Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 11:31 a.m. No.19639537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9557

My latest masterpiece in Staten Island NY.

sometimes a picture is worth 4 words.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.19639570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0062

Ukraine to fund defense with seized Russian assets – Zelensky


Kiev has also agreed on creating an alliance with foreign arms makers, the country's leader claims


Ukraine will set up a new defense fund that includes seized Russian assets among its primary sources of financing, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has announced.


The move is aimed at providing authorities in Kiev with “additional resources” to boost military production, create new defense programs and support the country’s troops, Zelensky said, speaking on Friday at the first International Defense Industries forum in the Ukrainian capital.


“The fund will be replenished with dividends from state defense assets and with profits from the sale of confiscated Russian assets,” he stated.


The Ukrainian leader didn’t specify if he was talking about nearly $300 billion of Russia’s gold and forex reserves that have been frozen by the country's Western backers, or about Russian-owned properties in Ukraine, seized after the launch of Moscow’s military operation in February 2022.


Russia has described the blocking of its assets in the West as “theft.” According to Kremlin press-secretary Dmitry Peskov, these were “absolutely illegal actions that contradict international law” and represent “an encroachment” on both state and private property by the US and its allies.


The fund is being established despite the $24-billion deficit in Ukraine’s budget for 2024 and despite the country mainly relying on money provided by its Western backers to function. In his article for Bloomberg earlier this week, Niall Ferguson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, said that “around 70% of the Ukrainian budget is covered by international assistance.”


Zelensky also said that, during the forum, the Defense Industries Alliance between Ukraine and foreign arms manufacturers, who are looking “to build the arsenal of the free world together with Ukraine,” has been created.


According to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, some 38 companies from 19 countries have so far agreed to join the alliance.


“Our priority is the development of defense production using modern technologies, including the production of shells, missiles, and drones in Ukraine, in cooperation with global leaders in this field,” the president said.


“Special conditions” will be offered to foreign firms willing to cooperate with Ukraine on making weapons, he promised.


Earlier this week, however, the head of the Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council Aleksey Danilov claimed that the country was nonetheless transferring some of its defense production abroad, due to the threat of long-range Russian strikes.


“Unfortunately, Russia hit the place where missiles were assembled… Now we have moved a certain part of the production outside our country,” he told Spanish newspaper ABC, without revealing any further details.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.19639603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9617 >>9623 >>9625 >>9629 >>9632 >>9635 >>9639 >>9646 >>9651

Tennessee teacher charged with raping student, 12, rearrested for telling victim he’ll ‘regret doing this’


The Tennessee teacher charged with raping a 12-year-old student was rearrested Thursday after she was caught texting the victim — warning him that he would “regret” reporting her to police.


Alissa McCommon, 38, was taken into custody at her Covington home and later charged with aggravated stalking, harassment and coercing — just three weeks after she was busted on rape accusations, according to the city police department.


The former fourth-grade educator had been released after posting a $25,000 bond under the condition she ceases any communication with the boy she is accused of raping in 2021.


McCommon tried to skirt around the parameters by allegedly messaging the 12-year-old from a previously unknown phone number.


“The evidence indicates McCommon texted a victim, using a specific code word known to the juvenile as a code word McCommon would previously utilize to confirm that the juvenile was alone, often before sending nude photographs on SnapChat,” Covington police said in a statement.


The mother of two then sent a flurry of messages warning the boy he would “regret doing this.”


McCommon then allegedly admitted to a sexual encounter with the boy during their text exchange, police said.


The victim immediately reported the harassment to police, who arrested the teacher the same day.


“The actions of McCommon are not only appalling, but CPD is also concerned about this apparent violation of her bond conditions. Due to the nature of the communications, we are concerned others may have been contacted,” Covington Police Chief Donna Turner said.


McCommon was rebooked into the Tipton County Jail, where she is being held without bond.


In addition to allegedly sexually assaulting her former student inside her home in 2021, McCommon is also accused of befriending and carrying out inappropriate relationships with other former students online.


Police said she sent them inappropriate photos and requested to have sex with them.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19639642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zelensky Hosts Major Arms Manufacturers Conference in Hopes to Boost Domestic Weapons Production


Ukraine hosted an international defense industry conference as part of a government effort to ramp up weapons production within the country to repel Russia’s full-scale invasion and reduce foreign dependence on arms deliveries.


