you reek of concernfag. do you even see what goes on in Detroit? if you knew they were targeting your family would you cry out the same? they come from the city everyday to attack us.
so you wouldn't want a judge ruling in your favor for killing someone who raped and killed your daughter just because it happened in the uptick? you obviously sat on your fat ass instead of going to the sandbox.
you all better wake the fuck up and get out of your little murica bubble!
i've been warning everyone around me since my first time there. too damn ignorant and laugh like it's a movie or game. no it could never happen here.
shootings are the easy ones. just wait. don't come crying to me when your loved ones body parts are in the street. i have no sympathy for ignorance. carebears and the muppets are over.
beware of faggots like you still trying to push the MUH! JOO! narrative.
better yet. FUCK OFF SHEP!
not quite. your obviously the one with the beak. hmmm why do you all have a beak? deformation maybe?