Anonymous ID: 4f7538 Sept. 28, 2023, 9:33 a.m. No.19625650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I sat down under a tree to one side and watched as my lads unloaded the heavy stand from the convoy, set it up

and attached the bunting and banners. A few of our fans came over and talked with me or offered me cold

drinks. Everything seemed peaceful In fact, it was too peaceful. Major Morgan, my Deputy Commander, on

whom I depended as an experienced and utterly capable Storm Leader, had asked for the day off and had even

come down to the scene in civvies with his pregnant wife to enjoy, for once, the case of a spectator. Only eleven

of our men had been able to show up at this rally, after the all-out effort of the week before.

But now, I could sense something different, something wrong. As the crowd began to gather, the police did a

strange thing: they all but disappeared. They retreated over a hundred yards beyond the crowd and there were

only one or two uniformed men anywhere within operating distance of the enclosure!

I mounted the platform when the boys were ready. Then I knew what was going on. Like a hoard of locusts,

almost in military formation, over two hundred of last week's burly Jew hoodlums and toughs swarmed around

our stand and began an obviously organized chant of "Sick! Sick! Sick!". This was not too surprising, but what

happened next was horrifying. The Jews began to push and hang over the ropes and swing at our men, and the

police retreated even farther away with folded arms!

Anonymous ID: 4f7538 Sept. 28, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.19626040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is only an infinitesimally tiny bit of the huge mass of evidence that the 'Russian' revolution was not

Russian at all, but Jewish. The documents include the Overman Report to the U.S. Senate, 1919, Senate

Document 88, which shows that of the 388 members of the first Soviet Government, sitting in the Old Smolny

Institute in Petrograd, 371 were Jews and 265 of these Jews were from the lower East Side of New York City!

In March 1918, both Russia and Germany were in the advanced throes of Bolshevik revolution. Lenin was on

his way in a sealed train to Russia, with over 417 exiled Jewish Marxists, to set up the first Bolshevik

government in the world. The Jewish revolutionaries were at work in all the other chaos-ridden European

countries, with Bela Kun (Cohen) seizing Hungary for the Jew-Communists and Rosa Luxemburg and Karl

Liebknecht, both Jews, leading the Bolshevik uprising in Germany.