The event marked a new development in support of Ukraine, with the previous focus being on the delivery of weapons, repair of damaged equipment and military training of Ukrainian soldiers.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, speaking at the opening of the International Defense Industries Forum, said that around 250 defense companies from more than 30 countries had gathered Friday in Kyiv. Defense ministers and representatives of several countries also attended the event.


“Heroism alone cannot intercept missiles. Ukraine needs capabilities, high quality, high quantity, and quickly. There is no defense without industry,” said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who spoke by video link during the forum on the day after his visit to Kyiv.


Stoltenberg said that Wendy Gilmour, who is NATO’s assistant secretary general for defense investments, was representing the trans-Atlantic alliance at the event.


Stoltenberg acknowledged that many allies have significantly depleted their stocks in order to support Ukraine. “This was the right thing to do, but now we need to ramp up production, both to meet Ukraine´s needs and to ensure our own deterrence in events,” he said.


Zelenskyy disclosed the details of his recent trip to Washington, where he agreed with U.S. President Joe Biden on “the establishment of a new industrial ecosystem that will strengthen both Ukraine and all the partners.” Zelenskyy described it as “one of the key outcomes” of his negotiations with Biden in Washington.


Zelenskyy’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, said that there will be meetings soon with representatives from the U.S. “to determine the road map of cooperation with the partners about localization of production, specifically in Ukraine.”

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, noon No.19639731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

18 Repub. Turncoats Kill Bill That Banned Pentagon’s Drag Show Funding – Here’s Their Names


In a progressively perilous global landscape, a prevailing consensus among the majority of Americans is the imperative of a robust military apparatus.


Regrettably, during the Biden administration, the military’s attention has shifted away from prioritizing strategic victories and has been consumed with promoting progressive narratives and initiatives, including those related to the LGBT ideology.


In recent years, conservatives have expressed a strong desire to restore and enhance the military’s capabilities in order to effectively safeguard the nation from potential threats.


Republican Representative Chip Roy of Texas has put forth an amendment to the House spending bill with the intention of discontinuing federal cash allocated towards drag shows and “pride” activities hosted by the Department of Defense.


Roy has been actively opposing the notion of “woke” within the military for an extended period of time. In the month of March, the individual in question, together with a group of nine fellow members of Congress, submitted a formal request to eliminate financial support allocated for activities pertaining to the LGBT community from the Department of Defense Appropriations Act.


“The Pentagon should be MORE focused on maintaining military readiness (like shoring up our intel) than hosting drag queen events and indoctrinating troops,” his office wrote on X, then Twitter, at the time.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 12:09 p.m. No.19639788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Stopgap passed


House passes 45 day spending stopgap, sending bill to Senate


In a significant last-minute reversal, the House has voted 335 to 91 to approve a 45 day extension of federal funding. The fate of the bill in the Senate remains unclear, though the broad bipartisan support in the House puts pressure on senators to accept the stopgap and avoid a shutdown.


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., announced the plan to vote on the bill after a morning meeting with House Republicans. McCarthy has refused for weeks to consider any spending bill that would require the support of Democrats. But, facing the potential for a politically and economically harmful shutdown, McCarthy reversed course, specifically calling on Democrats for help passing the bill.


"What I am asking, Republicans and Democrats alike, put your partisanship away, focus on the American public," McCarthy told reporters before the vote.


The bill would also extend authorization for the Federal Aviation Administration until the end of the year and includes $16 billion in emergency disaster assistance requested by the White House. It does not include any money for Ukraine.

What closes and what keeps running in a federal government shutdown


What closes and what keeps running in a federal government shutdown


The fate of the bill in the Senate is unclear, in part because the the Senate was scheduled to vote to advance its own bipartisan bill that funded the government at roughly the same time as the House.


House Democrats attempted to stall progress on the House bill in order to give the Senate time to vote first on their version, which does include Ukraine aid.


As senators crept towards their own vote, across the Capitol, the House Appropriations Committee's Democratic staff members released an analysis criticizing the bill for not including money for Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 12:13 p.m. No.19639822   🗄️.is 🔗kun

McCarthy dares critics to remove him over clean stopgap: ‘Go ahead and try’



Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) dared his hardline conservative Republican critics to try to remove him from the Speakership over his move to bring a “clean” continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government to the House floor on Saturday.


