President Reagan that have defined our party for the past four decades.

As we approach the critical 2024 election, we believe it is our opportunity and pleasure to endorse a candidate who embodies the spirit and principles of Ronald Reagan.

That candidate is Mike Pence, and we wholeheartedly endorse him for President of the United States.

Ronald Reagan’s presidency was marked by a profound commitment to limited government, individual liberty, and a strong national defense.

His unwavering belief in the American people and the power of free markets lifted our nation to new heights of prosperity and freedom.

His leadership on the world stage helped win the Cold War and created a more peaceful world.

We believe Mike Pence is the candidate best equipped to uphold the Reagan legacy and lead our party and our nation forward.

Mike has consistently demonstrated a commitment to conservative principles throughout his career.

From his time as a congressman to Governor of Indiana to his tenure as Vice President, he has championed limited government, lower taxes, individual freedom, strong defense, and the right to life.

Like President Reagan, Pence understands that the strength of our nation lies in the hearts of the American people, not the hands of an overreaching government.

Just as President Reagan rebuilt our military to protect American interests and promote peace through strength, Mike Pence is committed to restoring America’s military might and equipping our Armed Forces to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.

Mike Pence agrees strongly with President Reagan that every human life is precious and should be protected in law as a child created in the image of God.

And like President Reagan, Mike Pence knows that our democracy depends on heavy doses of civility. As president, he will strive to unite our nation around our highest aspirations and our deepest values.

And he will never forget “that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead.”

As former Reagan administration officials, we have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of principled leadership that adheres to conservative values. Mike Pence embodies these values and has the vision and experience necessary to lead our party and our nation with honor, integrity, and a deep commitment to classical conservative principles that define the Reagan legacy.

We urge our fellow Republicans to join us in supporting Mike Pence in the Republican primary. Together, we can ensure that timeless conservative principles exemplified by Ronald Reagan and Mike Pence continue to guide our party and lead our nation toward a brighter future.


The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.

Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs

Counselor to the Attorney General

The Honorable Edwin J. Feulner, Jr.

Chairman, Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy

Founder, The Heritage Foundation

The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Energy

The Honorable E. Pendleton James

Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel under Ronald Reagan

The Honorable Helene von Damm

Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel

Ambassador to Austria