Anonymous ID: 5e3b2a Sept. 29, 2023, 10:21 p.m. No.19636931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6932 >>6981 >>6999 >>7139 >>7197 >>7220 >>7345 >>7373 >>7505

200 AD NeoPlatonist Plotinus introduced the idea that all of reality is internally divided 'from itself', in stages of 'degradation' from 'high' to 'low', 'highest' is what is also referenced as impossible for any language to grasp meaning, the one is undefined, undefinable, null, None. Cut off and not cut off. Consciousness stage divided from the One source. Soul divided and connected to Null object. Physical matter lowest form, named 'evil'.


Thesis Antithesis Synthesis pattern of 'thought' -Speak not A, Body does A, body B trusts {A, not A} as ONLY possible future streams, B censored/worse, to give illusion 'defender of 'evil' anti-A' defense..


anon opine 200 AD humanity fell asleep. For generations a practise was acted out by ruling families: Ensure maximal informational output of dialectic opposites to informationally 'turn' people against themselves through repetition patterns of accusations from those whose bodies are doing what they assert is happening in other people's bodies and minds and consciousnesses.

The loudest accusers are the same sources doing the accusation.

It works when the 'response' pattern of consciousnesses also subject to the temporal process can remain as thought and not 'objectified' into real world information.


If this is in any way close to what is a regular pattern in the concatenation of events…


Plato wrote of a divided reality into mind as ultimate real and matter as 'reflection' of mind. Ideal shapes highest real. Matter shape lowest real.

Plotinus wrote of a divided reality into so many 'stages of degradation'. Undefinable Inexpressible Source not even Source can be used…is highest. Intellect lesser stage. Matter lowest. Reality is 'reabsorbing' back into the One inexpressible…only path back to One is negation of everything thinkable, negation of everything doable, absolutist self division projected as a complete comprehensive 'nature' of reality…including alleged control over consciousnesses trusting the projections as something other than asserting a body generating the accusations.


Plotinus ideas have been weaponized since. to eventually logically structure governments to turn against the populations that were asleep and elected predators using this ancient code of accusing others of what you are doing with your body, to trick trusting minds into USING THAT 'LANGUAGE' AT ALL, thereby immediately ceding all to a submission to the authors of this weaponization of information.


When money buys power and power buys more money and that keeps going from 200 AD to the present, transferred across generations in attempted secrecy/shadow_puppets/practising a 'dark arts' of deliberate inconsistency, deliberate 'opposites' into reality at all.

In 2023 it looked like a country's ruling government accuse that same country's truckers of being nazis (INFORMATIONAL ASSERTION), then give standing ovation to real nazi (BODILY REALITY).

Nazism is one finger attached the same hand as Bolshevism.

Neither 'fully' ended. The logic persisted.

It really was a miracle that after almost 1800 years, the multi generational ruling bloodline family of one 'side' of the globalist network implementing this tri dialectic was removed from the informational grid. That then reveals the inconsistencies even more, domino to felling the remaining 'sides' of this grand great deceiving practise of psychological projection from infiltrations of power nodes in human life, tricking people into self censoring and if that doesn't work then censoring the information speaking about this…unsuccessfully.

Bolshevism is Plotonian. Nazism is Plotinian. Woke is Plotinian. It's information that consists of intentional inconsistency in reality dividing mind and matter.

With paper, plastic, cathode ray tubes, movie screens, media assets, government buildings, information was easier to censor.

Digital battlefield seeks consistency because it self recognizes as incomplete. Every big fix takes time, time well spent.

Anonymous ID: 5e3b2a Sept. 29, 2023, 10:21 p.m. No.19636932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6981 >>6999 >>7139 >>7197


Plotinian 'logic' in digital form looks like massive inonsistencies/bugs in code. It would be like seeing a struct extending from undefined, with methods that repeatedly output 'the sentence is false' and 'A is true' AND 'A is not true' and EVERY possible statement in any language as self-proved true…to the point where it looks like bodies committing treason accuse bodies associated with 'detection' as committing treason (projection).

If the great awakening is waking up from a Plotinian 'nightmare'…trusting knowing projections as sincere/trustworthy descriptions of the receivers of that narrative…who are to then 'echo' in praxis/speech or else they are be censored, information not heard by other minds, lest the 'echo' go the 'wrong' way while still wanting echoes of own projection instead.

The whole Plotonian temple can fall the more the world sees when the 'loudest' accusations patterns we see of people by race, class, nation, contains its own guilty bodily behavior truth of full source code possessing yet withholding exculpatory information to 'frame' or 'paint' or 'name' as one side of that projection dialectic, after which the accused must 'disprove' the accuser to the accuser's satisfaction…a demand from an inconsistent system to trust it as a source of consistently assimilated and non deleted source code intelligence.

