Anonymous ID: d4fadb Sept. 29, 2023, 3:30 p.m. No.19634251   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4266 >>4271 >>4277 >>4287 >>4372 >>4407 >>4432 >>4517 >>4565 >>4665 >>4700 >>4720 >>4744 >>4764


Pastebin notes for rally below


LIVE - President Donald J. Trump to address the California GOP fall convention in Anaheim, CA - 9/29/2023


President Trump: We're thrilled to be here [California] with the conservative Patriots who are leading the charge to take back this state from the radical-left lunatics.

President Trump: This is a state that the right republican can win, and I think, actually win easily.

President Trump: I'll solve the border problems within twenty-four hours of taking office.

President Trump: We're going to crush Crooked Joe Biden next November, we're going to Make California Great Again, and we're going to Make America Great Again.

President Trump: While California was once a symbol of American success, today, under the radical-left fascists, marxists, that run your state…bad people; it's becoming a symbol of our nation's decline.

President Trump: The mission to help you liberate California from communist rule begins at noon on inauguration day, 2025.

President Trump: Together, we will take on the ultra-left wing liars, losers, creeps, perverts and freaks, who are devouring the future of this state like a swarm of locusts.

President Trump: The man who fell in love with a Chinese spy…Eric Swalwell; what a loser.

President Trump: Together will will reverse the decline of America, and we end the desecration of your once great state, California. This is not a great state anymore. This is a dumping ground. You're a dumping ground The world is being dumped into California.

President Trump: So much water [California], but up north they have a valve…massive valve, like your kitchen valve, but multiply it by ten thousand. All of the water gets turned out, and turned into the Pacific Ocean….they don't want the water to come down all the way down to Los Angeles, and the Central Valley…constantly forced to ration; you have droughts.

President Trump: This [water rationing/droughts] is all because Gavin Newsom and the radical-left democrats, extremists, and the people who run the state, in order to save an extremely unimportant, very little, and non-productive fish, the Delta Smelt…because of that Delta Smelt, you don't have any water, you don't have farms, you don't have anything. You're all going bust.

President Trump: One of the first things I'm going to do when I get back into office, for California, is force Newsome to give you water.

President Trump: All the currently dry canals will be brimming, and used to irrigate everything, including your own homes, and bathrooms, and everything…they say that there's so much water up north, that I want to have the overflow areas go into your forests, and dampen your forests, because if you dampen your forests, you're not going to have these forest fires that are burning at levels that nobody's ever seen before.


Anonymous ID: d4fadb Sept. 29, 2023, 3:32 p.m. No.19634271   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4277 >>4287 >>4372 >>4407 >>4432 >>4517 >>4565 >>4665 >>4700 >>4720 >>4744 >>4764


President Trump: Along with Crooked Joe Biden, Newsome is also killing our car industry…under his leadership, this is Newsome, California has imposed the most ridiculous car regulations anywhere in the world, with mandates to move to all-electric cars…this lunatic is going to destroy; he's going to go all-electric.

President Trump: They want all-electric army tanks now…so that we go into enemy territory, we will blast the shit out of everybody, but at least we will go in with environmentally nice equipment. Then they want to have our jet fighters…they want to use fuel that is a little bit better for the environment, so that as we're attacking some country, trying to devastate some country because they've been bad to us, we go in, we're dropping bombs all over the place, but at least we're not leaving any environmental footprint….it's about fifteen percent less effective.

President Trump: They lose sixty thousand dollars on every car they make, all-electric, sixty thousand. So these companies are, for the most part, going to go bankrupt. What's going to happen, is they're going to close them up and have the cars made in China, where they can buy them much cheaper. You're not going to have any jobs left [autoworkers].

President Trump: Under a Trump administration, gasoline-fired engines will be allowed, but child sexual mutilation will be banned. And we will prosecute those involved in California's depraved new laws that strip parents of parental rights.

President Trump: The state of California has no right to take children away from their parents and sterilize them…I will stop it immediately. All of that crazy stuff will be stopped. I will protect your youth, I will protect parents and their rights, and we will have them make decisions for their children.

