Anonymous ID: 6a9c02 Sept. 30, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.19640487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Donald Trump: "We're gonna get them the hell out of our country".“Let’s indict the M’fucker!”



Anonymous ID: 6a9c02 Sept. 30, 2023, 1:29 p.m. No.19640526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0581

This woman is insane

30 Sep, 2023 15:14

Ukraine can use German missiles to attack Russia – Bundestag

The Bundestag’s Defense Committee head, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann urged Chancellor Olaf Scholz to give Kiev Taurus rockets


The head of the Bundestag’s Defense Committee Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann has spoken in favor of providing Ukraine with German-made Taurus cruise missiles.The lawmaker also argued that Kiev has the right to strike targets in Crimea, and on Russian soil in general.


So far, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government has been reluctant to supply the long-range rockets to Kiev, despite its repeated requests.


In an interview with Berliner Morgenpost newspaper published on Saturday, Strack-Zimmermann argued that Berlin “should now immediately deliver Taurus,” as the deployment of such cruise missiles could help the Ukrainian military disrupt Russian supply lines.


When asked if she had any issue with Kiev potentially using these rockets to strike targets on Russian soil, the MP replied in the negative, adding that “that includes Crimea.” According to the lawmaker, international law gives Ukraine the right to “attack military targets also on the territory of the Russian aggressor,” using any weapons at its disposal, regardless of their origin. The deliberate use of Taurus missiles against civilians would, however, be off-limits, much like the deployment of German troops to Ukraine, Strack-Zimmermann clarified.


When asked whether she was concerned over the potential cutting of American aid to Kiev should Donald Trump become president next year, the head of the Bundestag Defense Committee acknowledged that, without Washington’s support, the conflict would develop differently. However, she insisted that, if Europe were united in its effort, it could shoulder the burden of supporting Ukraine alone.


While the UK and France have in recent months provided Ukraine with their respective long-range Storm Shadow and SCALP-EG missiles, the German government has so far been unwilling to follow suit. Explaining this stance, Chancellor Scholz has said that Ukrainian attacks deep into Russian territory could trigger a major escalation. Other German officials have pointed out that the US has yet to make a similar move.


The Taurus missile carries a 500-kilogram warhead and has a range of about 500 kilometers (300 miles).


Earlier this month, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that, while she fully understands Kiev’s desire to get hold of these rockets, such deliveries are “not something that can be done quickly,” as “every detail has to be worked out beforehand.”


Russia, for its part, has consistently warned the West against supplying arms to Kiev, arguing that it only prolongs this conflict, while also risking a direct confrontation between NATO and Moscow.

Anonymous ID: 6a9c02 Sept. 30, 2023, 1:41 p.m. No.19640650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

29 Sep, 2023 10:40

Ukrainians are not refugees – Kiev

People fleeing the country should not be subjected to integration programs, the head of its migration service says


Ukrainians who have fled to Western countries amid the conflict with Russia shouldn’t be viewed as refugees, according to Natalia Naumenko, the head of Ukraine’s State Migration Service.


The Ukrainian authorities “don’t consider them refugees. We consider them people, who were forced to leave Ukraine,” she said on Thursday.


“Fortunately, my colleagues from migration services of other countries also support me when I ask them not to consider our citizens refugees and not to create programs for their integration in the host country,” Naumenko added.


She claimed that UN figures, which suggest that some 8 million Ukrainians have left the country since fighting began between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022, were “a bit exaggerated.”


Ukrainian NGO, the Center for Economic Strategy, estimated earlier this month thatbetween 1.3 million and 3.3 million Ukrainian refugees may not return to their home countryafter the end of the conflict.


“The non-return of Ukrainians will significantly impact the Ukrainian economy, which could lose between 2.7% and 6.9% of GDP annually,” it warned.


Most Ukrainian refugees are womenand children, as men aged between 18 and 60 are barred from leaving the country due to the mobilization announced by the Ukrainian authorities after the launch of Russia’s military operation.


A demographer at the Kiev-based Ptoukha Institute for Demographic Studies, Aleksandr Gladun, told the Wall Street Journal earlier this week that itwasn’t clear whether “the women [will] come back,” or the men will “go and join their wives abroad.”


Low birth rates, aggravated by the ongoing fighting, could see Ukraine’s population dip below 30 million within the next two decades, having reached around 43 million in 2021, he said. (There it is fleeing women and no children to sell. What an evil country!)


The UN has estimated that around 5.8 million Ukrainian refugees have been recorded in Europe, with Poland and Germany accepting the highest numbers. Citing security sources, TASS reported earlier this year thatRussia had taken in more than 5.2 million Ukrainian citizensfleeing the fighting, including some 730,000 children.


German paper Die Welt reported earlier this month that the integration of Ukrainians into the German labor market has been “sluggish” compared to Poland and some other EU nations. Out of over 1 million Ukrainian refugees in the country, only 20% currently have jobs, according to the outlet.

Anonymous ID: 6a9c02 Sept. 30, 2023, 1:49 p.m. No.19640703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0714

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) Pulls Fire Alarm in House Attempting to Stall Vote on Stop-Gap Spending Measure


September 30, 2023 | Sundance

According to numerous media sources, New York Democrat Representative Jamaal Bowman pulled an emergency fire alarm in the House of Representatives today in an effort to delay the spending bill that was being debated.


In ordinary times, this would lead to arrest and possible removal from office. However, amid the DC dual justice system, and protected by cultural Marxism, it’s likely Bowman will receive no punishment. His actions were captured on CCTV video.


(Via Politico) – Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled the fire alarm in a House office building as his party tried to delay a vote on a hurried House GOP stopgap spending bill, according to the Republican-controlled Administration Committee.


[…] Neither the U.S. Capitol Police nor Bowman immediately returned a request for comment on the fire alarm activation, which multiple people familiar with the situation said was caught on camera as the House descended into fresh chaos on Saturday. (link)


Uniparty Speaker Kevin McCarthy passed the 45-day stopgap funding patch, 335-91, with help from more than 200 Democrats and 90 Republicans voting no.{Details}

Anonymous ID: 6a9c02 Sept. 30, 2023, 1:53 p.m. No.19640740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0757 >>0762 >>0769 >>0985

Desperate DeSantis Appears on Bill Maher Show to Defend Joe Biden from 2020 Election Questioning


September 30, 2023 | Sundance

With Donald Trump holding an unbreakable majority lead with the base voters, and with Nikki Haley now surging to take the lead over the Never Trump Republicans, Ron DeSantis is watching his lane disappear.


Last night, in a desperate move to appeal to the left, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appeared on HBO with Bill Maher to defend Joe Biden from criticism. Mr. Maher was more than happy to bring up the issue of 2020 “election deniers” like Kari Lake, and DeSantis was more than willing to join the Maher parade.


Amid DeSantis’ 12% support system, there was likely a percentage of Trump supporters who were willing to grant benefit of doubt; that segment will likely now disappear. WATCH:


Think about it…. DeSantis claims, without evidence, that he alone would have possessed the fortitude and determination to push back against the entire global professional medical establishment during the 2020 COVID-19 madness, and yet he buckles on the soft ball about the 2020 election fraud. This guy is as phony as the Sea Island/Jeb Bush operation behind him.