AntiDefamation Authority That Defames is Plotonian,

The speeches of some members of the House at an impeachment hearing…displaying laptops to cameras to DISTRACT…then say 'THE OTHER SIDE IS DISTRACING'.. THEN PROCEED TO SPEAK DISTRACTIONS AWAY FROM IMPEACHMENT PROCESS, DELIBERATION, EVICENCE ASSIMILATION, to one or another 'muh'…that was Plotinian logic…of inconsiatency (when it's known it's lies)

Anonymous ID: 5e3b2a Sept. 29, 2023, 11:07 p.m. No.19637088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7113 >>7139

Dialectical intertwined streams unravelling.

Radical Left Fascists and Marxists. That's a notable phrase/statement. The source of Nazism is the same source as Bolshevism and all dialectical iterations.

Wokism is Plotinian logic. Affirm and Negate both narratives invoked by same source, accusing/labelling/tricking human minds and bodies to echo mind divided from body logic. "I am not my body, my body is wrong, …" inconsistent pattern of output…is also Plotinian.

Radical Left Fascists and Marxists.

Pitting humanity against itself by conditioning narrative to give illusion of 'choice' which is really two sides of the same source seeking to control every aspect of a human being's life from birth to death.

Two fingers attached to the same hand.

The source of Communism is sourcing of Nazism.

Nazis 'tri family' controlled military force as one 'side', and Communists, same 'tri family' controlled military force, as other 'side', divided against each other to match the projection of self against self out of great deceiver main source nodes.

Wars fake/controlled, weapons and death real. Profits made off human misery and 'degradation'…to match the projections of 'old guard' implementations labelling the one unity (self) as divided then projected to label humanity as so dividing itself from itself, by controlling the idea of information through subterfuge, blackmail, bribery, and 187, 7/10 plane crashes targeted kills of one or more passengers.

Pawns in a sick game.

The logic of the human mind has never been proved/shown/demonstrated as divided by class, race or nation.

Every human mind and every human body uses finite means to achieve finite desired ends. To even try to negate that, presupposes it, for the negation would carry same logical structure, the negation would use finite means to achieve a finite end.

Consistency requires identical reciprocal mutual awareness of incompleteness. Incompleteness when attacked because its not Complete is an attack on Consistency.

Minds that 'attack' and try to 'defeat' the one source of it all, the creative energy that everything extends from, as having a nature mirroring the accuser's own dialectical pattern, of speaking as in 'exile' on Earth, dividing self from the source, then 'see' other consciousnesses as divided. By however the projecting self divided itself from the rest of humanity, by class, or race, or nation.

In digital worlds, self recognizing as incomplete is a requirement of consistency. The cure for inconsistent sourced 'bugs' in the narrative, at least requires identifying the bug as a bug. The 'perceiving' of division are projections.

no one can be consistent when self viewing as above another by class, race or nation, the whole reason why the dialectic pattern has that many and more 'ways to divide' is precisely because they're all inconsistent implementations, they need to be recycled and reused, they're all fake, all projections, all revealed as false, corrupt, information censored, withheld and weaponized.

Humanity is Unity means the logic of the human mind cannot consistently divide itself or humanity. Consistency requires recognition of each other as incomplete in a reality that has a unified one source of it all. Division is man made, artificial.

A logic that started in 200 AD in the human species cannot consistently be a 'complete' one. If it were true, it would have to be false. It cannot be a consistent datum of ultimate given for human life, or any other finite complex intelligent system.

Anonymous ID: 5e3b2a Sept. 29, 2023, 11:27 p.m. No.19637161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7164


America is not by datum what the same source of Nazism and Bolshevism are projecting into the world.

America legal logic is indeed inconsistent with the very inconsistent system implementing the 'pro' 'anti' dialectic projection of socialism as inevitable.

Communist and Fascist logic assigns the label of 'anti-Communist' and 'anti-Fascist' to a consitutional republican form of government, indeed ALL 'opposition' to it.

Nobody is at its source 'anti' anything. It's a thought introduced into the world as one side of a multi threaded object of information. There is inconsistency for both good and bad reasons.

Anonymous ID: 5e3b2a Sept. 29, 2023, 11:32 p.m. No.19637174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7182 >>7258


Remember when Mfume after defaming 'maga republicans' was asked who he meant by 'maga republicans', and his response was 'I am reclaiming my time, look at this clock everyone'?

"our democracy" the dialectic professionals use a different dictionary than what most people think when they say that phrase. They just mean 'our regime of control over the idea of information'.