“If someone wants to remove because I want to be the adult in the room, go ahead and try,” McCarthy told reporters Saturday morning ahead of a midnight shutdown deadline.


“But I think this country is too important. And I will stand with our military. I’ll stand with our border agents. I’ll stand with those that have to get their medicine from government as well. I think that’s too important,” McCarthy said.


McCarthy faces threats to his Speakership from hardline conservatives like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) who have warned McCarthy to not put a clean CR on the floor.


On a press call earlier this month, Gaetz explicitly warned against McCarthy bringing up a “clean” continuing resolution to fund the government.


“If Kevin McCarthy puts a continuing resolution on the floor, it’s going to be shot, chaser; continuing resolution, motion to vacate,” Gaetz said.


House Republicans are bringing up a “clean” 45-day stopgap to fund the government on Saturday. The measure includes funds for disaster relief, but does not include additional aid to Ukraine as the White House has requested.


It competes with a continuing resolution that the Senate is scheduled to advance on Saturday that includes additional aid to Ukraine.


The move comes as the fractious House GOP conference has exhausted its options to unify around any kind of stopgap measure that could put pressure on the Senate and White House to agree to policy concessions.


On Friday, the GOP leaders put a partisan stopgap measure on the floor that included steep spending cuts for the duration and border policy changes. But the measure failed due to opposition from 21 hardline House Republicans — including Gaetz — who demanded that the Hose focus on passing regular full-year appropriations bills.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 12:18 p.m. No.19639867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli weapons are killing peaceful civilians, Armenian envoy tells 'Post'


In an exclusive interview, ambassador Arman Akopian describes the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh from his country's perspective.


On September 19, Azerbaijan initiated a significant “anti-terrorist operation” in Nagorno-Karabakh. The conflict lasted only 24 hours, but Azerbaijan achieved its goal: The local defense forces surrendered and agreed to engage in discussions regarding potential integration.


Five days later, Baku opened the Lachin Corridor that links Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia and thousands of residents of Armenian descent fled to Armenia for refuge and are unlikely to return.


In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Armenia’s ambassador to Israel, Arman Akopian, said Azerbaijan has been using Israeli weapons to maintain its power over Nagorno-Karabakh, including against civilians.


In an earlier interview, Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Israel, Mukhtar Mammadov, told the Post that the Armenians have been smuggling their own weapons into the region that would eventually be used against his country. He also said that Azerbaijan is not forcing anyone to leave Karabakh but would like to integrate the residents into Azerbaijan.


Meanwhile, representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan are meeting to reach a final peace agreement. The Post spoke to Akopian over the weekend to discuss how his country views the situation.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.19639882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9885

Jewish pop icon Pink confronts anti-circumcision protester


The protester, disrupting Pink’s singing, displayed a message on his phone reading “Circumcision: cruel and harmful”.


Jewish pop sensation ‘Pink’ was performing in Texas when an anti-circumcision protester disrupted her concert.


The protester, disrupting Pink’s singing, displayed a message on his phone reading “Circumcision: cruel and harmful”.


Footage from 3 days ago has circulated of Pink confronting the protester, in front of all the concert attendees. Pink asked “What does that say? Oh wow. You’re making a whole point right now, aren’t you? Do you feel good about yourself? Are you going to be alright? You spent all this money to come here and do that? Come on, dude.”


Pink then asked security to escort the protester out, “He came here tonight to talk about circumcision… Get it out, you need to get that out of here. Get that cancer out, man.”


The Jewish Chronicle reported that this was not the first time that the singer was accosted by anti-circumcision protesters. In 2019, Pink shared a photo of her son on the beach where his penis was visible. Social media users were quick to condemn Pink’s decision to circumcise her son.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19639975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Never Mind Those Hordes of Military-Aged Chinese Men With the Same Clothing, Haircuts, and Tattoos Swarming Our Southern Border


Experts believe that more than seven million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since *President Biden occupied the White House.


The apparatchiks in the Pravda Press downplay the situation by assuring us the invaders are “families,” even though most of the videos we see are of single, military-aged men, frequently from Venezuela.


But the most onerous onslaught at our northern and southern borders is the disturbing number of single, military-aged Chinese men and women finding their way into our country and disappearing once they get in.


