Swift's been passed around so long she's become 30-something and childless and reduced to banging footballers.
One of the loud voices raised against the Pizzagate investigation is himself a child predator.
Where have all the missing children gone to?
Is Buckwheat posting on JoePotato's Twitter account again?
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Monkeys throwing shit.
I like the part where people keep posting B.I.S. without an explanation of what the acronym stands for. I assume it's not important.
British Intelligence Services?
What is the Masonic "Great Work of the Ages"?
What's Rothschild's role in this global takeover, because nothing happens in the world of high finance without the Rothschild seal of approval.
Rothschild is a Nazi?
Didn't Brevyk have an Israeli handler named Nygard?