Anonymous ID: fb56e2 Sept. 29, 2023, 1:45 p.m. No.19633633   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3635

Gray Hats

Gray hats: you have the rest of 2023 to do public mass arrests and to substantially begin the process of disclosure. With disclosure, we don’t just mean releasing some documents, or someone making a speech somewhere, and then only the already-awake see it because the mainstream media doesn’t report it. That type of disclosure is mostly preaching to the choir. We mean a type of disclosure that the sleepers will see, whether that’s an EAS / EBS message, or a mainstream media takeover. And we mean that the amount of disclosure is substantial, because after all, many people including children are suffering every day. Therefore an overly slow rollout of disclosure, such as mainstream media showing one thing that contradicts the narrative but then continuing to push disinformation, is not enough at this stage.


It is fine to start with the easier-to-digest pieces of disclosure first, such as regular corruption. But the people should finally see that justice is once again restored. If it’s shown that someone is corrupt, then they should also be arrested. And if the court ruling over that case is obviously corrupt itself, then drag both the original corrupt person as well as possibly the corrupt court in front of a military tribunal.


If you object to this, keep in mind that your beloved ancestors who freed America from British rule also broke the law (or if you live in another country, almost certainly there is someone who you think did some great deed but their action nonetheless broke the law). The US declaration of independence was clearly illegal under the law at that time. You may want to argue that it was justified because it was obviously the morally right thing to do, and I agree — and similarly, freeing yourself from the dark controllers today is obviously the morally right thing to do. Any argument you may want to give for why the illegal declaration of independence was justified, you can use those same arguments to justify illegal actions today if they are necessary to free yourselves from the dark controllers.


If certain laws make it illegal to free yourselves, then it’s those laws and not your freedom that should be discarded.


If your ancestors took the approach that you’re currently taking, then America would still be a British colony today.


From our point of view, some of your minds have actually been infected with the idea that it’s better to let millions of people suffer than it is to break some laws. Again, your founding fathers broke the law, and you revere them — and you have at least as much need to free yourselves as the founding fathers did. I know that arguments are made saying “if we break the law, then we end up in chaos” — but look at where you already are. How has working within the confines of the law been working out for you? Frankly, from our point of view it’s not the breaking of certain laws, but the suffering of millions that should alarm people and cause immediate concern. From our point of view it’s obvious that the suffering of millions should weigh more heavily than certain laws.


After all, laws aren’t living things. People are. So the wellbeing of people should be more important than the wellbeing of laws. Sure, laws can help to create well-being for the people — but if laws stop you from freeing the people, then it’s obvious that your living and breathing brothers and sisters are more important than ink on a page.


Practically speaking, laws function mostly as a control / defense mechanism of the dark controllers. And the dark controllers themselves certainly aren’t letting laws stop them from doing what they want to do. And if you want to make an argument saying “if we break the law, we’re no better than they are” — do you think that your founding fathers were no better than British rule? Because your founding fathers broke the law. Probably you don’t think your founding fathers were as bad as British rule was. Okay, so then we’ve established that someone can break the law yet still be morally in the right. There are also plenty of other people who you probably think of as virtuous, yet who nonetheless broke the law. So clearly those who break the law aren’t automatically as bad as the dark controllers are.


Still, if you can do public mass arrests in 2023 without breaking the law, and actually bring those people to justice and not just have corrupt courts free them or endlessly stall or use procedural tricks, then fine with us.


Alternatively, you can use galactic law. Under galactic law, you can bring people to justice (using military tribunals if necessary) if they can be proven to be working to harm the innocent. Feel free to request more information about galactic law if you’re interested, because it gives you a full legal basis for public mass arrests. And again, if you need any other kind of support, we’re more than happy to provide it.

Anonymous ID: fb56e2 Sept. 29, 2023, 1:46 p.m. No.19633635   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Once it’s 2024, if there haven’t been public mass arrests and substantial disclosure, we may intervene at any time. And if you haven’t taken these actions by then, we may decide to hold you gray hats accountable under galactic law, in a galactic court.