Anonymous ID: 630c3b Sept. 27, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19618857   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Base video

27 Sep, 2023 17:08


Russian military destroys major Ukrainian ammo depot (VIDEOS)


The facility contained around 3,000 tons of ammunition, Moscow claims


A major Ukrainian ammunition stockpile has been destroyed by a high-precision air strike in Kherson Region, the Russian Defense Ministry has said.

The depot, located near the village of Kiselyovka, was hit by a cruise missile on Monday. The stockpile contained over 3,000 tons of ammunition, according to the Russian military’s estimates.


Footage of the strike released by the military on Tuesday shows the depot being obliterated by a massive secondary detonation, with burning debris scattered in a large radius. All in all, 12 hangars with ammunition were completely destroyed in the strike.


Recently, Russia has apparently ramped up its strikes against Ukraine’s forward military infrastructure, targeting ammunition stockpiles, hangars with heavy armor, and other sites.


The military released additional footage of the strike on Wednesday, sharing a drone video of the aftermath of the blast at the Kiselyovka depot. The video shows multiple buildings at the site were flattened, with smoke rising from the rubble.


Last week, the Russian military reported the destruction of 12 major facilities of this type, including stockpiles of Western-supplied cruise missiles and depleted uranium tank shells. The targets also included Ukrainian aircraft and armored vehicle repair facilities, oil refineries, depots, training centers for Ukrainian saboteurs, as well as housing for foreign mercenaries, the military said in a statement last Saturday.

Anonymous ID: 630c3b Sept. 27, 2023, 11:18 a.m. No.19618888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8893 >>8920 >>8923

27 Sep, 2023 15:23

Transgender ex-Ukrainian military spokesperson repeats threats to journalists

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo told Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus that journalist Darya Dugina deserved to die


The former spokesperson for the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, insists that Kiev must use all the weapons at its disposal to target Russian journalists, including sabotage.


The transgender American made the comments during several calls with Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, who were pretending to speak on behalf of former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko.


The calls are said to have taken place before and after Kiev fired the spokesperson last week following a scandal sparked by Ashton-Cirillo’s public threats to “hunt down” Russian “propagandists” around the world.


The former official told ‘Poroshenko’ that Russian journalists such as Vladimir Solovyov and Olga Skabeeva are “war criminals” and “terrorists” who should not be allowed to hide, while applauding the assassinations of Russian media representatives such as Darya Dugina, who was killed in a car bombing in August 2022.


Ashton-Cirillo claimed that Dugina was “evil”and “died the death she deserved,” and that Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova should be prosecuted.


Speaking of Russia as a nation, the former speaker said that “Russians are not Europeans,” and that they “come from the Mongols” and are “part of a group of people that want to be slaves and want to be led.”


Elsewhere in the conversation with the pranksters, the former spokesperson revealed some issuesplaguing Ukraine’s forces, stating that there is a “terrible problem with foreign fighters” because they are “just a step above mercenaries.”


Earlier this month, Ashton-Cirillo pressured CNN into changing one of their stories to say ‘Western foreign fighters’ instead of ‘mercenaries’. However, despite publicly defending the foreign volunteers, the former spokesperson admitted that most of them go to Ukraine simply because they don’t know anything except warfare and that many of them adhere to radical right-wing ideologies, with some openly supporting Nazism.


Ashton-Cirillo claimed that the presence of foreign fighters is proving to be a security risk and is detrimental to the morale of regular Ukrainian soldiers, explaining that the ones who do it “for the money” are more inclined to abuse drugs and do things to enrich themselves.


(I think He/She just bought her ticket to hell)

Anonymous ID: 630c3b Sept. 27, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19618899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9028 >>9165 >>9209 >>9265 >>9307 >>9336 >>9383 >>9553

27 Sep, 2023 15:24

‘Aussie Cossack’ gets Russian citizenship

Activist Simeon Boikov is a wanted man in his home country


Simeon Boikov, a Sydney-born activist and videoblogger dubbed the ‘Aussie Cossack’ in his country for his unabashedly pro-Moscow stance, has been granted Russian citizenship.


