Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 27, 2023, 11:55 p.m. No.19623301   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3306 >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586



JUST IN - A New York judge ruled that Trump inflated his property values, including Mar-a-Lago, which the judge determined was worth $18-$27 million from 2011 to 2021.


To put this into perspective, neighboring homes on 0.28-0.89 acres are listed for $18-40 million.


Mar-a-Lago, the 20-acre property in the middle, is worth less despite being 20 to 70 times larger.



: "The real estate circles in Florida are laughing at this foolishness."



: "If Mar-a-Lago is worth $18 million… I’ll take 10 please!!!"

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:02 a.m. No.19623317   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3324 >>3329 >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586

Elephant Civics




and @AZAGMayes

are currently using the transfer of power to break the law. This is why @AZTreasurerYee


Is in power. They are all currently at an event for @norscodems

and the only reason to relinquish power at a political event is to do one of the following items. What are they hiding?


-Accept gifts or other compensation from lobbyists or special interests

-Use state resources for personal or political purposes

-Engage in self-dealing or insider trading

-Conflict with their official duties

Abuse their power or authority

Violate state ethics laws

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:05 a.m. No.19623325   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3337 >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586

Elephant Civics




Let's be clear. Even if tomorrow @katiehobbs comes up with some reason she wasn't involved we know why the next two people weren't avaliable - to skirt the law. This is corruption

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:13 a.m. No.19623343   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3344 >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586

State treasurer excludes 2 Hobbs appointees from investment meeting, citing 'murky' status


Republican Treasurer Kimberly Yee jumped into the fray over how state agency directors should be appointed by refusing to acknowledge the authority of two top employees given new titles by Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs.


Lawyers for the Treasurer's Office and outside counsel advised her that the legal status of the employees as agency bosses was now "murky," which led her to "not recognize" two of Hobbs' appointees as at a State Board of Investment meeting, Yee told The Arizona Republic Wednesday.


As a result, she said, the two appointees — Barbara Richardson of the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions and Elizabeth Thorson of the Arizona Department of Administration — could not participate in the meeting.


"This absence of a lawfully appointed director to serve from these two agencies create legal uncertainty," Yee said. "It really does jeopardize the proceedings of the State Board of Investment and will continue to do so until the governor reinstalls legitimate directors into these positions."


On Monday, Hobbs ditched the process used for decades in the Legislature to appoint the heads of state agencies subject to Senate confirmation, writing in a letter to state Senate President Warren Petersen that she was tired of the "political circus" that has led to stalled appointments.


She withdrew her remaining nominations from the Senate's Committee on Director Nominations and bestowed the new title of "executive deputy director" on 13 of her nominees, allowing them to skip Senate confirmations and continue their work as official agency directors.


Democratic state Attorney General Kris Mayes backed up Hobbs' legal ability to make the decision. But Petersen said the maneuver was unlawful and warned that decisions made by what he called the "fake directors" would be "dubious" and subject to lawsuits.


Yee said she didn't coordinate her action with Petersen or anyone else. She believes strongly in the nomination process as a former state Senate majority leader, she said, noting that she held up several nominations by former Republican Gov. Doug Ducey when questions were raised about the nominees' qualifications.


She consulted with lawyers after learning that Hobbs' was "blatantly circumventing the law" by rejecting the confirmation process, and they told her "we could not legally recognize these individuals in the open meeting" of the Board of Investment.


Under state law, the directors of the departments of Administration and Insurance and Financial Institutions or their "designees" are members of the Board of Investment, along with the state treasurer and two other members assigned by the treasurer. They're supposed to meet monthly to review the state's investments.


The nominees can legally serve up to a year without confirmation. But Hobbs' withdrawal of the nominees from any Senate confirmation process means "there was no longer a record of a process" for which these directors could sit for a year without Senate confirmation" that would allow them serve even as unconfirmed interim directors, she said.


The absence of two key members from the meetings "jeopardizes the proceedings of the State Board of Investment," Yee said in a news release Tuesday. On Wednesday, she said that having them participate without clear authority also creates a risk that decisions made with them as board members could be on shaky legal ground.


A designee for Thorson remained at the meeting on a video conference call, Yee said, but that's unlikely to continue to future meetings. Interpreting the "executive deputy directors" as "designees" won't solve the problem, Yee said, because "a designee can only be granted that authority by a director."


"We are the trustees," Yee said. "Without these members being involved with the Board of Investment, the public loses out on their input."

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:13 a.m. No.19623344   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586


Yee temporarily became the acting governor on Wednesday because Hobbs, Mayes and Secretary of State Adrian Hobbs were out of state. Yee said in a statement she would "refrain" from naming the 13 nominees as directors and calling the Senate to convene and confirm them. Hobbs was in Washington, D.C., Wednesday after a weeklong trip to meet with political and business leaders in Taiwan.

