Thank you Baker.
Thank you Baker.
Lots of goatfucker propagandists on the chans.
Everything is the fault of the joooos. Everything.
Nobody with a brain pays them any attention. You shouldn't either.
The difference is that the sub-human moozlum goatfuckers actually kill innocents every day.
And they do so proudly for their one true dog, allah (shit be upon him).
So, we don't have to invent stories of their fuckery.
Goatfuckers are shit creatures … and are openly proud of it.
You can't read, can you fucktard?
Are you the head goatfucker in your tribe?
You get first shot at your 8 year old nephew's ass, do ya?
Arabs and Jews are fine and perfectly welcome in any man's world.
Moozlums are shit.
Read their "holy book", fucktard, and you'll understand why.