His name was listed in a decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, which granted Russian nationality to 41 foreign-born applicants.


Boikov has been drawing the ire of Australian media for years, with critics blasting him as a “propagandist” who is abusing the country’s supposedly relaxed free speech.


In January, Ukrainian ambassador to Canberra Vasily Miroshnichenko accused Boikov of exposing him to “a major telephone harassment campaign” by sharing his private phone number in a YouTube video. The diplomat filed a complaint with the Australian federal police over the incident.


Miroshnichenko was campaigning to ban Russian athletes from the Australian Open tennis championship at the time, and Boikov invited his followers to share their opinions on that to the diplomat.


Later in the same month, the New South Wales Police reported that an arrest warrant had been issued in Boikov’s name, after he failed to show up for a court appointment. The case involved a scuffle between him and a elderly man during a pro-Ukrainian rally at Sydney’s Town Hall in December last year.


He was charged with assault occasioning bodily harm after the incident, with his passport revoked on the eve of a planned flight to Moscow. Boikov took shelter at the Russian consulate in Sydney, claiming to be a victim of persecution and petitioning for Russian citizenship. An Australian magistrate convicted Boikov in absentia in February.


(I remember him, he is great. Good for him. He did the Covid videos in Australia)

Anonymous ID: 630c3b Sept. 27, 2023, 11:27 a.m. No.19618918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9012 >>9165 >>9209 >>9265 >>9307 >>9336 >>9383 >>9553

27 Sep, 2023 14:37

Researchers reveal new evidence of Nord Stream explosions

A total of four blasts hit the gas pipelines last September, Norwegian scientists have claimed


Seismic data indicates that four separate explosions struck the Nord Stream gas pipelines last year, Norwegian researchers told The Guardian on Tuesday.The explosions destroyed three of the four Nord Stream lines.

Seismologists at Norsar, a foundation set up to monitor for earthquakes and nuclear tests under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, initially identified two explosions along the Nord Stream pipelines last September. One blast hit Nord Stream 2 at 2:03am local time on September 26, 2022, while the second hit Nord Stream 1 at 7:03pm on the same day.


The Norsar team found that data from the day suggeststwo additional blasts took place seven and 16 seconds respectively after the second explosion.


Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 each comprise two separate pipelines. Given three out of the four lines were destroyed, the use of more than two explosive devices was already considered likely. However, Norsar is the first investigatory body to publicly confirm this suspicion.


Both sets of Nord Stream pipelines were severed near the Danish island of Bornholm. According to Norsar, the second and third explosions took place within 220 meters of each other, while the fourth took place several kilometers away.


The governments of Denmark, Germany, and Sweden are all investigating the blasts, though none has released any findings, and all have prohibited Russia from participating in the probes.


In the meantime, two competing theories have emerged as to who was responsible for sabotaging the pipelines. According to reports in the Western mainstream media, a team of Ukrainian commandos used a rented yacht to transport explosives to the blast sites, with the CIA and European intelligence agencies being made aware of the plot several months beforehand. Reports by the Washington Post and the Netherlands’ NOS news network claim that the CIA in fact told the Ukrainians to abort the plan.


However, American journalist Seymour Hersh has said that US President Joe Biden ordered the CIA to blow up the pipelines. Citing sources in the intelligence community, Hersh has claimed that CIA divers working with the Norwegian Navy planted remotely-triggered bombs on the lines last summer, using a NATO exercise in the region as cover.


By destroying the pipelines, Biden intended to sever Germany’s energy ties to Russia, thus preventing Berlin from lifting sanctions on Moscow in order to save its gas-dependent economy, Hersh argued.


Biden warned in early February that in the event of military action by Russia, “there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”


Russian President Vladimir Putin said in March that he “fully agrees” with Hersh’s conclusions. Putin argued that the US in particular benefited from the attack due to its position as a competing gas supplier to Europe.

Anonymous ID: 630c3b Sept. 27, 2023, 11:30 a.m. No.19618931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OH Senate Candidate Frank Larose: Congress’ “Govern By Crisis” Cannot Be Allowed