County to vote on precinct leader appointment policy

Kari Lake video teases coming political news. Is it a US Senate announcement?

Report finds AZ hit hard by election official departures

Hobbs pulls director nominees, sets up Senate showdown


Yee said she hoped Hobbs' names "qualified directors" to be nominated as agency directors and ends the "legal uncertainty" her order created.


Hobbs' spokesman Christian Slater, in a statement to The Republic, said Yee did exclude a director's designee at the investment board meeting Tuesday, which was "illegal."


"We expect Treasurer Yee to stop playing political games, seat the duly authorized Board members, and ensure government keeps working on behalf of Arizonans," Slater said, adding that it wasn't clear if Yee really had the power as acting governor to appoint new directors.


Hobbs and the Republican-led state Senate have battled over her nominees for much of the year after Petersen changed the standard confirmation process and put state Sen. Jake Hoffman, R-Queen Creek, a political ally and the leader of the hard-right Arizona Freedom Caucus, as chair of the nomination committee. Hoffman, who is apparently the target of Mayes' probe into a multi-state scheme to present alternate electors for Trump in the 2020 election, has used the position as a bully pulpit to denounce perceived left-wing policies of Hobbs' nominees and led the GOP-run committee to reject several of them.


Hoffman stopped the committee hearings in June in retaliation for Hobbs' executive order taking the power to prosecute abortion laws away from county attorneys, then led the rejection of Hobbs' Director of Housing nominee this month after discovering documents she had plagiarized. The battle has meant that only six of Hobbs' roughly two dozen nominees have so far been confirmed.


Petersen said to "stay tuned" for more actions against Hobbs' latest decision, hinting that the fight would end up in court.


"This was ill-conceived and not well thought out," he said. "It won't work, practically or legally."

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:15 a.m. No.19623350   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3356 >>3366 >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586

Kari Lake War Room


Rather than end her practice of appointing radicals to government positions,



's has chosen to BYPASS the Senate nomination process & appoint shadow directors to run 13 state agencies.


Hobbs is reckless, incompetent & utterly lawless.

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:17 a.m. No.19623356   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3357 >>3382 >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586



Hobbs Refuses To Follow The Law On Director Nominations


A year-long political feud over Arizona’s agency nominees has just entered uncharted territory.


On Monday, Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs sent a letter to Republican Senate President Warren Petersen, informing him that she would “withdraw all director nominations that remain pending before the Senate and pursue other lawful avenues of ensuring State government can continue to function for Arizonans.”


The governor blamed Senate Republicans for not “fulfilling (their) statutory obligations in good faith,” adding that they have proven themselves “unable or unwilling to carry out a valid process for confirming nominees.” She specifically attacked the “complete lack of fitness” of chairman of the Committee on Director Nominations, Jake Hoffman; and she accused him of “disrespectful behavior” and attempts to “leverage the confirmation” of qualified nominees.


Senate Republicans were quick to respond to the governor’s action. President Warren Petersen issued a statement, saying, “This move by the Executive Branch showcases another prime example of an elected official who believes they’re above the law and will go to extreme measures to bypass the requirements of the law when they don’t get their way. The law is very specific on who is to run our state agencies. Without directors fulfilling these obligations, the legality of every decision made by these state agencies is dubious, and litigation against the state would surely prevail.”


Petersen promised Arizonans that the process for vetting and confirming Hobbs’ nominees was, in fact, working and that legislators would be awaiting a new list of appointments from the state’s chief executive. He said, “Our members of the Committee on Director Nominations will continue to be professional and stand ready to resume the confirmation hearings created to critically vet her appointments in order to protect the people of Arizona from government overreach and tyranny from unelected bureaucrats. The process is working. Because of the committee’s thorough vetting, we have been able to recommend several directors for appointment and have also rejected those who proved they were not competent to serve. We are prepared to receive a new list of nominations. If they are competent and not hyper-partisan, they will have no problem getting confirmed.”


The primary target of the governor’s outrage, Senator Jake Hoffman, also released a statement to respond to the new developments. Hoffman stated, “With this latest stunt, Katie Hobbs has doubled down on her commitment to weaponizing the government of Arizona to enact her extreme far-left agenda. The people of our state deserve highly qualified, non-partisan individuals to lead these agencies, instead Hobbs has chosen to nominate partisans and ideologues. Hobbs is the only person to blame for her nominees struggling to succeed under actual due diligence. She should have done her homework prior to making her nominations, yet she chose not to and is now attempting to blame everyone else except herself for her failures.”


The East Valley legislator added, “If the Governor wishes to limit her own authority by foregoing rulemaking and other director-required activities in the absence of confirmed directors, we certainly welcome this limitation of her power. Hobbs has made it abundantly clear that she has no intention of working constructively with the Legislature the voters gave her. Instead, she’s choosing to throw petulant temper tantrums when she doesn’t get her way. The only ones who stand to lose in the wake of her childish games are the citizens of Arizona. I’m incredibly disappointed, but I’m certainly not surprised.”


