While this could certainly be part of what Q meant…
"In God We Trust" is on our currency. Taken with multiple meanings and the implications of the Pope…
Many of us know about the scam of the Federal Reserve. Not a big deal for most anons to swallow that red pill.
However, let's address not just the Papacy, but the entire understanding of God most of the western world has… which comes directly from the Hebrew customs.
The owl that serves as the Pope's guardian is not moloch or minerva. At least, not primarily. Lilith - or Lilum, relate to creatures of the night within Sumerian and Hebrew ancient societies. Lilith was Adam's first wife, and was created from the dust of the Earth, as well, and at the same time. Take the Alphabet of Ben Sirah with a grain of salt as a source, but the traditions certainly exist within history. Hebrew women used to inscribe the name of a specific set of angels to ward off the spirit of Lilith from their newborn children.
As the story went, after Lilith fled the garden and the Angels went to recover her, she refused to return to Adam (after a spat about whether or not she could be on top… of all the things to start a war of good and evil over…) and agreed to not kill children if the names of the angels who went to retrieve her were present.
I am sure we have the horribly mutilated and abridged version of what actually happened… and are missing massive chunks of what that actually means for us… but when God basically yielded to Adam's demand to have a sex slave, it kind of challenges our understanding of things.
People like myself have little problem with entertaining the various ideas about how the ancient deities could be both real and yet short of the mark of what we have come to expect of deities… but many others would have an extreme amount of difficulty processing the historical God separate from the ideological God. If that statement makes any sense.