Anonymous ID: 4f4c14 June 29, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.1961938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1971 >>2175

>Hello my name is Kevin McNewfag

>I'm only there to yell FILTERED and post shitty mspaint memes

>I scream MUHJOO whenever I'm confronted with reality

>I have 30 posts per threads doing nothing else than post red haired girls

You want to be recognized and be mainstream but you're doing the best you can to ostracize /pol/ and you wonder why you're struggling.


<it also must be conceded that Q and POTUS have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling the Nazi/skinhead/muzzie wet dream of jewish genocide.

Welp I guess the swamp will not be drained then. Thanks for trying though.

Just a reminder what you bluepilled normies called "The cabal" is actually very influenced by the jews. It's in your history books…


videos is what's happening right now in Europe. Wake up before it's too late