According to the Governor’s Office, the following nominees were withdrawn and reassigned as Executive Deputy Directors of their respective agencies:

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:17 a.m. No.19623357   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586


Elizabeth Thorson, Arizona Department of Administration

Angie Rodgers, Arizona Department of Economic Security

Karen Peters, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

Carmen Heredia, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

David Lujan, Arizona Department of Child Safety

Jackie Johnson, Arizona Department of Gaming

Joan Serviss, Arizona Department of Housing

Barbara Richardson, Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions

Lt. Col Dana Allmond, Arizona Department of Veterans Services

Alec Esteban Thomson, Arizona State Lottery

Cynthia Zwick, Residential Utility Consumer Office

Lisa Urias, Arizona Office of Tourism

Robyn Sahid, Arizona State Land Department


Hobbs’ release also noted that at the Committee’s current pace, Hoffman’s Senate Committee would “be holding nomination hearings well into (her) second term” – a comment (and a bold prediction) that is certain to intensify the political fires between the Governor’s Office and Legislative Republicans as they prepare to enter the second year of a very divided government.


The Arizona Senate Democrats Caucus sided with the governor, writing, “Jake Hoffman hijacked the Director Confirmation process for his own extremist agenda against abortion access. This waste of taxpayer dollars & time desperately needed to end. Arizonans can be confident that their government is running with sound and stable leadership.”

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:19 a.m. No.19623363   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586

Elephant Civics






and @AZAGMayes

are currently using the transfer of power to break the law. This is why @AZTreasurerYee


Is in power. They are all currently at an event for @norscodems

and the only reason to relinquish power at a political event is to do one of the… Show more


Todd Ingalls




LOL. Whenever the governor travels out of state an the governor must appoint an acting governor from the succession of state officers. This happens all the time but usually the acting governor does not tweet about it.

Elephant Civics




They don't have an acting gov. I posted the order required by AZ law. She has been away in Asia until 2 days ago, the next two in line are her dem buddies, one in line is clear in the pic I posted. She will say she wasn't there, but will she give a detailed reason we are on the… Show more

Todd Ingalls




Mayes and Fontes are also out of state. This is all in the AZ Constitution

It literally happens all the time

Hobbs not inclined to play governor when Ducey’s away | Arizona Capitol Times

When Doug Ducey crosses state lines, it will be “Governor Katie Hobbs” to you.

Elephant Civics


Here is a picture of him in state an hour ago

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:25 a.m. No.19623377   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3387 >>3427 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586

Todd Ingalls




LOL. Whenever the governor travels out of state an the governor must appoint an acting governor from the succession of state officers. This happens all the time but usually the acting governor does not tweet about it.


Elephant Civics


They don't have an acting gov. I posted the order required by AZ law. She has been away in Asia until 2 days ago, the next two in line are her dem buddies, one in line is clear in the pic I posted. She will say she wasn't there, but will she give a detailed reason we are on the 3rd rung of gov?

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 12:30 a.m. No.19623387   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3427 >>3435 >>3487 >>3559 >>3586


Todd Ingalls


Here is a link to the section in the constitution

2:00 AM · Sep 28, 2023






  1. Death, resignation, removal or disability of governor or lieutenant governor; succession to office; impeachment, absence from state or temporary disability


Section 6. A. In the event of the death of the governor, or the governor's resignation, removal from office or permanent disability to discharge the duties of the office, the lieutenant governor shall succeed to the office of governor until a successor shall be elected and shall qualify.


B. In the event of the death of the lieutenant governor, or the lieutenant governor's resignation, removal from office or permanent disability to discharge the duties of the office, the governor shall appoint a person to serve as lieutenant governor, subject to approval by a majority vote of the members of each house of the legislature.


C. If a vacancy in the office of governor occurs with or during a vacancy in the office of lieutenant governor, the secretary of state, the attorney general, the state treasurer or the superintendent of public instruction shall, in the order named, succeed to the office of governor.


D. The taking of the oath of office as governor by any person specified in this section shall constitute resignation from the office by virtue of the holding of which the person qualifies as governor. Any successor to the office shall become governor in fact and entitled to all of the emoluments, powers and duties of governor on taking the oath of office.


E. In the event of the impeachment of the governor, the governor's absence from the state or other temporary disability to discharge the duties of the office, the powers and duties of the office of governor shall devolve on the same person as in case of vacancy, but only until the disability ceases.

Anonymous ID: 6cc87d Sept. 28, 2023, 1:01 a.m. No.19623508   🗄️.is đź”—kun


i want to know the real names, not the puppets up for public consumption like clinton and obummer

i want to to know the names and history's of the entities, how old they are, how to get rid of them, where the hell are we in this …

i dont enjoy earth or this journey

i want out

i want to go home