Anonymous ID: 777ce8 Sept. 29, 2023, 3:13 p.m. No.19634140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4354

>>19633933 lb




nobody gets banned here, liar.

Who are you trying to fool, the newbies?

The board is structured so no one can actually be banned.

I know because some storm-trooper asshole from your team, like you bannedEVERYBODYwho stood up for Jews two summers ago.

A mess of people left the board because of that; including many bakers. Who I believe have come back now?


And the permanent bans dont work.

D'uh and you know that.

thats why the shills who get banned for spam always accuse people (anons) whom they don't know of "IP Hop"

PS what difference does it make if you IP hop.

Absolutely no difference.

But the Jew Haters, spam artist, gore porn afficionadas, baby fuckers, all think it shows them up; so they go ahead and accuse others of it - like every single day?


as if, fools.


I know because the idiot tried banning me.

He tried to get VPN banned so HE COULD ban people, but JIM the hero, said "no."

Why did he Jew-hater (likely Cointelpro) want to get rid of VPN?




If you can't justify your argument, you ban your opponent in order to win.

I love being able to talk back to you shits.

Keep coming back. We can fight you good. And you come back every day for more;

How much do you get for that?

Or is it just part of the Cointelpro territory?

You 'all crazy. We found that out with the storm-trooper ban hammer idiot. & lowIQ

SlimyOnion really was lowIQ, as you are, as the FBI are, as the Cointelpro are.

Your group Got lazy from throwing your weight around for a century?


As if you don't know no one can be banned here.

So dishonest. Figures.

Liar Liar

Have to lie, since your argument is so weak; It's fantasy.

Typical democrat.

Democrat Socialist morph to straight FASCIST.

Anonymous ID: 777ce8 Sept. 29, 2023, 4:09 p.m. No.19634534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4555


I 'd say she's a lost hungry ghost.

wandering. no peace.

can't kill herself now, since she's already dead.

So she's stuck with the visions of all her bad actions and all the people she hurt, and that ultimately she lost (her goal).

Also shamed her family.


Doesn't this lady look like Hoaxel. Hochel?

Joan C. was rumored to be…. some kind of occultist / witch;

A top witch, it was said.


Latest move of NYC , No one is allowed to examine the mail -in/ absentee ballots.

observers are not allowed to touch them, open them or examine them at all.

Wrap your head around that!

somebody said, the whole narrative we are living through has "jumped the shark"

Marina A. as ambassador to the pole dancer who's been extorting money from the Pedo Chicom-compromised senile un-elected POTUS. While they run a eugenics program using bioweapons funded by the POTUS crack-head son?

It'll make a Shak-Sper level Litarary work, some day.
