Handful = 5 = RINOS = WHO?
Only 7 on stage So only 2 out of 5 are loyal.
Did anyone listen to the debate?
Who didn’t Trash PDJT?
Handful = 5 = RINOS = WHO?
Only 7 on stage So only 2 out of 5 are loyal.
Did anyone listen to the debate?
Who didn’t Trash PDJT?
I saw That VPPENCE and Doug (what’s his name) were bookends.
Where the five in the middle RINOS
Pence “Always Proud of The Trump-Pence (Our Administration )”
No OnE else has VPPence track record, not even PDJT…Pence has been at it waaaayyy, longer than Trump.
So Help Me God
This anon has finally caught on….
There were a few Twitter accounts actually put this out on 3/9/2019 full on broadcasting it!
Everybody has to learn th3 Truth….obviously yo7 can’t be told…
It had to be this way.
Tonight’s debates are about Who’s going to be President after PDJT… did you not get the memo
666 upside down for Stanley McChrystals best Friends!