Anonymous ID: 49a818 Sept. 29, 2023, 7:45 a.m. No.19631634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1644 >>1645 >>1646 >>1652 >>1658 >>1714 >>1735 >>1760 >>1859 >>2114 >>2225 >>2311


Q was almost prophetic in this post, she died last night Sept. 28, 2023. One day off, from 5 year delta



27-Sep-2018 9:41:00 PM EDT







Senator Dianne Feinstein, an 'icon for women in politics,' dies at 90


Friday, September 29, 2023 9:52AM


"Sadly, Senator Feinstein passed away last night at her home in Washington, D.C. Her passing is a great loss for so many, from those who loved and cared for her to the people of California that she dedicated her life to serving. Senator Feinstein never backed away from a fight for what was just and right. At the same time, she was always willing to work with anyone, even those she disagreed with, if it meant bettering the lives of Californians or the betterment of our nation. There are few women who can be called senator, chairman, mayor, wife, mom and grandmother. Senator Feinstein was a force of nature who made an incredible impact on our country and her home state. She left a legacy that is undeniable and extraordinary. There is much to say about who she was and what she did, but for now, we are going to grieve the passing of our beloved boss, mentor and friend."

Anonymous ID: 49a818 Sept. 29, 2023, 8:05 a.m. No.19631757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1859 >>2114 >>2225 >>2311

29 Sep, 2023 11:32

Ukraine demands ‘full’ EU membership

Prime Minister Denis Shmygal has claimed his country is uniquely deserving to join the bloc and won’t bring problems with it


Ukraine deserves complete accession to the EU and will not accept any substitute proposed by incumbent member states who envision a tiered system of candidates. Prime Minister Denis Shmygal reiterated Kiev’s position in an interview published by Politico on Thursday.

“We want to be a fully-fledged member because Ukraine today is the unique country across the world that has paid such a huge price for its will to become a European Union member,” the senior official told the outlet.


Earlier this month, a report commissioned by France and Germany recommended breaking down the EU’s expansion process into more phases to “ensure a merit-based approach and to manage potential conflicts.” A four-tiered system ranking nations from “inner circle” down to a “European Political Community” was proposed.


Eight nations and the breakaway Serbian province of Kosovo currently have active talks with the EU about possible accession. National leaders will discuss enlargement and reform plans during a summit in Granada, Spain next week.


Shmygal emphasized that Ukraine is not aiming for a lower-tier status and anticipates full membership within two years. In explaining what sets Ukraine apart, he pointed to the significant and widespread public support for EU accession among its population.


Previously, other senior Ukrainian officials asserted that their nation should be granted membershipdue to their perceived rolein defending the EU from potential Russian invasion. It’s worth noting, however, that Moscow has not indicated any intention to engage in armed conflict with any EU member state.


In a recent Politico interview, Shmygal provided insights ahead of a formal assessment by Brussels regarding Ukraine’s progress in implementing the required reforms as a candidate state last year. The European Commission is anticipated to make a recommendation next month regarding the commencement of formal accession talks.


The prime minister vowed that his country “would not be bringing problems” to the EU and, on the contrary, would help it tackle energy dependence, security, defense, and broader economic issues. Currently, Kiev relies on foreign aid to conduct its military campaign against Russia and pay government expenditures.


Joseph Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, noted in an interview with The Guardian last week that Ukraine “would be the only country that would be a net beneficiary” should it be granted membership. He added, however, that Kiev’s inclusion in the bloc would also end a “sleeping siesta” period for enlargement.



(These guys demanding things is gonna make most of them disappear! The EU got into bed with the whorish Mafia in Ukraine, so these demands/threats are going to continue)

Anonymous ID: 49a818 Sept. 29, 2023, 8:12 a.m. No.19631824   🗄️.is 🔗kun

29 Sep, 2023 10:31

Russian defenses stronger than expected – UK military chief

Tony Radakin said Western expectations for Kiev’s counteroffensive should be “adjusted”


Russia’s defensive lines have proven to be more resilient than the West had initially anticipated, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the chief of the British Defense Staff has admitted, noting that the Russia-Ukraine conflict could drag on for some time.


Speaking on ‘War on the Rocks,’ an American podcast, the military official stressed that the West must be “very careful of rushing to easy judgments” about Kiev’s counteroffensive and stated that expectations about what Ukraine’s forces can achieve in the near future should be “adjusted.”


Radakin pointed out that at the start of Kiev’s summer counteroffensive, it was still looking for more equipment and ammunition, the lack of which had impacted the operation. There was also the issue of incorrect assessments of Russia’s strengths. “In actuality, some of those Russian defenses have been stronger than first anticipated,” the admiral said.


Nevertheless, Radakin claimed that Kiev was “grinding through and making progress.” To that end, he insisted that Kiev’s Western backers must continue supporting Ukraine, as its ability to prevail in the conflict depended on it being able to outlast Russia.


“It’s the military that wins battles, but it's the economics and that sustainability that tends to win wars,” he said.


When addressing the challenges surrounding the counteroffensive’s limited success, the admiral cited the current hindrances faced by Ukrainian generals. These challenges primarily included managing a diverse range of military vehicles within their forces and addressing concerns related to the insufficient training of their soldiers.


“[Kiev’s] force is not a professional soldiers’ force; it’s a citizen army,”Radakin said, noting that there's a “humility and sobering element”to the fact that it is yet unclear how to get a citizen army to fight in a way that could overcome Russian defenses.


Ukraine launched its offensive in early June but has so far failed to gain significant ground, losing many Western-supplied tanks and armored vehicles.


This week, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Kiev’s forces had lost over 17,000 service members and more than 2,700 pieces of military equipment in September. Earlier this month, the ministry also claimed that Kiev’s forces had suffered 66,000 casualties and lost over 7,600 pieces of heavy equipment since the start of the counteroffensive operation.


(These people are cuckoo!)