FACT-O-RAMA! Between January and March of 2022, 71 Chinese individuals crossed the Darien Gap, the strip of land that connects North and South America, the route preferred by the Chinese. During the same time frame this year, 2,200 made the journey. You can see a video of young, Chinese nationals lining up for buses in Panama headed for the U.S.


Why would Chinese nationals fly into Panama and make a seemingly arduous voyage to our southern border? According to Anthony Rubin, the founder of Muckraker, who filmed Chinese people lining up for a seat on a U.S.-bound bus, they aren’t able to simply fly in and wait for their visas to expire like they did in the good old days.


“This would be for people who can’t fly into the U.S. directly,” Rubin told Fox News. So what they do is they get on a flight, and they fly into some South American country. Then from there, they would go to Colombia, they would go across the jungle, pop out in Panama, and then they would head up to the United States. But this is going to be for people that can’t fly into the U.S. directly. You’d rather just fly into the U.S. and overstay your visa. This is for people that don’t have that access for whatever reason.”


FACT-O-RAMA! Muckraker claims they have found a Chinese document giving detailed information on how to enter the U.S. via the Darien Gap. The document includes a Subway sandwich restaurant in Mexico where one can buy fake permits, how much to pay smugglers, and how to avoid detection at the border, including uninstalling the Chinese spy app “WeChat.” You can watch the Muckraker video here.


Rubin explained:


Either they are foreign actors that are coming over here for nefarious reasons or, number two, these are people that are afraid of some sort of retribution by the Communist Chinese Party. If it’s number two, well then what does that mean? That means that these people are going to be beholden to the Communist Chinese Party once they’re here. Oh, you’re in the United States. Okay, well, we’re going to threaten your friends and family back home in China unless you do X, Y, and Z. Either way, it’s very dangerous. You can’t allow this to just continue and have all these people cross the border. I mean, it just will not work.


Retired U.S. Col. and a member of Devon Nunes’s staff, Derek Harvey, recently revealed to The Epoch Times that many of the Chinese men scrambling over the border are showing up with the same haircuts, tattoos, backpacks, and “pocket litter,” which he defined as the same wallet and the same type of ID cards. Even more harrowing, Harvey claims they are all a part of a special ops wing of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), and our intel officials are well aware of what is happening.


He also stated that most of the Chinese are coming to the U.S. through the Darien Gap.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19639995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0038 >>0253

COVID Vaccines Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths: Scientific Report


Data suggest COVID-19 vaccines haven't saved lives, but instead, have resulted in 17 million deaths and increased all-cause mortality in 17 countries.

Anonymous ID: 55ac33 Sept. 30, 2023, 12:49 p.m. No.19640149   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's always been a battle here but yeah the gatekeepers are hard at work. I posted this a few days ago and it was ignored.


These are the child traffickers at the border


Southwest Key Programs (SWK) is one of the largest, Latino-led nonprofit organizations in the United States. Founded in 1987, SWK has been on the frontline of social justice, youth advocacy, immigration, and helping nurture the hearts and minds of children, youth, and families. For 35 years, Southwest Key has created a culture of Familia in fulfilling their service platform that includes:




Sheltering, Caring and Reunifying


For over 20 years, Southwest Key has been an integral partner in the U.S. response to the immigration crisis at our southern border, sheltering immigrant children under 18 years of age who arrive in this country without a parent or guardian, and working to reunify them with a parent, relative or sponsor.


The majority of youth in our care are 13-17 year olds from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador who’ve come here on their own, escaping dangerous conditions in their homeland. During the short period of time they are with us, we work to share the building blocks for their future success.


After unification, we work to ensure safety and wellbeing in their new homes while connecting them to community services. Through our Home Study and Post Release Programs, support staff across 18 states serve youth nationwide who have been referred by ORR.


Our Leadership Staff


Southwest Key is proud to be one of the most diverse nonprofits in the country. As a minority-led organization known for its cultural competency, we strive to represent the various groups we serve in our leadership team.


Board of Directors


Southwest Key's Board of Directors represent a range of skill sets and areas of expertise. As a national board, members represent the geographically diverse locations in which Southwest Key operates. Board members meet quarterly and are responsible for setting agency policies, providing financial oversight and guidance, and setting the direction for growth.