Anonymous ID: 17721e Sept. 30, 2023, 5:44 a.m. No.19637790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7803 >>7893 >>8217

Morning anons…


The notable regarding fasting and that assisting with beating covid is 100% correct.


Glucose is something that is extremely occulted in our science literature and in our programming. In fact most literature will say that glucose is CRITICAL to your survival. It is. However, what they do not tell you is that YOUR BODY MAKES ITS OWN GLUCOSE. Further YOU SHOULD NOT overSUPPLEMENT THE GLUCOSE SYSTEM. Oversupplementing the glucose system gets us a very weak immune system and also gets us dysregulated as to dopamine and serotonin = you are a SHEEP and easy to influence.


48 hours past you last meal you will burn through all your circulating and intercellular glucose which is residuals from the glucose you consumed. At this point you begin to make a glucose like substance called KETONES. Your liver, brain, and kidneys like a water soluble fuel substrate. Glucose is one, as are ketones. So 48 hours past that last meal you start running your brain on ketones. Guess what? You LIGHT UP LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE.


We literally have been programmed to KILL OURSELVES with our eating frequency and our diet.


Everyone needs to think in terms of eating WINDOWS. What time do you open it? What time do you close it? It needs to be open for less than 8 hours. BTW, as long as it does not contain corn syrup, sugar, fructose…eat as much as you want and as often as you want in your window. If you are eating in an 6-8 hour window you almost cannot gain weight and will loose weight regardless of the amount of calories you consume (within logical reason…). I have been doing this for over a year and a half and it works very well. Have not been sick, have more mental clarity, more emotional strength, etc.


Fasting will beat just about any disease. The reason for it is something called AMPK which is a metabolic switch that gets thrown when we eat. When we eat we begin to run as many cells as we can on glucose. This is because fat is king to your body and fats from a meal must be analyzed and stored and you cannot do that if you are using them for fuel. 5 hours after eating cells flip to burn fat and that switch is AMPK. When you flip you become 50x more powerful/energetic. When you are facing covid/cancer/any disease you certainly want that 50x as often as you can get it…

Anonymous ID: 17721e Sept. 30, 2023, 6:09 a.m. No.19637867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8217


>The act of digestion is itself taxing on the system.


You got it…eating is the most costly thing we do to ourselves on the daily…


>Eating the sun on fast days is also very beneficial

Ha! We all "eat the sun" we just do not realize it…


anons give off at least 100watts of energy, if you are super active way moar than that…


it takes around 650 calories to produce 100watts of energy for one hour…


If you are awake for 12 hours then you need 650 x 12 = 7800 calories…and that is just being a LUMP…


So where does the extra juice come from? We only eat around 2000 calories????


Turns out you are a big antenna and receive resonant energy from the SON on the daily! In fact MOST of our energy comes to us from this source and NOT FROM FOOD…

Anonymous ID: 17721e Sept. 30, 2023, 6:16 a.m. No.19637891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7977 >>7981


>Can’t see Trump and RFK joining forces, but stranger things have happened.


That is actually exactly what I see happening and what would be best for the country. It just depends on if it is before or after the election. RFK jr has a role to play in how we rebuild = my 2 cents…


RFK jr is almost necessary to help us rebuild a proper medical system.


All institution must and will fall…