President Trump: Under the radical-left democrats, your once beautiful cities have been overtaken by millions and millions of illegal aliens. Psychotic drug addicts, bedlam, squalor; nobody's ever seen anything like it. Nearly half the stores in downtown Dan Francisco have shutdown, and the rest are going to be shutting down. Targets, Walgreens; all of them are closing up, because your DAs, they're marxists, and they only go after republicans. Your marxist DAs have given hoodlums the greenlight to pillage and plunder your stores, to do whatever they want. In swanky Beverly Hills, armed bandits stalk their victims home to rob them at gunpoint in their garage or their living room…under the Trump administration, we will bring back law and order to California.


Anonymous ID: d4fadb Sept. 29, 2023, 3:33 p.m. No.19634277   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4287 >>4372 >>4407 >>4432 >>4517 >>4565 >>4665 >>4700 >>4720 >>4744 >>4764



President Trump: In places where there is a true breakdown in the rule of law such as Oakland…I will use everything I can, every single power at my disposal, including sending as many federal law enforcement assets as required to restore safety and peace…We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft. Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. Shot!

President Trump: More than half of the unsheltered homeless people in America live in communist-run California. As president, I will use all available powers to take the homeless, drug addicted, and severely deranged, and get them off your streets so that law-abiding citizens can once again enjoy the parks and public spaces for which they are paying a lot of money in tax.

President Trump: With all of the money we will save by ending mass-illegal immigration, we will have a gigantic surplus to get our homeless population the treatment they so clearly need. Many of the people will never be made better. These are people that are in many cases are in such bad shape, they'll never be made better. Seriously addicted, and lots of other things happen when that happens.

President Trump: An estimated twenty-two percent of students in LA public schools, are from a household headed by an illegal alien…Not only is this deeply unfair to American children, whose classroom resources are being critically drained…but it's turned many of your schools into war zones, and dangerous gang members from MS-13; your children are going to school with gang members from MS-3.

President Trump: They want to take my freedom, because I will never let them take away your freedom. They want to silence me, because I will never let them silence you.

President Trump: Here in California, they're wiping away the names of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington, off your schools. Under my leadership, we will once again teach our children to love America, and we will have great schools, that lead to great jobs so that our children can have incredible, beautiful lives.

President Trump: I will secure our elections, with special emphasis and force placed on California, so that we can go all-paper ballots, voter-ID, same-day election, and you actually have to go to a booth.

President Trump: And I make this promise to you, the great people of California, we are going to save your state, the great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and women will be forgotten no longer. With your help, your love, and your vote, we will put America First, and We Will Make America Great Again.


Anonymous ID: d4fadb Sept. 29, 2023, 3:43 p.m. No.19634348   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4405


anon is watching the speech now.

california is the devils playground.

was watching the taken down of gbnews and the shutdown of male voices.

They are using the females again in the u.k who are so fucking stupid to shut down any dissent to the uk deep state.

they just do not understand.

the male suicide rate around the world is off the charts and every time a bloke loses his rag here due to frustration they weaponize their words and take down everyone.

anon is so fucking sad.

we do not have a bill of rights

everything is getting so much worse

Anon mind is a mess.

so glad to hear trump and 8kun remain a fucking bastian of rebellian.

you have to get angry first before something is done .

this does not mean violence,

to motivate with true passion we need the men to stand up, but again women will bent, break and attack because all they see is their problems.

Pray for Lawrence fox and the others who are in full public view.


Anonymous ID: d4fadb Sept. 29, 2023, 4:27 p.m. No.19634669   🗄️.is đź”—kun


it is not about colour

it is about conscience

do not condone division

but maybe today for a few hours.

everyone needs a break from it and

ask for forgiveness

still who knows what people will do in desperation

but if you have a choice between a new born chick or a basket of fruit you just picked and are carrying.

well anon was just giving a disturbing example anon saw as a isolated incident.