>>19613847 lb
vatican spammer hates America
= Pig hater
= smoking pepe hater.
What can ya do?
always with the same stale memes.
Cept very rarely.
wow it glows heavy.
Brags how its psyops wounds us?!
always with the disturbing images.
(they think they are so smart)
makes fun of itself with te MUhJew crying memes (that's them)
Imagines killing us
(check, makes sense. dealing with a psycho)
gloats about napalm
(as if it's not given itself away already)
Makes fun of anons
Laughing cardinal with Cuomo
(making fun of us. Thinks it's immune. MADIA.. ok new data point on spammer. Works for Black Nobility)
Worship crook Roberts
time line copy pasta.
(discredits own info)
more spam; gainst Flynn, Jones and Bannon
(cuts both ways, works to discredit critical thinking with it's own diarheera garbage)
Mocks anons for praying.
(figures. they hate us)
Tries to turn Q postings against anons.
(spoons the soup, but doesn't drink)
Weird "eye of Providence"
Mockery, Fear Pron.
spam, copy pasta.
(worships Satan; figures, can't even hide it)
Also Payseur spammer.
(jack of all trades)
claims to be on a mission from "Q"
Openly threatens with a SKULL HEAD
(provocateur , F rausulent Be our Institutions )
Comes out as pissed OSS can't bake anymoar.
(is that a hint that it IS OSS?)
stale truth
(divivded by religion, no shit.)
then replies to itself with spam.