that is stupid considering the fucking state legalized shit years ago. Good luck putting that genie back in the bottle. Not that she is wrong, just good luck. Who gives a shit about drugs when you give illegals money also.
who his VP is will tell anons a bunch. Either that you suggested would be terrible. I am hoping the VP is someone who has yet to really appear or get involved yet. Because if its Kushner that will hurt him a bunch not that it would matter at that point. It also is going to be telling because it could change if the election is delayed due to the nature of what anons have speculated about the lack of election.
I think round one was to help expose the swamp, bring people into the light by appointing them. Could not be destroyed first go, have to show there are termites using the ultraviolet. Plus I think a lot of people were thrust upon him like Pence. It also helped that he played the game in their favor in round one. It allowed the enemy again to get in close, and close enough to entrap them.
is that why articles like this exist. You just saying shit doesn't mean fuck all nigger.
oh you are that faggot. your script is gay just like pence.
the carls jr logo is pissed
yes, because it allows the bureaucratic machine to function, most government employees are redundant and just like most professions the HR departments the government has are the worst. Plus shutting down does not mean shutting down the government it means shutting down the extended bloat of the system.
what the fuck are you even talking about? who the fuck is Flynstone, do you mean Fred, He is a cartoon character, you need to take your meds nigger.
your proof is a colbert sketch. Neck yourself nigger.
oh that book that has been edited and curated for 2000 years at least and even the older bits were not written at the time and are speculative fiction at best based upon more ancient myths and stories and perhaps only parables or maybe even an ancient history that modern religious cults fail to recognize, and rather base their own insular cult into thinking they are the only ones with truth. Get bent biblenamefag
Not pissed about anything except deluded namefags larping fan fiction. Catholics are stupid what can I say.
so that fable never happened, but the rest of the book totally true. Not a word ever altered or mistranslated.
Ok so curious now. Do you only consider the 4 gospels legit? What about acts and the other books. Any gnostic texts. Could the gospels have been altered since they were written well after the times of Jesus and they were chosen and again curated when there were other popular books at the time? The only the gosples thing is at least an interesting take possibly.
If you only consider the gospels as Truth, Is Jesus father, the god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, Did his father appear as a bush?
Well first off, saying Jesus is a symbol of an allegory in the old testament is silly, BUT it is interesting that you brought up the idea of why does a god need to smell bbq, why does it need burnt flesh ,and why does it need sacrifice and virgins. That part of your statement is interesting.
Well I don't think any religion has the complete story. I know there is a compelling ideas for Jesus, I just question everything that is written about him. Because the people who wrote the first bits are the people who edited the last bits. History is fragmented and truth is hard to find, but maybe a name alone is enough to find the way through the lie. So yeah the old testament is full of shit. I don't trust most of the new. But the name of Jesus seems to cut through all that bullshit still.
who is their leader? Got a name. Satan won't cut it. Devil will not cut it either. Because if they have a leader, catholics and muslims and hindus and whatever else there is also have a leader. This would make the leader the same character in the story. But the devil is too simple of an answer.
He also said that his father was not their father. He was separate from their beliefs, because at least according to the story they did not recognize him. So it was not just the claim of I AM which I would need to look up those passages in strongs to see what words were really used.
That is called deflection who is their boss you stated they have one. Name them. What drives them who instructs them. What god do they worship? Has to have a name. Is the name given in the made up bible? See just blaming one group when all groups participate in it is bullshit. Who is the puppet master of all religion?
no you are. Thought you might be intelligent but you only focus on the Jews. Just giving a modern name of who is involved is not telling me who their god is. You are a retard. thought there might be hope for you but, no you are obsessed with thinking in modern terms and not where it stems from. Q said a lot I also know that history has been altered and someone controls all religion and its not the jews you stupid fuck. They are just a tentacle of the hydra.