Anonymous ID: 6f1474 June 29, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.1964658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4669 >>4680 >>4814 >>4850 >>5126

reminder to be careful of those who yell "muhjoooo"

avoiding the jq is not how to fix this

in fact, it's the polar opposite

reread what was said last century

the rise of Hitler was not a mistake

he pointed out the issues his country was facing


>issues ?

weimar Germany : child prostitution, cosmopolitan elite, fakenews, economy is tanking

ringing a bell ???


>who were the culprit then?

the same one we despise today

hollywood ? more like pedowood

cabal central, highly infested and corrosive

<steinberg, weinstein, bergstein, steinwein

you get the idea..


>I dont trust you

then go fuck yourself quite frankly

autists on here have been interested in this topic for decades

if you don't trust me it only means two things

you didnt read the rules :

lurk for 2 years before posting

or you're part of the problem my friend


"the cabal" is an hydra, multiple heads

the entire world united against Hitler and ganked Germany

>what he did ?

Germany after the war had to rebuild the infrastructure

he built and invented what we called today an highway

something impressive by that time

it was needed for obvious reasons

prepping for a war

he invested in metals and opened coal and steel plants


it's basically what Trump is doing right now, think about it…

>rebuilding infrastructures

>re opening plants



Hitler was not a socialist muslim zionist

thats what the "muhjooo" shills are saying

to discredit his message

see for yourself if you think im wrong

read books relating to him


>stop it now, thats racist/anti semite

there's a difference between basic racism and just speaking the truth

plain and simple

the basic racist sees the world in B&W, in duality

It's a nigger vs. cracker mentality.

Me I hate jews with a passion, and I'm not racist

>wtf ?

there's a reason why the word "judeo-masonic" exists

learn history, pleb.

Anonymous ID: 6f1474 June 29, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.1965064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5135 >>5166 >>5289


>Hitler facilitated that creation

what is the Haavara Agreement ?


>shouldn't be lauded as some great figure unless you guys are JDIF

New narrative ? at first it was

>any anti semite is a muslim


and now we have the

>praising Hitler…must be jidf


Let me tell you how it really is

I'm White and proud to be white

I'm here to defend my kind

you're not of my people

and you're definitively not helping either


People are not dumb, they do read and learn

Hitler was right. you will see it in your lifetime

it's happening worldwide